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Study of Elite College Admissions Data Suggests Being Very Rich Is Its Own Qualification

来源:纽约时报    2023-07-27 09:36

        Elite colleges have long been filled with the children of the richest families: At Ivy League schools, one in six students has parents in the top 1 percent.        精英大学里向来挤满了最富有家庭的孩子:在常春藤联盟学校,六分之一的学生的父母属于最富有的1%人群。
        A large new study, released Monday, shows that it has not been because these children had more impressive grades on average or took harder classes. They tended to have higher SAT scores and finely honed résumés, and applied at a higher rate — but they were overrepresented even after accounting for those things. For applicants with the same SAT or ACT score, children from families in the top 1 percent were 34 percent more likely to be admitted than the average applicant, and those from the top 0.1 percent were more than twice as likely to get in.        周一发布的一项大型新研究表明,这并不是因为这些孩子的平均成绩更出色或参加了更难的课程。他们往往拥有较高的SAT分数和精心打磨的简历,申请率也较高,但即使考虑到这些因素,他们的比例仍然过高。对于拥有相同SAT或ACT成绩的申请者来说,来自前1%家庭的孩子被录取的可能性比普通申请者高出34%,而来自前0.1%家庭的孩子被录取的可能性是普通申请者的两倍多。
        The study — by Opportunity Insights, a group of economists based at Harvard who study inequality — quantifies for the first time the extent to which being very rich is its own qualification in selective college admissions.        这项研究是由Opportunity Insights发起的,这是一个由哈佛大学研究不平等问题的经济学家组成的团体,该研究首次量化了择优录取的大学录取过程中,富有本身在多大程度上成为一项资质。
        The analysis is based on federal records of college attendance and parental income taxes for nearly all college students from 1999 to 2015, and standardized test scores from 2001 to 2015. It focuses on the eight Ivy League universities, as well as Stanford, Duke, M.I.T. and the University of Chicago. It adds an extraordinary new data set: the detailed, anonymized internal admissions assessments of at least three of the 12 colleges, covering half a million applicants. (The researchers did not name the colleges that shared data or specify how many did because they promised them anonymity.)        该分析基于1999年至2015年几乎所有大学生的大学入学和父母的联邦所得税记录,以及2001年至2015年的标准化考试成绩。它重点关注八所常春藤盟校,以及斯坦福大学、杜克大学、麻省理工学院和芝加哥大学。它增加了一个意义非凡的新数据集:12所大学中至少三所大学的详细、匿名的内部招生评估,涉及50万申请者。(研究人员承诺为数据匿名,没有透露共享数据的大学名称,也没有具体说明有多少大学共享数据。)
        The new data shows that among students with the same test scores, the colleges gave preference to the children of alumni and to recruited athletes, and gave children from private schools higher nonacademic ratings. The result is the clearest picture yet of how America’s elite colleges perpetuate the intergenerational transfer of wealth and opportunity.        新数据显示,考试成绩相同的情况下,大学优先考虑校友子女和招募的体育生,并给予私立学校孩子更高的非学术评分。这项研究结果得出了迄今为止最清晰的图景,展示了美国精英大学如何实现财富和机会的永久代际转移。
        “What I conclude from this study is the Ivy League doesn’t have low-income students because it doesn’t want low-income students,” said Susan Dynarski, an economist at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, who has reviewed the data and was not involved in the study.        “我从这项研究中得出的结论是,常春藤盟校没有低收入学生,因为它不想要低收入学生,”哈佛教育研究生院经济学家苏珊·戴纳尔斯基说,她查阅了数据,但未参与该研究。
        In effect, the study shows, these policies amounted to affirmative action for the children of the 1 percent, whose parents earn more than $611,000 a year. It comes as colleges are being forced to rethink their admissions processes after the Supreme Court ruling that race-based affirmative action is unconstitutional.        研究显示,实际上,这些政策相当于针对1%人口的孩子的平权法案,他们的父母年收入超过61.1万美元。在最高法院裁定基于种族的平权法案违宪后,大学被迫重新考虑其招生程序。
        “Are these highly selective private colleges in America taking kids from very high-income, influential families and basically channeling them to remain at the top in the next generation?” said Raj Chetty, an economist at Harvard who directs Opportunity Insights, and an author of the paper with John N. Friedman of Brown and David J. Deming of Harvard. “Flipping that question on its head, could we potentially diversify who’s in a position of leadership in our society by changing who is admitted?”        “美国这些严格挑选学生的私立大学是否会从高收入、有影响力的家庭中招收孩子,并基本上是在引导他们在下一代中保持领先地位?”哈佛经济学家拉吉·切蒂表示,他是Opportunity Insights的负责人,与布朗大学的约翰·N·弗里德曼和哈佛大学的戴维·J·戴明共同撰写了这篇论文。“把这个问题反过来看,是否可以通过改变被录取的人来使我们社会中处于领导地位的人多样化?”
