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Harvard’s Admissions Is Challenged for Favoring Children of Alumni

来源:纽约时报    2023-07-04 04:24

        It’s been called affirmative action for the rich: Harvard’s special admissions treatment for students whose parents are alumni, or whose relatives donated money. And in a complaint filed on Monday, a legal activist group demanded that the federal government put an end to it, arguing that fairness was even more imperative after the Supreme Court last week severely limited race-conscious admissions.        哈佛大学给予校友子女或捐赠者亲属方的特殊录取待遇一直以来都被称为富人的平权行动。在周一提交的申诉中,一家法律活动团体要求联邦政府叫停这种做法,并指出,在上周最高法院严格限制了基于种族考虑的招生之后,实现教育公平成了更加迫切的问题。
        Three Boston-area groups requested that the Education Department review the practice, saying the college’s admissions policies discriminated against Black, Hispanic and Asian applicants, in favor of less qualified white candidates with alumni and donor connections.        波士顿地区的三个团体要求教育部重新检讨哈佛大学的录取行为,称该大学的招生政策歧视黑人、西语裔和亚裔申请者,而青睐那些有校友或捐赠者关系、资质更差的白人申请者。
        “Why are we rewarding children for privileges and advantages accrued by prior generations?” asked Ivan Espinoza-Madrigal, executive director of Lawyers for Civil Rights, which is handling the case. “Your family’s last name and the size of your bank account are not a measure of merit, and should have no bearing on the college admissions process.”        “为什么我们要把先辈积累的特权和优势当做给孩子的奖励?”负责代理此案的“民权律师”(Lawyers for Civil Rights)执行董事伊万·埃斯皮诺萨·马德里加尔质问道。“家族姓氏和银行账户里的金额并非成绩的衡量标准,也不应影响大学录取的结果。”
        The complaint from liberal groups comes days after a conservative group, Students for Fair Admissions, won its Supreme Court case. And it adds to accelerating pressure on Harvard and other selective colleges to eliminate special preferences for the children of alumni and donors.        就在自由派团体发起申诉前不久,保守派组织“学生公平录取”(Students for Fair Admissions)在最高法院赢得了诉讼。此案给哈佛大学等名校带来了更大的压力,要求它们取消对校友和捐赠者子女的优待。
        The Office for Civil Rights of the Education Department, which would review the complaint, may already be gearing up to investigate. In a statement after the Supreme Court decision, President Biden said he would ask the department to examine “practices like legacy admissions and other systems that expand privilege instead of opportunity.”        负责审查该申诉的教育部民权事务办公室可能将会开展调查。拜登总统在最高法院下达裁决后的一份声明中表示,他将要求教育部检讨“继承录取等做法,以及扩大了特权而非机会的其他招生制度”。
        A spokeswoman for Harvard, Nicole Rura, said the school would have no comment on the complaint, but reiterated a statement from last week: “As we said, in the weeks and months ahead, the university will determine how to preserve our essential values, consistent with the court’s new precedent.”        哈佛大学发言人妮可·鲁拉表示,校方不会对该申诉置评,但她重申了上周声明的内容:“正如我们所说,在未来数周到数月时间里,本校将依据法院新判例来决定如何维护我们的基本价值观。”
        Colleges argue that the practice helps build community and encourages donations, which can be used for financial aid.        一些大学辩称,此类招生有助于建立校园社区文化,鼓励捐款,而这些捐款可以用于学费补助。
        A poll released last year by the Pew Research Center found that an increasing share of the public — 75 percent — believed that legacy preferences should not be a factor in who was admitted to college.        皮尤研究中心去年发布的一项民意调查发现,越来越多的公众(占75%)认为,大学招生中的继承偏好不应成为一个录取因素。
        And the call for eliminating legacy and donor preferences has grown recently across the political spectrum.        而在最近,各个政治派别中要求取消继承和捐赠录取偏好的呼声都越来越多。
        Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democrat of New York, tweeted that if the Supreme Court “was serious about their ludicrous ‘colorblindness’ claims, they would have abolished legacy admissions, aka affirmative action for the privileged.”        纽约州民主党众议员亚历山德里娅·奥卡西奥—科尔特斯在Twitter上表示,如果最高法院“对其荒谬的‘种族色盲’主张是认真的,那他们就应该废除继承式录取,也就是属于特权阶层的平权行动”。
