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Chinese Zoo Denies, in Voice of a Bear, That Sun Bear Is a Person in a Suit

来源:纽约时报    2023-08-02 02:17

        Sun, moon, grizzly, black, spectacled, sloth: Bears all over the world can stand, shuffle, totter and walk on two legs, though they usually prefer four.        “太阳熊”、“月亮熊”、灰熊、黑熊、“眼镜熊”、懒熊:世界各地的熊都可以站立、拖着脚、摇摇晃晃和用两条腿走路,尽管它们通常更喜欢四肢着地。
        They do not — strictly speaking — talk.        严格来说,它们不会说话。
        But a zoo in Hangzhou, China, decided that the best way to clear up a conspiracy theory about one of its bears was to release a statement in the bear’s voice.        但中国杭州的一家动物园认为,以熊为第一人称发布一份声明是澄清围绕一只熊的阴谋论的最佳方法。
        The confusion appeared to begin in late July, when a video surfaced on the Chinese social media site Weibo of a sun bear named Angela standing on a rock in its zoo enclosure, with ramrod posture on its hind legs.        疑惑似乎始于7月底,当时中国的社交媒体网站微博上出现了一段视频,视频中一只名叫安吉拉的马来熊(即太阳熊)站在动物园围栏的一块岩石上,后腿笔直。
        Some Weibo users began to cast doubt on the ursine truth of the bear. Some accused the zoo of using a dog impostor — sun bears can grow to the proportions of a large dog, about four and a half feet long and up to 145 pounds.        一些微博网友开始对这只熊的真实性产生怀疑。 一些人指责动物园用狗来冒充——马来熊可以长到大型狗的大小,大约140厘米,重达65公斤。
        The claim has some precedent: In 2013, a zoo in Henan Province was accused of replacing its lion with a Tibetan mastiff.        这种指责并非毫无根据:2013年,河南省的一家动物园被指责用藏獒冒充狮子。
        Other Weibo users had a more exotic explanation: They said the zoo had stuck a human in a bear suit, with the posture, loose skin and fur giving it away.        另一些微博用户则提出了更奇特的解释:他们认为动物园派出了一个穿着熊套装的人,从姿势和松弛的毛皮就可以看出这一点。
        One commenter joked that being the bear was probably someone’s summer job, while another said that the prominent folds on the bear’s fur looked too much like those of a costume. (Experts say sun bears have loose skin that helps them wriggle away from predators.)        一位评论者开玩笑说,当熊可能是某人的暑期工作,而另一位评论者则表示,熊皮毛上突起的褶皱看起来太像道具装了。(专家表示,马来熊的皮肤松弛,有助于它们扭动身体躲避捕食者。)
        Those users, joking or not, may have also had cause for suspicion. At a panda reserve in Sichuan Province, keepers sometimes wear panda costumes to limit the animals’ stress and their problems of human attachment.        不管这些用户是不是在开玩笑,他们的怀疑或许不无道理。在四川省的一个大熊猫保护区,饲养员有时会穿着熊猫套装,以减轻动物的压力和对人类依恋的问题。
        However the costumes may appear to the pandas, the baggy masks and black-and-white, zip-up jumpsuits have repeatedly disturbed humans over the years. Some zoos also use costumed employees to run animal escape drills.        无论这些套装是否骗过了大熊猫,这类宽大的面具和黑白拉链连身服一直令人类感到奇怪。一些动物园还让工作人员穿着套装进行动物逃跑演习。
        Not all Weibo users doubted the bear’s authenticity: A number of commenters pinned the blame on tourists, who they said had probably overfed the bear, leading Angela to develop a habit of standing upright to beg for more. Over the weekend, as the debate intensified, it became a trending topic on Weibo. (Possibly adding to the fervor this week were viral videos of a Japanese man dressed in a realistic dog costume under the YouTube handle @I_want_to_be_an_animal.)        并非所有微博用户都怀疑这只熊的真实性:一些评论者将责任归咎于游客,他们说游客可能给这只熊喂食过多,导致安吉拉养成了站着乞食的习惯。周末,随着争论愈演愈烈,该话题上了微博热搜。(可能增加热度的还有本周YouTube帐号@I_want_to_be_an_animal发布的走红视频,视频中,一名日本男子穿着逼真的狗套装。)