        Representatives from several of the colleges said that income diversity was an urgent priority, and that they had taken significant steps since 2015, when the data in the study ends, to admit lower-income and first-generation students. These include making tuition free for families earning under a certain amount; giving only grants, not loans, in financial aid; and actively recruiting students from disadvantaged high schools.
        “We believe that talent exists in every sector of the American income distribution,” said Christopher L. Eisgruber, the president of Princeton. “I am proud of what we have done to increase socioeconomic diversity at Princeton, but I also believe that we need to do more — and we will do more.”        “我们相信,美国的各个收入分布区间都存在人才,”普林斯顿大学校长克里斯托弗·L·艾斯格鲁伯说。“我为我们在普林斯顿大学为增加社会经济多样性所做的努力感到自豪,但我也相信我们需要做得更多——而且我们会做得更多。”
        Affirmative action for the rich
        In a concurring opinion in the affirmative action case, Justice Neil Gorsuch addressed the practice of favoring the children of alumni and donors, which is also the subject of a new case. “While race-neutral on their face, too, these preferences undoubtedly benefit white and wealthy applicants the most,” he wrote.        在平权法案一案的协同意见书中,尼尔·戈萨奇大法官谈到了优待校友和捐助者子女的做法,这也成为一个新案件的主题。他写道:“虽然他们表面上也表现出种族中立,但这些偏好无疑对白人和富有的申请者最有利。”
        The new paper did not include admissions rates by race because previous research had done so, the researchers said. They found that racial differences were not driving the results. When looking only at applicants of one race, for example, those from the highest-income families still had an advantage. Yet the top 1 percent is overwhelmingly white. Some analysts have proposed diversifying by class as a way to achieve more racial diversity without affirmative action.        研究人员表示,新论文没有包括按种族划分的录取率,因为之前已有这样的研究。他们发现种族差异并没有影响结果。例如,当只考虑某一种族的申请者时,来自最高收入家庭的申请者仍然具有优势。然而,收入最高的1%人口绝大多数是白人。一些分析人士提出按阶层实现多元化的做法,这是无需平权法案的情况下实现进一步种族多样性的一种方式。
        The new data showed that other selective private colleges, like Northwestern, N.Y.U. and Notre Dame, had a similarly disproportionate share of children from rich families. Public flagship universities were much more equitable. At places like the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Virginia, applicants with high-income parents were no more likely to be admitted than lower-income applicants with comparable scores.        新数据显示,其他择优录取的私立大学,如西北大学、纽约大学和圣母大学,富裕家庭的孩子占比也格外高。相比之下,旗舰公立大学更加公平。在得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校和弗吉尼亚大学等学校,分数相当的情况下,父母高收入的申请者被录取的可能性并不比低收入申请者高。
        Less than 1 percent of American college students attend the 12 elite colleges. But the group plays an outsize role in American society: 12 percent of Fortune 500 chief executives and a quarter of U.S. senators attended. So did 13 percent of the top 0.1 percent of earners. The focus on these colleges is warranted, the researchers say, because they provide paths to power and influence — and diversifying who attends has the potential to change who makes decisions in America.        不到1%的美国大学生就读于这12所精英大学。但这些大学在美国社会中发挥着巨大的作用:12%的财富500强首席执行官和四分之一的美国参议员曾在这些大学就读。收入最高的0.1%人群中有13%也是如此。研究人员表示,对这些大学的关注是有必要的,因为它们提供了获得权力和影响力的途径,而录取学生的多元化有可能改变将来谁成为美国的决策者。
