台风蓝色预警:“卡努”将登陆韩国南部沿海 12日移入我国境内_OK阅读网
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台风蓝色预警:“卡努”将登陆韩国南部沿海 12日移入我国境内
China renews blue alert for Typhoon Khanun

来源:中国日报    2023-08-10 15:32

        China's national observatory on Thursday continued to issue a blue alert for Typhoon Khanun, the sixth typhoon of this year, which is expected to bring gales and heavy rain to the country's northern and northeastern provinces.        中央气象台8月10日继续发布台风蓝色预警:受今年第6号台风“卡努”影响,我国北部和东北部分地区有大到暴雨,局地有大暴雨。
        Typhoon Khanun is moving northwestward at a speed ranging from 20 to 25 km per hour and is expected to make landfall on the southern coast of the Republic of Korea, according to the National Meteorological Center (NMC).        中央气象台预计,“卡努”将以每小时20-25公里的速度向北偏西方向移动,即将在韩国南部沿海登陆。
        Heavy rains will lash parts of northeast China from Thursday morning to Friday morning due to the typhoon. Some areas would likely experience rainstorms, the NMC said.        受其影响,10日上午至11日上午,东北部分地区有大到暴雨,局地有大暴雨。
        During the period, strong winds are expected in some areas of the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea and the East Sea, as well as coastal waters off the Liaodong Peninsula.        10日上午至11日上午,渤海东部、黄海大部海域、东海东北部海域将有大风,辽东半岛沿岸也将有大风。
        The center urged local authorities to prepare for typhoon emergency response and remain on high alert for possible floods and geological disasters.        气象部门提醒,政府及相关部门要按照职责做好防台风抢险应急工作。相关地区应当注意防范强降水可能引发的山洪、地质灾害。
                 防汛救灾工作  flood prevention and disaster relief work
                 地质灾害 geological disasters
                 人民生命和财产安全 the safety of the people's lives and properties

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