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Judge Rejects Hong Kong’s Bid to Ban Pro-Democracy Song From Internet

来源:纽约时报    2023-07-31 09:26

        The Hong Kong authorities suffered a surprising setback on Friday when a judge denied their request to ban a popular pro-democracy song from the internet.        周五,香港当局意外受挫,一名法官驳回了当局针对一首网络上的热门民主歌曲下达禁令的请求。
        The government was seeking an injunction that could have given it the power to force Google and other tech companies to restrict access to the song in Hong Kong.        政府正在申请禁制令,以获取迫使谷歌和其他科技公司限制这首歌曲在港传播的权力。
        Since coming under the tighter grip of Beijing several years ago, Hong Kong has jailed political opponents, quashed street protest and shuttered pro-democracy newspapers. But the internet, in contrast to mainland China, has remained largely free of government control.        自从几年前北京加强控制以来,香港监禁了政治对手、镇压了街头抗议,并关闭了支持民主的报纸。但与中国内地相比,香港的互联网在很大程度上仍然不受政府控制。
        At issue in Friday’s ruling was “Glory to Hong Kong,” which was the unofficial anthem of 2019 democracy protests and has been a continuing point of contention for the authorities, who consider it an insult to China’s national anthem. It has been banned from Hong Kong schools and has drawn angry official rebukes when played, apparently by mistake, at sports competitions.        周五裁决涉及的歌曲是《愿荣光归香港》,它是2019年民主抗议活动的非官方国歌,一直是当局的争议点,它认为这首歌侮辱了中国国歌。它已在香港学校遭禁。有体育赛事播放这首歌(显然因失误所致)后,招致了官方的愤怒谴责。
        The Hong Kong government was seeking a court injunction against the publication or distribution of “Glory to Hong Kong” with “seditious intention” on the internet or in other media.        香港政府正在向法院申请禁制令,禁止在互联网或其他媒体上发布或传播带有“煽动意图”的《愿荣光归香港》。
        But Judge Anthony Chan denied the request, ruling that what the government wanted was too broad and effectively targeted everyone in Hong Kong. He wrote that the injunction could have had a “chilling effect” on free speech in Hong Kong.        但陈健强法官驳回了这一要求,裁定政府的要求过于宽泛,实际上针对了香港的每个人。他写道,该禁制令可能会对香港的言论自由产生“寒蝉效应”。
        “Freedom of expression is not absolute in nature but is nonetheless a highly important right that cannot be lawfully restricted without the requirements of legal certainty and proportionality being met,” he added.        他还说:“言论自由本质上并不是绝对的,但仍然是一项非常重要的权利,如果不满足法律确定性和相称性的要求,就不能合法限制言论自由。”
        Judge Chan also said that it would have been wrong to grant the injunction because existing criminal laws already gave the authorities the power to prosecute people for spreading the song, and that this ban would have been difficult to enforce, and unnecessary. Numerous people in Hong Kong have been arrested or charged for playing the song in public under an expansive national security law that Beijing imposed on the territory in 2020.        陈健强法官还表示,由于现行刑法已经赋予当局起诉这首歌曲传播者的权力,颁布这样的禁令是错误的,而且会难以执行,也没有必要。根据北京2020年在香港实施的一部范围广泛的国家安全法,许多港人因在公共场合播放这首歌而被捕或遭到指控。
        The injunction case has been closely watched in the Hong Kong business and tech communities. Foreign firms seeking access to China have long seen the city as an attractive hub, away from censorship controls in the rest of the country.        该禁令案受到香港商界和科技界的密切关注。长期以来,寻求进入中国的外国公司将这座城市视为一个有吸引力的枢纽,不像该国其他地区那样受到审查控制。
        The Hong Kong government argued in court that “Glory to Hong Kong” should be banned because it could mislead people into thinking that Hong Kong is an independent state. When Google refused a public request to remove the song in December, Hong Kong’s security chief called the company’s decision “unthinkable.”        香港政府在法庭上辩称,《愿荣光归香港》应该被禁,因为它可能会误导人们认为香港是一个独立国家。去年12月,谷歌拒绝了删除这首歌的公开请求,香港安全部门负责人称该公司的决定“匪夷所思”。
        The injunction request filed by the government in June did not name Google but listed 32 links to “Glory to Hong Kong” on Google or its sibling company YouTube.        政府6月提出的禁制令请求没有点名谷歌,但列出了谷歌或其子公司YouTube上的32个《愿荣光归香港》链接。
