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From Twitter to X: Elon Musk Begins Erasing an Iconic Internet Brand

来源:纽约时报    2023-07-25 12:29

        For more than 10 years, Twitter has been recognizable for its blue and white bird logo, which became a symbol of the social network’s unique culture and lexicon. To “tweet” became a verb. A “tweet” referred to a post. “Tweeps” became the moniker for Twitter employees.        十几年来,人们已经十分熟悉Twitter蓝底白鸟的标识,它成为该社交网络独特文化和语汇的象征。“发推”成了一个动词。“推文”指的是一个帖子。“Tweeps”成为Twitter员工的绰号。
        Late on Sunday, Elon Musk began getting rid of it all.        周日晚些时候,埃隆·马斯克开始抛却这一切。
        The tech billionaire, who bought Twitter last year, renamed the social platform X.com on its website and started replacing the bird logo with a stylized version of the 24th letter of the Latin alphabet.        去年收购了Twitter的这位科技亿万富翁在该网站上将这一社交平台重新命名为X.com,并开始用拉丁字母表第24个字母的艺术字体取代小鸟标识。
        Inside Twitter’s headquarters in San Francisco on Monday, X logos were projected in the cafeteria, while conference rooms were renamed to words with X in them, including “eXposure,” “eXult” and “s3Xy,” according to photos seen by The New York Times. Workers also began removing bird-related paraphernalia, such as a giant blue logo in the cafeteria. Outside the building, workers took off the first six letters of Twitter’s name before the San Francisco Police Department stopped them for performing “unauthorized work,” according to an alert sent by the department.        据《纽约时报》看到的照片,周一,在Twitter位于旧金山的总部内,自助餐厅里出现了X标识的投影,而会议室也被重新命名为带有X的单词,包括“eXposure”、“eXult”和“s3Xy”。工人们还开始拆除与小鸟标识有关的装置,例如自助餐厅里的巨大蓝底标识。在大楼外,工作人员取下了Twitter名字的前六个字母,根据旧金山警察局发出的警情通报,随后警局以“未经许可”为由阻止了他们。
        Mr. Musk had long said he might make the name change, but he hastened the process in a tweet early Sunday when he declared that “soon we shall bid adieu to the twitter brand and, gradually, all the birds.” He has said he hopes to turn Twitter into an “everything app” called X, which would encompass not only social networking but also banking and shopping.        虽然马斯克早就表示他可能会更名,他在周日早些时候的一条推文中加快了这一进程,他宣称“很快我们将告别Twitter品牌,然后逐渐送走小鸟”。他曾表示,希望将Twitter打造成一款名为X的“超级应用程序”,不仅是社交网络,还涵盖银行业务和购物。
        Earlier on Monday, Mr. Musk also shared a photo of a giant X projected on Twitter’s San Francisco office building with the caption: “Our headquarters tonight.”        周一早些时候,马斯克还分享了一张照片,显示Twitter旧金山办公楼上的巨型X标识投影,并配上说明文字:“今晚我们的总部。”
        The moves — which are continuing — are the most visible changes that Mr. Musk has made to Twitter since he closed the deal to buy the company in October. Behind the scenes, he has taken many steps to overhaul the firm, eliminating thousands of employees and changing the platform’s features, including badges that were meant to verify users, as well as the rules governing what can and can’t be said on the service.        这些正在进行中的举措是马斯克自去年10月完成收购该公司的交易以来对Twitter所做的最明显的改变。在幕后,他采取了许多措施对公司进行彻底改革,他裁减了数千名员工,并改变了平台的功能,包括认证用户的徽章,以及在该平台上可以说什么和不能说什么的规定。
        Yet the name and logo changes were impossible to ignore. By starting to remove the Twitter name, Mr. Musk tossed out an entrenched brand that had been around since 2006 — when the company was founded — and that had delighted and frustrated celebrities, politicians, athletes and other users in equal measure. Twitter introduced its blue bird mascot in 2010 and updated it two years later.        然而,更换名字和标识是无法忽视的。通过开始去除Twitter名称,马斯克抛弃了一个自2006年该公司成立以来就一直存在的标志性的品牌,无论是名人、政客、运动员还是其他用户,都同样对这个平台有过喜悦和不满。Twitter于2010年推出了蓝色小鸟吉祥物,并于两年后进行了更新。
        Many Twitter users, who have spent years tweeting and building up their presence on the site, appeared alienated by the shift. “Has everybody seen the (eXecrable) new logo?” the actor Mark Hamill tweeted on Monday, with the hashtag #ByeByeBirdie. Others saw the move as Mr. Musk’s latest blow to the site, with some stubbornly saying they will still call the site Twitter and will continue to “tweet.”        多年来,一直在Twitter上发推并在该网站上建立影响力的许多许多用户似乎对这种转变存在排斥感。“大家都看到新的(不堪入目的[eXecrable])标志了吗?”演员马克·哈米尔周一在Twitter上发布了带有#ByeByeBirdie#标签的推文。还有人则认为,此举是马斯克对该网站的最新打击,一些人固执地表示,他们仍会将该网站称为Twitter,并将继续“发推文”。
        When brands become verbs, it’s the “holy grail,” said Mike Proulx, a vice president and research director at Forrester, because it means they have become part of popular culture.        福里斯特研究公司副总裁、研究总监迈克·普鲁克斯表示,品牌名字成为动词是一个品牌成功的“圣杯”,因为这意味着它们已经成为流行文化的一部分。
        “The app itself has become a cultural phenomenon in all sorts of ways,” he said. “In one fell sweep, Elon Musk has essentially wiped out 15 years of brand value from Twitter and is now essentially starting from scratch.”        “该应用程序本身已经以各种方式成为了一种文化现象,”他说。“埃隆·马斯克一举抹杀了Twitter 15年的品牌价值,现在基本上是从头开始。”
