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Coco Lee, ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’ and ‘Mulan’ Singer, Dies at 48

来源:纽约时报    2023-07-06 10:29

        Coco Lee, a Chinese American singer and songwriter best known for performing an Oscar-nominated song in the film “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,” died on Wednesday. She was 48.        美国华裔唱作人李玟于周三去世,时年48岁。她因在电影《卧虎藏龙》中演唱获得奥斯卡提名的主题歌而闻名。
        The cause was suicide, according to a statement from her sisters, Carol and Nancy Lee, who did not say where she died. Ms. Lee was taken to a hospital on Sunday after she attempted suicide at her home, they said.        根据她的姐姐李秋林和李思林的声明,她的死因是自杀,但声明没有透露她的死亡地点。她们表示,李玟周日在家中试图自杀后被送往医院。
        “Coco had been suffering from depression for a few years but her condition deteriorated drastically over the last few months,” her sisters wrote. “Although Coco sought professional help and did her best to fight depression, sadly that demon inside of her took the better of her.”        “CoCo于数年前不幸患上了抑郁症,”她的两个姐姐写道。“经过长时间与病魔斗争,可惜近日病情急转直下。”
        Ms. Lee had built a successful career as a pop singer in Asia, but she was best known to American audiences for singing the song “A Love Before Time” in the 2000 film “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.” The song was nominated for an Oscar in the best new original song category, and she performed it in front of a television audience of millions at the Academy Awards ceremony in March 2001.        李玟作为一名流行歌手在亚洲取得了成功,但对于美国观众,她最出名的作品是为2000年的电影《卧虎藏龙》演唱歌曲《月光爱人》。这首歌获得了奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲类别的提名,在2001年3月的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,她在数以千万计的电视观众面前演唱了这首歌。
        “Combining the flavor and texture of Eastern music with the orchestral color and sensitive lyrics of Western culture, the magic of this stunningly beautiful film is truly realized in this evocative love ballad,” the actress Julia Stiles said as she introduced Ms. Lee’s performance.        “将东方音乐的韵味和质感与西方文化的管弦乐色彩和敏锐的歌词相结合,这部令人惊艳的电影的魔力在这首动人的情歌中得到了真正的体现,”女演员朱莉娅·斯蒂尔斯在介绍李玟的表演时说道。
        Her career as a recording artist began after she finished as the runner-up in a singing competition hosted by the television broadcaster TVB in Hong Kong in 1993, shortly after she graduated from high school. Ms. Lee entered the competition on a whim, she told The San Francisco Chronicle in 2000, and stumbled upon success.        1993年,李玟高中毕业后不久在香港无线电视主办的歌唱比赛中获得亚军,从此开始了唱片艺人的生涯。2000年,李玟告诉《旧金山纪事报》,她一时兴起参加比赛,结果意外获得了成功。
        “I was timid as a kid,” she said. “I would hide in the bathroom and sing in the shower. I always predicted my older sister Nancy would be the singer. She’s beautiful, talented and she’s got nice legs. I had no idea it would be me.”        “我小时候很胆怯,”她说。“我会躲在浴室里,在淋浴时唱歌。我一直觉得姐姐思林会成为歌手。她很漂亮,有才华,而且有一双美腿。我没想到会是我。”
        But being selected as runner-up in the TVB contest led to the release of her debut album with a Taiwanese record label in 1994. “My goal in the singing business is not to stay in one place,” she told a reporter for The South China Morning Post in 1997, saying that she wanted to work in Asia and the U.S.        但在TVB的比赛中获得了亚军后,她于1994年在一家台湾唱片公司发行了首张专辑。“我在歌唱事业上的目标是,不要停留在一个地方,”她在1997年告诉《南华早报》记者,她想在亚洲和美国工作。
        In 1999, Ms. Lee released her first full English language album, “Just No Other Way,” which featured pop and R&B songs. One track, “Before I Fall In Love,” was included on the soundtrack for the Julia Roberts film “Runaway Bride.”        1999年,李玟发行了她的第一张完整英文专辑《Just No Other Way》,收录了流行和R&B风格的歌曲。其中的《Before I Fall In Love》被收录在朱莉娅·罗伯茨电影《落跑新娘》(Runaway Bride)的原声碟中。
        Ms. Lee’s career also expanded beyond music. She voiced the lead character in the Mandarin version of Disney’s 1998 animated film “Mulan,” in addition to singing the movie’s theme song, “Reflection.”        李玟的职业生涯也扩展到了音乐之外。她为1998年迪士尼动画电影《花木兰》的国语版主角配音,并演唱了电影的主题曲《自己》(Reflection)。
        Ms. Lee, who was born on Jan. 17, 1975, in Hong Kong, moved to the United States and attended middle and high school in San Francisco, where she was crowned Miss Teen Chinatown in 1991. She briefly attended the University of California at Irvine, intending to study biology and become a doctor, but dropped out after her freshman year, she told The Chronicle.        李玟于1975年1月17日出生于香港,移居美国后在旧金山就读初中和高中,并于1991年荣获“华埠妙龄小姐”称号。她曾短暂就读于加州大学欧文校区,她告诉《纪事报》,自己曾打算学习生物学并成为一名医生,但在大一后退学。
        In their statement, Ms. Lee’s sisters noted that this year marked the 30th anniversary of the launch of her accomplished singing career. Ms. Lee was “known to have worked tirelessly to open up a new world for Chinese singers in the international music scene,” they wrote, highlighting her “excellent live performances.”        李玟的姐妹们在声明中提到,今年本应是她出道30周年。她们写道,李玟“努力地为华人歌手在国际歌坛上开拓一片新天地”,并强调了她“出色的现场表演”。
        In addition to her sisters, Ms. Lee’s survivors include her husband, Bruce Rockowitz, and two stepdaughters. A complete list was not immediately available.        除了两个姐姐之外,李玟的遗属还包括她的丈夫乐裕民(Bruce Rockowitz)和两个继女。目前尚无完整的名单。
        Her last single, called “Tragic,” was released in February. In a post to her social media at the end of 2022, Ms. Lee acknowledged having had an “incredibly difficult year” but encouraged her followers to spread positivity and “be an influential figure to inspire people.”        她的最后一首单曲《Tragic》于今年2月发行。李玟在2022年底在社交媒体上发帖承认,自己正在经历“极其艰难的一年”,但鼓励她的粉丝传播积极情绪,“成为一个有影响力的人物,激励他人”。

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