        The Department of Justice said in a statement that it was studying the ruling and “considering the way forward.” Google and Meta said Friday that they would not comment on the ruling.        律政司在一份声明中表示,正在研究该裁决并“考虑未来的方向”。谷歌和Meta周五表示不会对该裁决发表评论。
        Legal experts and business leaders said they were surprised by the decision, given the Hong Kong courts’ record in ruling on behalf of the government in matters concerning national security. Some said they were encouraged that the judge was willing to hold the government in check.        法律专家和商界领袖表示,鉴于香港法院在涉及国家安全问题上代表政府做出裁决的记录,他们对这一决定感到惊讶。一些人表示,法官愿意制衡政府,这让他们感到鼓舞。
        Kristian Odebjer, a lawyer and the chairman of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, said he welcomed the judge’s decision. The “Glory to Hong Kong” case had risked “muddling” the city’s reputation as a place where the internet is open, he said. In China, the authorities block content and websites they don’t like, a system called the Great Firewall.        律师兼香港瑞典商会主席邬德彬(Kristian Odebjer)表示,他对法官的裁决表示欢迎。他表示,《愿荣光归香港》案有可能“损害”香港作为互联网开放之地的声誉。在中国,当局封锁不喜欢的内容和网站,这是一个被称为“防火墙”的系统。
        “The fact that Hong Kong is outside of the Great Firewall, that we have a free flow of information and a free internet, that is clearly the key fundament in what Hong Kong is offering the world, and a key differentiator,” he said.        他说:“香港位于防火墙之外,我们拥有自由的信息流动和自由的互联网,这显然是香港向世界提供服务的关键基础,也是一个关键的差异化因素。”
        Kevin Yam, a legal researcher and former Hong Kong lawyer now based in Melbourne, Australia, called Judge Chan’s ruling “brave” but also noted that the judge emphasized the significance of the national security law in his decision.        现居澳大利亚墨尔本的法律研究员、前香港律师任建峰称法官的裁决“勇敢”,但也指出法官在其裁决中强调了国家安全法的重要性。
        “National security goes to the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong, the core interests of Hong Kong people,” Judge Chan wrote.        陈健强法官写道:“国家安全事关香港的稳定和繁荣,事关香港人民的核心利益。”
        On top of the existing national security law, the Hong Kong government is working to pass legislation against subversive actions and content that it describes as “soft resistance” and said it planned to close “internet loopholes.”        除了现有的国家安全法之外,香港政府正在努力通过立法,打击颠覆行为和它所谓的“软抵抗”内容,并表示计划堵住“互联网漏洞”。
        Multinational companies have gradually reduced their presence in Hong Kong since 2020. Stringent travel and quarantine rules during the pandemic triggered a wave of departures of executives and skilled workers. Some companies have moved computer servers storing sensitive information to new business hubs elsewhere in Asia, like Singapore.        自2020年以来,跨国公司逐渐减少在港业务。疫情期间严格的旅行和隔离规定引发了高管和技术工人的离境潮。一些公司已将存储敏感信息的计算机服务器转移到亚洲其他商业中心,如新加坡。
        Facebook and Twitter were blocked from mainland China in 2009. A year later, Google shut down its China services and rerouted users to its search engine in Hong Kong, then a bastion of political freedom on Chinese soil.        Facebook和Twitter于2009年被中国大陆屏蔽。一年后,谷歌关闭了其中国服务,并将用户重新转向其位于香港的搜索引擎,香港当时是中国领土上一个政治自由的堡垒。
        Since the national security law was put in place, requests to tech companies by the Hong Kong authorities to remove content on the internet have soared.        自《国家安全法》实施以来,香港当局向科技公司提出删除互联网内容的要求激增。
        Eric Lai, a visiting researcher at King’s College London School of Law, said he didn’t expect Friday’s decision to be the final word on “Glory to Hong Kong.”        伦敦大学国王学院法学院客座研究员黎恩灏表示,他并不认为周五的决定会成为关于《愿荣光归香港》的最终决定。
        “We have to wait and see how the government of Hong Kong will respond and whether there will be more political pressures from Beijing,” Dr. Lai said.        “我们必须等待,看看香港政府将如何回应,以及北京是否会施加更多政治压力,”黎恩灏博士说。

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