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We’re Using A.I. Chatbots Wrong. Here’s How to Direct Them.

来源:纽约时报    2023-08-01 03:14

        Anyone seduced by A.I.-powered chatbots like ChatGPT and Bard — wow, they can write essays and recipes! — eventually runs into what are known as hallucinations, the tendency for artificial intelligence to fabricate information.        凡是被ChatGPT和Bard等人工智能聊天机器人吸引的人——哇,它们还能写文章和食谱!——最终都会遭遇所谓的幻灭——他们会发现人工智能有捏造信息的倾向。
        The chatbots, which guess what to say based on information obtained from all over the internet, can’t help but get things wrong. And when they fail — by publishing a cake recipe with wildly inaccurate flour measurements, for instance — it can be a real buzzkill.        聊天机器人会根据从互联网上获取的信息猜测该说什么,但难免出错。当它们失败时——比如发布了一份面粉用量非常不准确的蛋糕食谱——就会让人扫兴。
        Yet as mainstream tech tools continue to integrate A.I., it’s crucial to get a handle on how to use it to serve us. After testing dozens of A.I. products over the last two months, I concluded that most of us are using the technology in a suboptimal way, largely because the tech companies gave us poor directions.        然而,随着主流技术工具继续整合人工智能,掌握如何利用它为我们服务是至关重要的。在过去两个月里,我测试了数十种人工智能产品,我得出的结论是,我们大多数人都在以一种不理想的方式使用这项技术,主要是因为科技公司给我们提供的指导不够好。
        The chatbots are the least beneficial when we ask them questions and then hope whatever answers they come up with on their own are true, which is how they were designed to be used. But when directed to use information from trusted sources, such as credible websites and research papers, A.I. can carry out helpful tasks with a high degree of accuracy.        我们向聊天机器人提问,然后希望它们给出正确答案——这就是它们被设计用来使用的方式,然而在这种情况下,它们起到的作用是最小的。但是,如果引导人工智能使用来自可信来源的信息,例如可信的网站和研究论文,人工智能就能以高度准确的方式完成有用的任务。
        “If you give them the right information, they can do interesting things with it,” said Sam Heutmaker, the founder of Context, an A.I. start-up. “But on their own, 70 percent of what you get is not going to be accurate.”        “如果你给它们正确的信息,它们可以用这些信息做有趣的事情,”人工智能初创公司Context的创始人萨姆·休特梅克说。“但如果只靠它们自己,你得到的结果中有70%是不准确的。”
        With the simple tweak of advising the chatbots to work with specific data, they generated intelligible answers and useful advice. That transformed me over the last few months from a cranky A.I. skeptic into an enthusiastic power user. When I went on a trip using a travel itinerary planned by ChatGPT, it went well because the recommendations came from my favorite travel websites.        通过建议聊天机器人处理特定数据这样一个简单的调整,它们产生了可理解的答案和有用的建议。在过去几个月里,这让我从一个暴躁的人工智能怀疑论者变成了一个热情的超级用户。当我使用ChatGPT计划的旅行路线去旅行时,进展很顺利,因为这些建议来自我最喜欢的旅游网站。
        Directing the chatbots to specific high-quality sources like websites from well-established media outlets and academic publications can also help reduce the production and spread of misinformation. Let me share some of the approaches I used to get help with cooking, research and travel planning.        将聊天机器人引导到特定的高质量来源,如知名媒体和学术出版物的网站,也有助于减少错误信息的产生和传播。下面让我分享一些我在烹饪、研究和旅行计划方面获得帮助的方法。
        Meal Planning        膳食规划
        Chatbots like ChatGPT and Bard can write recipes that look good in theory but don’t work in practice. In an experiment by The New York Times’s Food desk in November, an early A.I. model created recipes for a Thanksgiving menu that included an extremely dry turkey and a dense cake.        像ChatGPT和Bard这样的聊天机器人可以编写理论上看起来不错,但实际上行不通的食谱。在《纽约时报》美食版去年11月进行的一项实验中,一个早期的人工智能模型为感恩节菜单创建了食谱,其中包括硬邦邦的火鸡和干巴巴的蛋糕。
        I also ran into underwhelming results with A.I.-generated seafood recipes. But that changed when I experimented with ChatGPT plug-ins, which are essentially third-party apps that work with the chatbot. (Only subscribers who pay $20 a month for access to ChatGPT4, the latest version of the chatbot, can use plug-ins, which can be activated in the settings menu.)        我用人工智能生成的海鲜食谱上也令我大失所望。但当我尝试ChatGPT插件时,情况发生了变化,这些插件本质上是与聊天机器人协同工作的第三方应用程序。(只有每月支付20美元使用最新版聊天机器人ChatGPT4的用户才能使用插件,这些插件可以在设置菜单中激活。)
        On ChatGPT’s plug-ins menu, I selected Tasty Recipes, which pulls data from the Tasty website owned by BuzzFeed, a well-known media site. I then asked the chatbot to come up with a meal plan including seafood dishes, ground pork and vegetable sides using recipes from the site. The bot presented an inspiring meal plan, including lemongrass pork banh mi, grilled tofu tacos and everything-in-the-fridge pasta; each meal suggestion included a link to a recipe on Tasty.        在ChatGPT的插件菜单上,我选择了Tasty Recipes,它从知名媒体网站BuzzFeed旗下的Tasty网站获取数据。然后,我让聊天机器人根据网站上的食谱制定出一份包括海鲜、猪肉糜和蔬菜配菜在内的饮食计划。机器人提出了一个给人带来启发的膳食计划,包括香茅猪肉炒饭、烤豆腐塔可饼和冰箱里翻出来的任意一种意大利面;每顿饭的建议都有一个菜谱链接。