        Employees at the Hangzhou zoo, accused of harboring a human in sun bear disguise, felt compelled to respond. On July 29, an unnamed worker defended the bear and the zoo to a Chinese news outlet in an interview that circulated on social media.        面对窝藏一个伪装成马来熊的人的指责,杭州动物园的员工感到有必要做出回应。7月29日,在社交媒体上流传的一篇采访中,一名不愿透露姓名的员工向一家中国新闻媒体为这只熊和动物园辩护。
        “Of course it’s a real animal, it’s definitely not a person in disguise,” he said. “Our place is a state-run facility, such situations won’t happen here.”        “那肯定是实在的动物啊,那肯定不是人扮的,”他说。“我们这边是国营的,不会出现这种情况。”
        The worker offered an unusual follow-up defense, arguing that bear suits are simply too hot to wear in the summer, when temperatures reach 40 degrees Celsius, or 104 Fahrenheit. “If you were to wear a suit, you definitely couldn’t bear it for more than a few minutes,” he said. “You’d have to lie down.”        这名工作人员接着给出了一个非同寻常的辩护,认为在夏天气温达到40摄氏度时没法穿熊套装,因为太热了。“你再套个皮毛的话,人肯定坚持不了几分钟,就要倒下了对吧,”他说。
        Was he speaking from personal experience? He didn’t say. His explanation did not satisfy all the doubters, so the zoo followed up with a statement on Sunday written in the voice of “Angela the Malayan sun bear.”        这是他的亲身体会吗?他没有说。他的解释并没有让所有怀疑者信服,因此动物园在周日发表了一份用“马来熊安吉拉”的第一人称写的声明。
        The statement insisted that the bear was truly a bear, as opposed to a person pretending to be a bear — or a person pretending to be a bear insisting they were not a person pretending to be a bear.        该声明坚称这只熊确实是一只熊,而不是一个冒充熊的人,或者一个冒充熊的人坚称他们不是一个冒充熊的人。
        “Yesterday after work, I received a call from the park manager asking me if I was slacking off and had a biped replace me,” the statement said, “Much to my surprise, I’m just sitting in the mountains and I go viral on the internet. Some people think I look too human when I stand up. It seems you really don’t understand me. Previously, some visitors even thought I was too petite to be a bear! I want to emphasize again: I am a Malayan sun bear! Not a black bear! Not a dog! A Malayan sun bear!”        声明称:“昨天我下班后,接到园长的电话,问我是不是偷懒没有上班,找了两脚兽来代替我。没想到我熊在山中坐,热搜从天降。有人觉得我站起来的样子人里人气,看来你们是太不了解我。想想之前还有游客觉得我身材娇小不是熊!我再和大家强调一下:我是马来熊!不是黑熊!不是狗!是马来熊!”
        The statement went on to explain that not all bears are “massive and dangerous,” even if they are a “family of fierce beasts.”        声明接着解释说,并非所有的熊都是“庞然大物和危险的化身”,即使它们“熊家族属于猛兽”。
        Charles Robbins, director of research at the Washington State University Bear Center, agreed with the theory that the bear was begging for food.        华盛顿州立大学熊中心研究主任查尔斯·罗宾斯同意熊在乞食的说法。
        “Looks like a sun bear to me,” Dr. Robbins said on Tuesday. “Presumably, the bear has been rewarded with food by the crowd for standing, so it learned very quickly to do just that.”        “在我看来,它就是一只马来熊,”罗宾斯博士周二说道。“这只熊因为站立而得到了人群的食物奖励,所以它很快就学会了这样做。”
        It’s not unusual for bears to rely on their hind legs, he added. “I have a grizzly bear that will stand and walk two-legged.”        他还说,熊用后腿站立的情况并不罕见。“我知道有一只灰熊会用两条腿站立和行走的例子。”
        The Hangzhou Zoo may not be in a hurry to put the bear controversy to bed. In the days following the videos, visits soared. A director of the zoo told Chao News, a Zhejiang-based newspaper, that over 20,000 tourists visited the zoo on Saturday, roughly 30 percent more than the daily average.        杭州动物园可能并不急于平息熊的争议。视频发布后的几天里,游客猛增。该动物园的一位园长告诉浙江媒体《潮新闻》,周六有超过2万名游客入园,比日常平均人数增加了约30%。

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