        The researchers did a novel analysis to measure whether attending one of these colleges causes success later in life. They compared students who were wait-listed and got in, with those who didn’t and attended another college instead. Consistent with previous research, they found that attending an Ivy instead of one of the top nine public flagships did not meaningfully increase graduates’ income, on average. However, it did increase a student’s predicted chance of earning in the top 1 percent to 19 percent, from 12 percent.        研究人员进行了一项新型分析,衡量就读这些大学是否会为将来的生活带来成功。他们将那些上了候补名单后被录取的学生与那些没有上候补名单而去了另一所大学的学生进行了比较。他们的发现与之前的研究一致,即就读常春藤大学而不是排名前九的旗舰公立学校之一并不能显著增加毕业生的平均收入。然而,就读常春藤确实将学生未来收入进入前1%的预测概率从12%提高到了19%。
        For outcomes other than earnings, the effect was even larger — it nearly doubled the estimated chance of attending a top graduate school, and tripled the estimated chance of working at firms that are considered prestigious, like national news organizations and research hospitals.        除了收入,就读常青藤带来的其他方面影响甚至更大——它使进入顶尖研究生院的估计概率增加了近一倍,进入国家新闻机构和研究医院等顶尖机构工作的估计概率增加了两倍。
        “Sure, it’s a tiny slice of schools,” said Professor Dynarski, who has studied college admissions and worked with the University of Michigan on increasing the attendance of low-income students, and has occasionally contributed to The New York Times. “But having representation is important, and this shows how much of a difference the Ivies make: The political elite, the economic elite, the intellectual elite are coming out of these schools.”        “当然,这只是一小部分学校,”戴纳尔斯基说。他研究过大学招生,并与密歇根大学合作提高低收入学生的入学率,偶尔还为《纽约时报》撰稿。“但群体代表的存在很重要,研究结果表明常春藤盟校的影响有多大:政治精英、经济精英、知识精英都来自这些学校。”
        The missing middle class        消失的中产阶级
        The advantage to rich applicants varied by college, the study found: At Dartmouth, students from the top 0.1 percent were five times as likely to attend as the average applicant with the same test score, while at M.I.T. they were no more likely to attend. (The fact that children from higher-income families tend to have higher standardized test scores and are likelier to receive private coaching suggests that the study may actually underestimate their admissions advantage.)        研究发现,富有的申请者所获得的优势因大学而异:在达特茅斯学院,来自前0.1%的学生在考试成绩相同的情况下入学的可能性是普通申请者的五倍,而在麻省理工学院,其入学可能性与普通申请者无异。(来自高收入家庭的孩子往往有更高的标准化考试成绩,并且更有可能接受私人辅导,这一事实表明该研究实际上可能低估了他们的入学优势。)
        Here’s the income distribution of students with a 1500 or higher on the SAT. On average, richer kids do better.        SAT成绩在1500分或以上的学生的家庭收入分布。平均而言,富裕家庭的孩子分数更高。
        But students at elite colleges have an even more uneven distribution, particularly for students from the richest families.