        For recipes from other publications, I used Link Reader, a plug-in that let me paste in a web link to generate meal plans using recipes from other credible sites like Serious Eats. The chatbot pulled data from the sites to create meal plans and told me to visit the websites to read the recipes. That took extra work, but it beat an A.I.-concocted meal plan.        至于其他发布者提供的食谱,我使用了Link Reader,这是一个插件,可以让我粘贴一个网络链接,以便使用其他可靠网站(如Serious Eats)上的食谱生成膳食计划。聊天机器人从网站上提取数据来制定膳食计划,并告诉我访问这些网站来阅读食谱。这需要额外的工作,但要比人工智能自己制定的膳食计划更好。
        Research        研究
        When I did research for an article on a popular video game series, I turned to ChatGPT and Bard to refresh my memory on past games by summarizing their plots. They messed up on important details about the games’ stories and characters.        当我为一篇关于热门电子游戏系列的文章做研究时,我求助于ChatGPT和Bard,通过总结游戏情节来刷新我对过去游戏的记忆。结果人工智能弄错了游戏故事和角色的重要细节。
        After testing many other A.I. tools, I concluded that for research, it was crucial to fixate on trusted sources and quickly double-check the data for accuracy. I eventually found a tool that delivers that: Humata.AI, a free web app that has become popular among academic researchers and lawyers.        在测试了许多其他人工智能工具后,我得出的结论是,对于研究来说,关注可信的来源并快速检查数据的准确性至关重要。我最终找到了一个工具:Humata.AI,它是一款免费的网络应用程序,在学术研究人员和律师中很受欢迎。
        The app lets you upload a document such as a PDF, and from there a chatbot answers your questions about the material alongside a copy of the document, highlighting relevant portions.        这款应用可以让你上传一份文档,比如PDF文件,然后聊天机器人会回答你关于这份材料的问题,并提供一份文档副本,高亮显示相关部分。
        In one test, I uploaded a research paper I found on PubMed, a government-run search engine for scientific literature. The tool produced a relevant summary of the lengthy document in minutes, a process that would have taken me hours, and I glanced at the highlights to double-check that the summaries were accurate.        在一次测试中,我上传了一篇在政府运营的科学文献搜索引擎PubMed上找到的研究论文。这个工具在几分钟内就为这份冗长的文件生成了相关摘要,这个过程如果让我自己来做,可能要花费几个小时的时间,我看了一下高亮显示部分,以便再次检查摘要的准确性。
        Cyrus Khajvandi, a founder of Humata, which is based in Austin, Texas, developed the app when he was a researcher at Stanford and needed help reading dense scientific articles, he said. The problem with chatbots like ChatGPT, he said, is that they rely on outdated models of the web, so the data may lack relevant context.        总部位于得克萨斯州奥斯汀的Humata公司的创始人赛勒斯·卡伊万迪说,他在斯坦福大学做研究员时开发了这款应用,当时他在阅读密集的科学文章时需要帮助。他说,像ChatGPT这样的聊天机器人的问题在于,它们依赖于过时的网络模型,因此数据可能缺乏相关背景。
        Travel Planning        旅行计划
        When a Times travel writer recently asked ChatGPT to compose a travel itinerary for Milan, the bot guided her to visit a central part of town that was deserted because it was an Italian holiday, among other snafus.        最近,时报的一名旅行作家请ChatGPT为她安排在米兰的旅行路线,她根据建议去了米兰市中心的一个地方,但因为当天是意大利的节假日,那里空无一人,此外还有其他一些混乱的地方。
        I had better luck when I requested a vacation itinerary for me, my wife and our dogs in Mendocino County, Calif. As I did when planning a meal, I asked ChatGPT to incorporate suggestions from some of my favorite travel sites, such as Thrillist, which is owned by Vox, and The Times’s travel section.        当我为我和妻子还有我们的狗在加利福尼亚州门多西诺县预订度假行程时,我的运气要好一些。就像做饮食计划一样,我让ChatGPT把我最喜欢的一些旅游网站的建议纳入其中,比如Vox旗下的Thrillist,以及时报的旅游板块。
        Within minutes, the chatbot generated an itinerary that included dog-friendly restaurants and activities, including a farm with wine and cheese pairings and a train to a popular hiking trail. This spared me several hours of planning, and most important, the dogs had a wonderful time.        几分钟之内,聊天机器人就会生成一份行程,其中包括对狗友好的餐厅和活动,比如一个提供葡萄酒和奶酪搭配的农场,以及前往热门徒步路线的火车。这为我节省了几个小时的计划时间,最重要的是,狗们玩得很开心。
        Bottom Line        结论
        Google and OpenAI, which works closely with Microsoft, say they are working to reduce hallucinations in their chatbots, but we can already reap A.I.’s benefits by taking control of the data that the bots rely on to come up with answers.        谷歌以及同微软密切合作的OpenAI表示,他们正在努力减少聊天机器人导致幻灭的情况,但目前我们已经可以控制机器人赖以得出答案的数据,从人工智能中收益。
        To put it another way: The main benefit of training machines with enormous data sets is that they can now use language to simulate human reasoning, said Nathan Benaich, a venture capitalist who invests in A.I. companies. The important step for us, he said, is to pair that ability with high-quality information.        投资人工智能公司的风险投资人内森·贝纳奇说,换言之,训练拥有庞大数据集的机器的主要好处是,它们现在可以使用语言来模拟人类的推理。他说,对我们来说,重要的一步是将这种能力与高质量的信息结合起来。

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