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‘Return to Dust’ Review: Grit Against All Odds

来源:纽约时报    2023-08-01 11:33

        According to reliable news reports, the Chinese government never confirmed having banned Li Ruijun’s quietly heartbreaking feature “Return to Dust,” a touching portrait of love and resiliency in a collapsing rural community of Gansu Province.        根据可靠报道,中国政府从未证实已将李睿珺令人黯然心痛的影片《隐入尘烟》封杀,它描绘了在甘肃一个崩溃的农村社区里感人至深的爱与坚韧。
        Still, the film was pulled last fall from all Chinese movie theaters and streaming services two weeks after a successful domestic debut. It isn’t hard to see why. China’s leadership has a history of suppressing art that spotlights the failings of its ruling class and ideology, which is exactly what Li’s film does, with a script that feels only occasionally overwritten. That he succeeds without making it feel like homework — which is to say beautifully, humanely — is presumably what made the film so threatening.        尽管如此,这部电影去年秋天在国内成功首映两周后就从中国所有的影院和网络平台撤下。原因不难理解。中国的领导人向来压制那些揭露统治阶级和意识形态阴暗面的艺术作品,而李睿珺的影片正是如此,它的剧本偶有经过了改动的感觉。他成功了,影片并非为了揭露而揭露,也就是说,它很美,很有人情味——这大概就是这部电影如此具有威胁性的原因。
        With superb performances by Wu Renlin and Hai Qing, “Dust” tells the story of Youtie and Guiying, middle-aged strangers pushed into an arranged marriage by families looking mostly to offload them. Youtie is a dirt-poor farmer living in a crumbling mud-brick home on the cold, arid hem of the Gobi Desert, effectively indentured to his brother and a local merchant. Guiying has a chronic illness. Her hands tremble, and she can’t control her bladder; whether her problems or her family’s abuse came first is unclear.        《隐入尘烟》由武仁林和海清出演,讲述了有铁和桂英的故事,这两个中年陌生人被想要摆脱他们的家庭推入包办婚姻。有铁是一个一贫如洗的农民,住在寒冷干旱的戈壁沙漠边缘一座破旧的泥砖房子里,实际上是他哥哥和当地一个商人的包身工。桂英有慢性病。她双手颤抖,无法控制自己的膀胱;不知道是她是生病在先,还是遭受家人的虐待在先。
        As their awkward union evolves into one of genuine trust and affection, their fortunes, if not their long-suffering donkey’s, improve. Their methods are backbreaking, ancient and dusty but also dignified — rendered with golden, poetic sensitivity by the cinematographer Wang Weihua.        随着尴尬的结合生出真正的信任和感情,他们的命运——甚至是那头吃苦受累的驴子的命运也得到了改善。他们的劳作方式是辛苦的、古老的、尘土飞扬的,但也很庄严——由电影摄影师王维华呈现出金色的、诗意的感觉。
        Unfortunately, we’ve seen enough movies to know what that worsening tremble bodes and what kind of story that donkey is there to observe. Unless he’s friends with Shrek, it probably isn’t comedy.        不幸的是,我们已经看过太多的电影,知道这种不断恶化的颤抖预示着什么,也知道那头驴在那里观察到的是什么样的故事。除非他是史莱克的朋友,否则不可能是喜剧。
        Return to DustNot rated. In Mandarin, with subtitles. Running time: 2 hours 11 minutes. In theaters.        《隐入尘烟》。未评级。中文,有字幕。片长:2小时11分。目前在影院上映。

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