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Trump Faces Major New Charges in Documents Case

来源:纽约时报    2023-07-28 05:26

        Federal prosecutors on Thursday added major accusations to an indictment charging former President Donald J. Trump with mishandling classified documents after he left office, presenting evidence that he told a property manager, at Mar-a-Lago that he wanted security camera footage there to be deleted.        联邦检察官周四在指控前总统特朗普离任后不当处理机密文件的起诉书中增加了重大指控,提出证据称他告诉马阿拉歌庄园的一名物业经理,他希望删除那里的监控画面。
        The new accusations were revealed in a superseding indictment that named the property manager, Carlos De Oliveira, as a new defendant in the case. He is scheduled to be arraigned in Miami on Monday.        追加起诉书披露了这一新指控,将物业经理卡洛斯·德奥利韦拉列为该案的一名新被告。他将于周一在迈阿密被提审。
        The original indictment against Mr. Trump was filed last month in Florida and accused Mr. Trump of illegally holding on to 31 individual classified documents containing national defense information. That indictment also charged with Mr. Trump and Walt Nauta, one of his personal aides, with a conspiracy to obstruct the government’s repeated attempts to reclaim the classified material.        针对特朗普的最初起诉书于上个月在佛罗里达州提起,指控他非法持有31份包含国防信息的机密文件。该起诉书还指控特朗普和他的一名私人助手沃尔特·诺塔合谋阻碍政府收回机密材料的多次尝试。
        The revised indictment also added three serious charges against Mr. Trump — attempting to “alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal evidence”; inducing someone else to do so; and a new count, the 32nd, under the Espionage Act stemming from a classified national security document he showed to visitors at his golf club in Bedminster, N.J.        修订后的起诉书增加了对特朗普的三项严重指控——试图“篡改、销毁、毁坏或隐藏证据”;诱导他人做出前述行为;以及根据《间谍法》成为新增的第32项罪名,源于他在新泽西州贝德明斯特的高尔夫俱乐部向访客展示一份国家安全机密文件。
        The updated indictment was released on the same day Mr. Trump’s lawyers met in Washington with prosecutors working for Mr. Smith to discuss a so-called target letter that Mr. Trump received this month suggesting that he might soon face a second indictment in a separate case related to his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.        更新后的起诉书发布的同一天,特朗普的律师在华盛顿与史密斯的检察官会面,讨论了特朗普本月收到的一封所谓的调查目标信,该信称他可能很快会在另一起案件中面临另一起指控。该案件与他试图推翻2020年选举结果有关。
        Prosecutors in the office of the special counsel, Jack Smith, had been investigating Mr. De Oliveira for months, concerned by his communications with an information technology expert at Mar-a-Lago, Yuscil Taveras, who oversaw the surveillance camera footage at the property.        特别检察官杰克·史密斯办公室的检察官几个月来一直在调查德奥利韦拉,因为他与马阿拉歌庄园信息技术专家尤西尔·塔韦拉斯的通讯引起了他们的关注,后者负责监督该物业的监控录像。
        That footage was central to Mr. Smith’s investigation into whether Mr. Nauta, at Mr. Trump’s request, had moved boxes in and out of a storage room at Mar-a-Lago to avoid complying with a federal subpoena for all classified documents in the former president’s possession. Many of those movements were caught on the surveillance camera footage.        这些画面资料在史密斯的调查中至关重要,用以判断诺塔有没有在特朗普指示下将文件盒搬入和搬出马阿拉歌的一间储藏室,以避免服从联邦传票的要求,将前总统掌握的所有机密文件交出。监控摄像拍到了搬动这些文件的画面。
        The revised indictment said that in late June of last year, shortly after the government demanded the surveillance footage as part of its inquiry, Mr. Trump called Mr. De Oliveira and they spoke for 24 minutes.        修订后的起诉书称,去年六月底,政府在调查中要求交出监控画面后不久,特朗普曾致电德奥利韦拉,通话持续了24分钟。