        The biggest advantage goes to students from the richest 1 percent of families: They make up 1 in 6 students at elite colleges.        来自最富有的1%家庭的学生获得了最大的优势:他们占精英大学学生的六分之一。
        When compared with students with a 1300 or higher — a more representative group of scores for these schools — the difference is even larger.        对于这些学校来说,1300分以上的学生是更具代表性的群体,将这一群体进行比较时,差异甚至更大。
        An applicant with a high test score from a family earning less than $68,000 a year was also likelier than the average applicant to get in, though there were fewer applicants like this.        来自年收入低于6.8万美元家庭的高分成绩申请人也比普通申请人更有可能被录取,尽管这样的申请人较少。
        Children from middle- and upper-middle-class families — including those at public high schools in high-income neighborhoods — applied in large numbers. But they were, on an individual basis, less likely to be admitted than the richest or, to a lesser extent, poorest students with the same test scores. In that sense, the data confirms the feeling among many merely affluent parents that getting their children into elite colleges is increasingly difficult.        大量申请者是来自中产和中上阶层家庭的孩子——包括高收入社区公立高中的孩子。但就个体而言,在成绩相同的情况下,他们被录取的可能性低于家庭财富顶尖的学生,在一定程度上也低于最贫穷的学生。在这方面,这些数据证实了许多一般富裕的父母的感觉:让孩子进入精英大学越来越困难。
        “We had these very skewed distributions of a whole lot of Pell kids and a whole lot of no-need kids, and the middle went missing,” said an Ivy League dean of admissions, who has seen the new data and spoke anonymously in order to talk openly about the process. “You’re not going to win a P.R. battle by saying you have X number of families making over $200,000 that qualify for financial aid.”        “我们的分布严重偏斜,有很多接受佩尔助学金的孩子和很多不需要资助的孩子,而没有居于中间的孩子,”一位常春藤盟校招生主任表示。他看到了新数据,为了能够公开谈论这个过程而匿名发言。“你总不能跟人说有多少个年收入超过20万美元的家庭有资格获得经济援助,那在公关上是没好处的。”
        The researchers could see, for nearly all college students in the United States from 1999 to 2015, where they applied and attended, their SAT or ACT scores and whether they received a Pell grant for low-income students. They could also see their parents’ income tax records, which enabled them to analyze attendance by earnings in more detail than any previous research. They conducted the analysis using anonymized data.        研究人员能够查看1999年至2015年间美国几乎所有大学生的SAT或ACT成绩,他们申请了哪些大学,最终去了哪所大学,以及他们是否获得针对低收入学生的佩尔助学金。他们还可以看到父母的所得税记录,这使他们能够比以前的任何研究更详细地按收入分析入学情况。他们使用匿名数据进行分析。
        For the several elite colleges that also shared internal admissions data, they could see other aspects of students’ applications between 2001 and 2015, including how admissions offices rated them. They focused their analysis on the most recent years, 2011 to 2015.        几所精英大学还共享了内部招生数据,研究人员能够看到2001年至2015年间学生申请的其他方面,包括招生办公室的评分。他们重点分析了最近几年(2011年至2015年)的数据。
        Though they had this data for a minority of the dozen top colleges, the researchers said they thought it was representative of the other colleges in the group (with the exception of M.I.T.). The other colleges admitted more students from high-income families, showed preferences for legacies and recruited athletes, and described similar admissions practices in conversations with the researchers, they said.        尽管这类数据仅来自12所顶尖大学中的少数几所大学,但研究人员表示,他们认为这代表了这类大学中的其他大学(麻省理工学院除外)。他们说,其他大学招收了更多来自高收入家庭的学生,表现出对传承生和招募体育生的偏好,并在与研究人员的对话中描述了类似的招生做法。
        “Nobody has this kind of data; it’s completely unheard-of,” said Michael Bastedo, a professor at the University of Michigan’s School of Education, who has done prominent research on college admissions. “I think it’s really important to good faith efforts for reforming the system to start by being able to look honestly and candidly at the data.”        “没有人拥有过这样的数据;这完全是闻所未闻的。”在大学招生课题上做出了知名研究的密歇根大学教育学院教授迈克尔·巴斯特多说道。“我认为首先要能够诚实、坦诚地看待数据,真心要改革制度的话,这一点非常重要。”
        How the richest students benefit
        Before this study, it was clear that colleges enrolled more rich students, but it was not known whether it was just because more applied. The new study showed that’s part of it: One-third of the difference in attendance rates was because middle-class students were somewhat less likely to apply or matriculate. But the bigger factor was that these colleges were more likely to accept the richest applicants.
