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China's service trade up 8.5 pct in first six months

来源:中国日报    2023-08-04 15:29

        China's service trade value grew 8.5 percent year on year in the first six months of this year, data from the Ministry of Commerce showed on Thursday.        8月3日,商务部发布数据显示,2023年上半年,我国服务进出口总额同比增长8.5%。
        Total trade value stood at 3.14 trillion yuan, according to the data.        2023年上半年,我国服务进出口总额3.14万亿元。
        Service exports declined 5.9 percent year on year to 1.32 trillion yuan, and service imports were 1.81 trillion yuan, up 22.1 percent from a year ago.        其中出口1.32万亿元,下降5.9%;进口1.8万亿元,增长22.1%。
        The service trade deficit stood at 489.4 billion yuan in the first half of the year, the data showed.        数据显示,今年上半年我国服务贸易逆差4894亿元。
        China's trade of knowledge-intensive services maintained steady growth in the period, rising 12.3 percent year on year to about 1.36 trillion yuan.        数据显示,上半年,我国知识密集型服务进出口实现稳步增长,进出口总额1.36万亿元,同比增长12.3%。
        The figure represents 43.5 percent of the total service trade in the first six months, up 1.5 percentage points from a year ago.        上半年,我国知识密集型服务进出口占服务进出口总额的比重达43.5%,同比提升1.5个百分点。
        During the period, services related to the travel sector registered a notable recovery. Total trade value in the sector surged 65.4 percent from a year earlier to 650.94 billion yuan.        与此同时,旅行服务明显恢复。上半年,我国旅行服务进出口6509.4亿元,同比增长65.4%。
        Exports and imports of travel services expanded by 52.4 percent and 66.4 percent year on year, respectively, according to the data.        旅行服务中,出口增长52.4%,进口增长66.4%。
                 进出口总值 combined import and export value
                 经济全球化 economic globalization
                 贸易顺差 trade surplus
                 服务贸易领域市场准入 market access in trade in services

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