        On “The Faulkner Focus,” a Fox News program, Senator Tim Scott, Republican of South Carolina and a presidential candidate, said, “One of the things that Harvard could do to make that even better is to eliminate any legacy programs where they have preferential treatment for legacy kids.”        南卡罗来纳州共和党参议员、总统候选人蒂姆·斯科特在福克斯新闻节目《福克纳聚焦》(The Faulkner Focus)上表示,“哈佛大学让招生更平等的办法之一,就是取消优待受庇荫子女的继承招生项目。”
        Peter Arcidiacono, a Duke University economist who has analyzed Harvard data, found that a typical white legacy applicant’s chances of being admitted increase fivefold over a typical, white non-legacy applicant.        杜克大学的经济学家彼得·阿尔西迪亚科诺在分析哈佛大学的招生数据后发现,典型的白人继承申请者的录取机会比典型的白人无继承申请者高出五倍。
        Even so, eliminating legacy preferences at Harvard, the study said, would not offset the loss in diversity if race-conscious admissions were also eliminated.        即便如此,该研究指出,取消继承录取也不能抵消哈佛大学取消考虑种族因素的招生后给多样性造成的破坏。
        In its decision on race-conscious admissions, some Supreme Court justices criticized legacy admissions. Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, in an opinion concurring with the court’s majority, took aim at preferences for the children of donors and alumni, saying: “They are no help to applicants who cannot boast of their parents’ good fortune or trips to the alumni tent all their lives. While race-neutral on their face, too, these preferences undoubtedly benefit white and wealthy applicants the most.”        最高法院一些法官在取消考虑种族因素招生的裁决中也批判了继承式录取。在与法庭多数意见一致的意见书中,大法官尼尔·戈萨奇针对捐赠者和校友子女受到的优待表示:“对于那些无法展示父母的成功或校友会活动经历的申请者来说,这些规定没有任何助益。虽然这表面上看起来也是种族中立,但这种偏好无疑对白人和富有申请者最为有利。”
        In her dissenting opinion, Justice Sonia Sotomayor referred to legacy admissions, arguing that continuing race-based preferences was only fair in light of the fact that most of the pieces in the admissions puzzle “disfavor underrepresented racial minorities.”        大法官索尼娅·索托马约尔在反对意见中提到了继承式录取,她认为保持以种族为基础的优先录取政策是公平的,因为当下的现实是招生中的大部分问题都“不利于代表性不足的少数族裔”。
        While Colorado adopted a law in 2021 banning legacy admissions in public universities, legislation in Congress and several other states has gained little traction.        虽然科罗拉多州在2021年通过了禁止公立大学继承式录取的法律,但国会和其他多个州的立法都没能取得进展。
        A New York bill filed last year was opposed by the state’s private school association, the Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities, which includes highly selective colleges such as Columbia, Cornell and Colgate.        去年纽约州提出的法案遭到了该州私立学校组织“独立学院及大学委员会”的反对,该委员会包括哥伦比亚大学、康奈尔大学和科尔盖特大学等名校。
        In Connecticut, where lawmakers held a hearing on the issue last year, Yale was among the private schools that came out in opposition. In written testimony, Jeremiah Quinlan, Yale’s dean of undergraduate admissions, called the proposed ban a government intrusion into university affairs.        康涅狄格州议会去年就这个问题举行了听证会,耶鲁大学是公开反对的私立学校之一。耶鲁大学本科招生负责人耶利米·昆兰在书面证词中表示,拟议的禁令属于政府对大学事务的干涉。
        Selective private universities, in particular, have been slow to eliminate legacies, with M.I.T., Johns Hopkins University and Amherst College among a few elite schools that do not use them.        一些私立名校在取消继承式录取方面的进展尤其缓慢,麻省理工学院、约翰斯·霍普金斯大学和阿默斯特学院是少数几所不采用这种录取办法的精英学府。
        In a news release last month describing its fall class, the first since the college eliminated legacy preferences, Amherst announced that the number of first-generation students in the school’s fall class would be higher than ever — 19 percent — while the number of students who were legacies had declined to 6 percent. Previously, legacies had made up 11 percent of the class.        上个月,阿默斯特学院在一份介绍秋季新生——这是该学院取消继承式录取偏好后招收的首届学生——的新闻稿中表示,这届秋季新生的家族初代学生数量创造了历史,占比达19%,而有继承背景的学生占比下降至6%,此前这一比例为11%。
        The complaint to the Education Department was filed by three groups — Chica Project, African Community Economic Development of New England and Greater Boston Latino Network.        向教育部申诉的三家组织分别是奇卡计划(Chica Project)、新英格兰非裔社区经济发展(African Community Economic Development of New England)以及大波士顿拉丁裔网络(Greater Boston Latino Network)。

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