        Legacy admissions
        The largest advantage for the 1 percent was the preference for legacies. The study showed — for the first time at this scale — that legacies were more qualified overall than the average applicant. But even when comparing applicants who were similar in every other way, legacies still had an advantage.        收入排前1%的人最大的优势是大学对校友子女的偏好。该研究首次表明,校友子女申请者总体上比普通申请者更具录取资格。但即使在比较其他方面相似的申请人时,校友子女申请者仍然具有优势。
        When high-income applicants applied to the college their parents attended, they were accepted at much higher rates than other applicants with similar qualifications — but at the other top-dozen colleges, they were no more likely to get in.
        “This is not a sideshow, not just a symbolic issue,” Professor Bastedo said of the finding.        “这不是旁枝末节,不仅仅是一个象征性问题,”巴斯特多谈到这一发现时说道。
        One in eight admitted students from the top 1 percent was a recruited athlete. For the bottom 60 percent, that figure was one in 20. That’s largely because children from rich families are more likely to play sports, especially more exclusive sports played at certain colleges, like rowing and fencing. The study estimated that athletes were admitted at four times the rate of nonathletes with the same qualifications.        收入排前1%的录取学生中,八分之一是招募的体育生。对于底层60%的人来说,这个比例是十分之一。这主要是因为来自富裕家庭的孩子更有可能参加体育运动,尤其是只在某些大学开展的那些较为冷门的运动,比如赛艇和击剑。该研究估计,体育生的录取率是具有相同资质的非体育生的四倍。
        “There’s a common misperception that it’s about basketball and football and low-income kids making their way into selective colleges,” Professor Bastedo said. “But the enrollment leaders know athletes tend to be wealthier, so it’s a win-win.”        “人们普遍存在误解,想到的是篮球和橄榄球,并认为是低收入家庭的孩子努力进入名校的方式,”巴斯特多说。“但招生负责人知道体育生的家庭往往更富有,所以这是双赢。”
        Nonacademic ratings        非学术评分
        There was a third factor driving the preference for the richest applicants. The colleges in the study generally give applicants numerical scores for academic achievement and for more subjective nonacademic virtues, like extracurricular activities, volunteering and personality traits. Students from the top 1 percent with the same test scores did not have higher academic ratings. But they had significantly higher nonacademic ratings.        还有第三个因素推动这些大学录取最富有家庭的申请人。该研究涉及的大学通常会根据申请人的学术成就和更主观的非学术品德(如课外活动、志愿服务和人格特质)给出分数。考试成绩相同的情况下,家庭收入排前1%的学生并没有获得更高的学业成绩。但他们的非学术评分明显更高。
        At one of the colleges that shared admissions data, students from the top 0.1 percent were 1.5 times as likely to have high nonacademic ratings as those from the middle class. The researchers said that, accounting for differences in the way each school assesses nonacademic credentials, they found similar patterns at the other colleges that shared data.        在其中一所提供了招生数据的大学,家庭收入排前0.1%的学生在非学术评分上获得高分的可能性是中产阶级学生的1.5倍。研究人员表示,将每所学校评定非学术资格的不同方式纳入考量后,他们发现其他提供了数据的大学也存在类似的规律。
        The biggest contributor was that admissions committees gave higher scores to students from private, nonreligious high schools. They were twice as likely to be admitted as similar students — those with the same SAT scores, race, gender and parental income — from public schools in high-income neighborhoods. A major factor was recommendations from guidance counselors and teachers at private high schools.        招生委员会给来自私立非教会高中的学生更高的分数,成为影响最大的因素。在SAT成绩、种族、性别和父母收入均相同的情况下,他们被高收入社区公立学校录取的可能性是其他人的两倍。一个主要因素是私立高中升学顾问和老师的推荐。
        “Parents rattle off that a kid got in because he was first chair in the orchestra, ran track,” said John Morganelli Jr., a former director of admissions at Cornell and founder of Ivy League Admissions, where he advises high school students on applying to college. “They never say what really happens: Did the guidance counselor advocate on that kid’s behalf?”        康奈尔大学前招生主任小约翰·摩根内利创办了常春藤盟校招生办公室,他在那里为高中生申请大学提供建议。“家长们不假思索地说,一个孩子之所以能被录取,是因为他是管弦乐队的首席,田径队队员,”他说。“他们从来不提真正的情况:升学顾问是不是在帮那个孩子疏通?”