        Two days later, the indictment said, Mr. Nauta and Mr. De Oliveira “went to the security guard booth where surveillance video is displayed on monitors, walked with a flashlight through the tunnel where the storage room was located, and observed and pointed out surveillance cameras.”        两天后,起诉书称,诺塔和德奥利韦拉“前往保安室,在监视器上播放了监控画面,手持电筒走入通往储藏室的地下通道,观察并指出了监控摄像头所在位置。”
        A few days after that, Mr. De Oliveira went to see Mr. Taveras, who is identified in the indictment as Trump Employee 4, and took him to a small room known as an “audio closet.” There, the indictment said, the two men had a conversation that was meant to “remain between the two of them.”        几天后,德奥利韦拉去见塔韦拉斯,也就是起诉书中的“特朗普雇员4”,后者带他去了一个叫做“隔音间”的小房间。起诉书称,两人在里面进行了一些“至今只有他们知道内容”的交谈。
        It was then that Mr. De Oliveira told Mr. Taveras that “‘the boss’ wanted the server deleted,” the indictment said, referring to the computer server holding the security footage.        德奥利韦拉就是在那里告诉塔韦拉斯,“老板想删了服务器,”起诉书说,其中指的是存放了监控画面的电脑服务器。
        Mr. Taveras objected and said he did not know how to delete the server and did not think he had the right to do so, the indictment said. At that point, the indictment said, Mr. De Oliveira insisted again that “the boss” wanted the server deleted, asking, “What are we going to do?”        起诉书说,塔韦拉斯表示反对,他说他不知道怎么删除服务器,并且认为自己无权那么做,德奥利韦拉再次强调“老板”想要删除服务器,并问他,“那我们该怎么办?”
        Two months later, after the F.B.I. descended on Mar-a-Lago with a search warrant and hauled away about 100 classified documents, people in Mr. Trump’s orbit appeared to be concerned about Mr. De Oliveira’s loyalties.        两个月后,FBI已经持搜查令进入马阿拉歌,带走了约100份机密文件,特朗普身边的人似乎对德奥利韦拉的忠诚度产生了怀疑。
        “Someone just wants to make sure Carlos is good,” the indictment quoted Mr. Nauta as saying to another Trump employee.        “有人想确定卡洛斯是不是靠得住,”起诉书引用了诺塔对另一位特朗普雇员说的话。
        In response, the indictment said, that employee told Mr. Nauta that Mr. De Oliveira was “loyal” and “would not do anything to affect his relationship with Mr. Trump.” After the conversation, Mr. Trump — who during his 2016 presidential campaign often assailed his opponent, Hillary Clinton, for deleting material from her email server — called Mr. De Oliveira and said that he would get him a lawyer.        起诉书表示,那位雇员的反应是告诉诺塔,德奥利韦拉是“忠诚的”,并且“不会做任何影响他和特朗普先生的关系的事”。那次谈话后,特朗普——2016年总统竞选期间,他屡屡就对手希拉里·克林顿删除邮件服务器上的材料一事对她发起攻击——给德奥利韦拉去电,说会给他安排一个律师。
        The revised indictment also charges Mr. De Oliveira with lying to federal investigators. It recounts an exchange in which he repeatedly denied seeing or knowing anything about boxes of documents at Mar-a-Lago, even though, the indictment said, he had personally observed and helped move them when they arrived.        修订后的起诉书还指控德奥利韦拉对联邦调查人员撒谎。起诉书叙述了他反复否认曾在马阿拉歌见过那些文件盒,称对它们一无所知,尽管他在文件抵达后曾亲自监督并参与了搬动这些文件盒。
        The new charges lay out in detail efforts by Mr. Nauta to speak with Mr. De Oliveira about the security camera footage and to determine how long the footage was stored after the government sought to obtain it under a subpoena.        新的指控详述了诺塔就监控画面事宜与德奥利韦拉进行的谈话,以判断这些画面在政府发传票要求获取之后又存放了多久。
        The indictment contains an additional charge related to a classified document — a battle plan related to attacking Iran — that Mr. Trump showed, during a meeting at his Bedminster golf club, to two people helping his former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows write a book.        起诉书加入了一项机密文件相关的指控——该文件涉及攻击伊朗相关的作战计划——在他的贝德明斯特高尔夫俱乐部,特朗普曾向两人出示该文件,当时这两人正在帮助特朗普的前白宫幕僚长马克·梅多斯写一本书。

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