        Mr. Musk risked the wrath of Twitter’s users even as he can ill afford to upset them. His company faces financial difficulties and increased competition, with rival Meta releasing an app this month for real-time, public conversations called Threads. The new app quickly racked up 100 million downloads in less than a week, though use of the app is under scrutiny.        马斯克冒着激怒Twitter用户的风险,尽管他承受不起惹恼他们的后果。他的公司面临着财政困难和日益激烈的竞争,竞争对手Meta本月发布了一款名为Threads的实时公开对话应用,在不到一周时间内迅速获得了一亿次下载量,不过它的使用情况正受到密切关注。
        Mike Carr, a co-founder of the branding company NameStormers, said Mr. Musk’s X logo could be interpreted as having an ominous “Big Brother” tech overlord vibe. Unlike the blue bird, which he described as warm and cuddly but perhaps a bit dated and weighed down by bad press, the new logo is “very harsh,” he said.        品牌公司NameStormers的联合创始人迈克·卡尔说,马斯克的X标志可以被解读为可怕的“老大哥”科技霸主之感。他说,蓝鸟标识温暖可爱,但可能有点过时,而且受到负面新闻的影响,相比起来,新标志则“非常刺眼”。
        Still, it conjured phrases like “X marks the spot” and could help Mr. Musk differentiate the platform from its Twitter baggage, Mr. Carr said.        卡尔说,尽管如此,它还是让人联想到“这就是确切地点(X marks the spot)”这样的说法,可以帮助马斯克让这个平台摆脱Twitter的包袱。
        “If they do this wrong and it was anybody other than Elon Musk, he’d be running a higher risk because people could start making fun of it,” said Mr. Carr, who has helped come up with names for thousands of clients, including CarMax, the used car company.        “如果他们这件事没做对,而且不是埃隆·马斯克在做的话,风险会更高,因为人们可能会取笑他,”卡尔说。他曾帮助数千家客户取名字,包括二手车公司CarMax。
        Mr. Musk has long been interested in the X name. In 1999, he helped found X.com, an online bank. The company changed its name after it merged with another start-up to form what would become PayPal.        马斯克一直对X这个名字很感兴趣。1999年,他参与创建了网上银行X.com。该公司与另一家初创公司合并后更名为PayPal。
        In 2017, Mr. Musk said he had repurchased the X.com domain from PayPal. “No plans right now, but it has great sentimental value to me,” he tweeted at the time.        2017年,马斯克表示,他从PayPal手中回购了X.com域名。“目前还没有计划,但它对我来说有很大的情感价值,”他当时在Twitter上写道。
        Tesla, Mr. Musk’s electric automaker, also has a sport utility vehicle called the Model X. One of Mr. Musk’s sons, X Æ A-12 Musk, is often called X for short. The holding companies created to close the acquisition of Twitter were named X Holdings. Mr. Musk also leads an artificial intelligence company called xAI.        马斯克的电动汽车制造商特斯拉Tesla也有一款名为Model X的运动型多用途车。马斯克的一个儿子X Æ A-12·马斯克经常被简称为X。为完成对Twitter的收购而成立的控股公司被命名为X控股。马斯克还领导着一家名为xAI的人工智能公司。
        “I like the letter X,” he posted on Sunday.        “我喜欢字母X,”他周日发帖说。
        Mr. Musk has shown a disdain toward Twitter’s previous corporate culture. He has quibbled with the number of bird references in the company’s internal team names and products. At one point, he changed the name of a crowdsourced fact-checking feature to “Community Notes” from “Birdwatch.” He recently also had someone cover the w in Twitter’s name at its San Francisco headquarters.        马斯克看不起Twitter之前的企业文化。他对公司内部团队名称和产品中提及鸟类的次数颇有微词。有一次,他把一个众包事实核查功能的名称从“Birdwatch”(鸟观)改为“Community Notes”(社区笔记)。最近,在旧金山的Twitter总部,他还让人把Twitter名字里的w盖上。
        Among those who didn’t seem bothered by the change was Jack Dorsey, a Twitter founder and former chief executive. He said in a tweet on Monday that while a rebrand was not “essential” to achieving Mr. Musk’s vision, there was an argument for it.        Twitter创始人兼前首席执行官杰克·多西似乎并不在意这种变化。他在周一的一条推文中表示,虽然重塑品牌对于实现马斯克的愿景并非“必不可少”,但这是有理由的。
        “The Twitter brand carries a lot of baggage,” Mr. Dorsey wrote. “But all that matters is the utility it provides, not the name.”        “Twitter这个品牌背负着很多包袱,”多西写道。“但重要的是它所提供的实用性,而不是它的名字。”
        Martin Grasser, a San Francisco artist who was part of a team in 2011 that helped design the most recent Twitter bird logo, said it was meant to convey “simplicity, brevity and clarity.” The goal was to have a logo that was as memorable as Apple’s or Nike’s, he said.        2011年,旧金山艺术家马丁·格拉瑟所在的团队帮助设计了最新的Twitter蓝鸟标志。他说,这个标志是为了传达“简单、简洁和清晰”的感觉。他说,他们的目标是创造一个苹果或耐克那样令人难忘的标志。
        Mr. Grasser said Mr. Musk could do whatever he wanted with the brand, but “I hope the bird occupies a space in culture that is a happy memory or becomes one of those logos that belongs to culture rather than a company.”        格拉瑟说,马斯克可以对这个品牌做任何他想做的事情,但是,“我希望这只鸟在文化中占据一席之地,成为一段快乐的记忆,或者成为那些属于文化而非公司的标识之一。”

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