        Recommendation letters from private school counselors are notoriously flowery, he said, and the counselors call admissions officers about certain students.        他说,私立学校升学顾问的推荐信之华丽众所周知,升学顾问还会就某些学生的情况给招生人员打电话。
        “This is how the feeder schools get created,” he said. “Nobody’s calling on behalf of a middle- or lower-income student. Most of the public school counselors don’t even know these calls exist.”        “生源学校就是这样建立起来的,”他说。“没有人会为中低收入学生打电话。大多数公立学校升学顾问甚至不知道这些电话的存在。”
        The end of need-blind admissions?
        Overall, the study suggests, if elite colleges had done away with the preferences for legacies, athletes and private school students, the children of the top 1 percent would have made up 10 percent of a class, down from 16 percent in the years of the study.        总体而言,该研究表明,如果精英大学取消对校友子女、体育生和私立学校学生的偏好,家庭收入排名前1%的孩子将占班级的10%,低于研究期间那几年的16%。
        Legacy students, athletes and private school students do no better after college, in terms of earnings or reaching a top graduate school or firm, it found. In fact, they generally do somewhat worse.        报告发现,校友子女、体育生和私立学校的学生在大学毕业后,在收入、考入顶尖研究生院或进入顶尖公司方面并没有做得更好。事实上,他们通常做得更差。
        The dean of admissions who spoke anonymously said change was easier said than done: “I would say there’s much more commitment to this than may be obvious. It’s just the solution is really complicated, and if we could have done it, we would have.”        一位匿名的招生主任表示,改变说起来容易做起来难:“我想说,改变的决心比表面上看到的要多得多。只是解决方案确实很复杂,如果做得到,我们早就做了。”
        For example, it’s not feasible to choose athletes from across the income spectrum if many college sports are played almost entirely by children from high-earning families. Legacies are perhaps the most complicated, the admissions dean said, because they tend to be highly qualified and their admission is important for maintaining strong ties with alumni.        例如,如果许多大学运动队的队员几乎全是高收入家庭的孩子,那么从不同收入阶层录取体育生是很难做到的。招生主任说,校友子女的录取可能是最复杂的,因为他们往往资质很高,而且他们的入学对于与校友保持牢固的联系非常重要。
        Ending that preference, the person said, “is not an easy decision to make, given the alumni response, especially if you’re not in immediate concurrence with the rest of the Ivies.” (Though children of very large donors also get special consideration by admissions offices, they were not included in the analysis because there are relatively few of them.)        这位人士表示,要终止这种偏好,“考虑到校友们的反应,做出这样的决定并不容易,特别是当你没有获得其他常春藤盟校直接同意的时候。”(虽然招生办公室会对大额捐赠者的孩子做出特殊考虑,但由于数量相对较少,没有被纳入分析中。)
        People involved in admissions say that achieving more economic diversity would be difficult without doing something else: ending need-blind admissions, the practice that prevents admissions officers from seeing families’ financial information so their ability to pay is not a factor. Some colleges are already doing what they call “need-affirmative admissions,” for the purpose of selecting more students from the low end of the income spectrum, though they often don’t publicly acknowledge it for fear of blowback.        参与招生的人士表示,经济更加多元化很难实现,除非采取其他措施:结束“家境盲审”招生,这种做法使招生人员看不到家庭的财务信息,这样他们的支付能力就不再是一个因素。一些大学已经在采取所谓的“贫困扶持性招生”,目的是从低收入群体中选择更多的学生,但由于担心遭到批评,他们通常不会公开承认这一点。
        There is a tool, Landscape from the College Board, to help determine if an applicant grew up in a neighborhood with significant privilege or adversity. But these colleges have no knowledge of parents’ income if students don’t apply for financial aid.        美国大学理事会有一个名为“Landscape”的工具,可以帮助确定申请人成长于明显优渥的社区还是严重困难的社区。但如果学生不申请经济援助,这些大学就无从知晓家长的收入。
        Ivy League colleges and their peers have recently made significant efforts to recruit more low-income students and subsidize tuition. Several now make attendance entirely free for families below a certain income — $100,000 at Stanford and Princeton, $85,000 at Harvard, and $60,000 at Brown.        常春藤盟校和其他大学最近做出了重大努力,招收更多低收入学生并补贴学费。现在,有一些学校对低于一定收入的家庭提供完全免费的入学优惠,在斯坦福大学和普林斯顿大学,该低收入线为10万美元,哈佛大学为8.5万美元,布朗大学为6万美元。
        At Princeton, one-fifth of students are now from low-income families, and one-fourth receive a full ride. It has recently reinstated a transfer program to recruit low-income and community college students. At Harvard, one-fourth of this fall’s freshman class is from families with incomes less than $85,000, who will pay nothing. The majority of freshmen will receive some amount of aid.        普林斯顿大学现有五分之一的学生来自低收入家庭,四分之一的学生获得全额资助。它最近恢复了一项转学项目,招收低收入和社区学院学生。在哈佛,今年秋季入学的新生中有四分之一来自收入低于8.5万美元的家庭,他们不用支付任何费用。大多数新生将获得一定数目的援助。
        Dartmouth just raised $500 million to expand financial aid: “While we respect the work of Harvard’s Opportunity Insights, we believe our commitment to these investments and our admissions policies since 2015 tells an important story about the socioeconomic diversity among Dartmouth students,” said Jana Barnello, a spokeswoman.        达特茅斯学院刚刚筹集了5亿美元来扩大财政援助:“虽然我们尊重哈佛Opportunity Insights的工作,但我们相信,在达特茅斯学生的社会经济多元化方面,我们在这些投资上做的努力和自2015年以来的招生政策讲述了一个重要的故事,”发言人贾娜·巴尔内洛说。
        Public flagships do admissions differently, in a way that ends up benefiting rich students less. The University of California schools forbid giving preference to legacies or donors, and some, like U.C.L.A., do not consider letters of recommendation. The application asks for family income, and colleges get detailed information about California high schools. Application readers are trained to consider students’ circumstances, like whether they worked to support their families in high school, as “evidence of maturity, determination and insight.”        旗舰公立学校的招生方式有所不同,使家境富裕学生受益较少。加州大学的学校禁止优先考虑校友子女或捐赠者,加州大学洛杉矶分校等学校不考虑推荐信。申请这些大学需要提供家庭收入信息,大学可以获得有关加州高中的详细信息。申请表审阅者在考量学生情况方面接受过培训,例如他们在高中时是否工作养家糊口,将其视为“成熟、决心和洞察力的证据”。
        The University of California system also partners with schools in the state, from pre-K through community college, to support students who face barriers. There’s a robust program for transfer students from California community colleges; at U.C.L.A., half are from low-income backgrounds.        加州大学系统还与该州的学校合作,为从学前班到社区学院的困难学生提供支持。针对加州社区学院转学生建立了一个有力的计划;在加州大学洛杉矶分校,一半学生来自低收入背景。
        M.I.T., which stands out among elite private schools as displaying almost no preference for rich students, has long had a practice of not giving a preference to legacy applicants, said its dean of admissions, Stuart Schmill. It does recruit athletes, but they do not receive any preference or go through a separate admissions process (as much as it may frustrate coaches, he said).        麻省理工学院招生主任斯图尔特·施米尔表示,在精英私立学校眼中,麻省理工学院与众不同,因为它几乎不偏向家境富裕的学生,长期以来一直没有优先考虑校友子女的做法。它确实招募体育生,但这些学生不会受到任何优先考虑,也不会走单独的招生流程(尽管他说,这可能让教练们十分不爽。)。
        “I think the most important thing here is talent is distributed equally but opportunity is not, and our admissions process is designed to account for the different opportunities students have based on their income,” he said. “It’s really incumbent upon our process to tease out the difference between talent and privilege.”        “我认为最重要的一件事是,人才是平等分布的,但机会不是平等分配的,学生基于家庭收入拥有的机会不同,我们的招生流程旨在将此纳入考量,”他说。“我们确实有责任理清人才和特权之间的区别。”

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