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A ‘Cage Match’ Between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg May Be No Joke

来源:纽约时报    2023-07-03 04:23

        The day after Elon Musk challenged Mark Zuckerberg on social media to “a cage match” last month, Dana White, president of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, received a text.        上个月,埃隆·马斯克在社交媒体上向马克·扎克伯格发起“铁笼格斗”挑战。第二天,终极格斗锦标赛(Ultimate Fighting Championship,简称UFC)主席达纳·怀特收到一条短信。
        It was from Mr. Zuckerberg, chief executive of Meta. He asked Mr. White, who heads the world’s premier mixed martial arts competition, which is fought in cage-like rings, if Mr. Musk was serious about a fight.        短信来自扎克伯格,Meta的首席执行官。他问怀特,马斯克是否真的想与他比赛。怀特是世界一流综合格斗比赛的负责人,这些比赛是在笼子一般的擂台上进行的。
        Mr. White called Mr. Musk, who runs Tesla, Twitter and SpaceX, and confirmed that he was willing to throw down. Mr. White then relayed that to Mr. Zuckerberg. In response, Mr. Zuckerberg posted on Instagram: “Send Me Location,” a reference to the catchphrase of Khabib Nurmagomedov, one of the U.F.C.’s most decorated athletes.        马斯克运营特斯拉、Twitter和SpaceX。怀特给他打电话,确认他愿意比赛。怀特随后将这一消息转告扎克伯格。扎克伯格在Instagram上发帖回应:“发我地址。”这句话引用的是UFC获奖最多的运动员之一哈比卜·努尔马戈梅多夫的名言。
        Since then, Mr. White said, he has talked to the tech billionaires separately every night to organize the showdown. On Tuesday, he said, he was “on the phone with those two until 12:45 in the morning.” He added, “They both want to do it.”        怀特说,为了组织这场比赛,从那时起,他每天晚上都会分别与这两位科技亿万富翁交谈。他周二说,他“一直在和那两个人通电话,直到凌晨0点45分”。他还说,“他们两个都想这样做。”
        If you thought that a cage fight between two of the world’s richest men was just a far-fetched social media stunt, think again.        如果你认为世界上两位最富有的人之间的笼斗只是社交媒体上不靠谱的噱头,那你就大错特错了。
        Over the past 10 days, Mr. White said he, Mr. Musk and Mr. Zuckerberg — aided by advisers — have negotiated behind the scenes and are inching toward physical combat. While there are no guarantees a match will happen, the broad contours of an event are taking shape, said Mr. White and three people with knowledge of the discussions.        怀特表示,在过去10天里,他、马斯克和扎克伯格——在顾问的帮助下——进行了幕后商讨,距离实际格斗越来越近。怀特和三名知情人士表示,虽然不能保证比赛一定会举行,但赛事的大致轮廓正在形成。
        The fight would be an exhibition match, Mr. White said, and outside official U.F.C. jurisdiction and rights deals, though he would help produce the event. The tech leaders have agreed there should be a charity component, Mr. White and a person familiar with the talks said, with details still being worked out. The preferred location is Las Vegas, which requires approval from the Nevada Athletic Commission. On Thursday, Mr. Musk tweeted that the event could also happen in the Roman Colosseum.        怀特表示,这将是一场表演赛,在UFC官方管辖权和转播权范围之外,不过他将帮助组织这场赛事。怀特和一位熟悉谈判情况的人士表示,两位科技界领袖一致认为赛事应包含慈善,具体细节仍在制定中。首选地点是拉斯维加斯,这需要获得内华达体育委员会的批准。周四,马斯克在Twitter上表示,比赛也可以在罗马斗兽场举行。
        Mr. Zuckerberg’s friends and advisers have generally supported the match, two people close to him said, though others said a fight would be a distraction and not the best use of his time. One person close to Mr. Musk said that while he hated sports and didn’t appear to have the discipline to train regularly, no one could rule anything out with him.        两名与扎克伯格关系密切的人士表示,扎克伯格的朋友和顾问总体上支持这场比赛,其他人则表示,这场格斗会分散他的注意力,是在浪费他的时间。一位与马斯克关系密切的人士表示,虽然马斯克讨厌运动,而且似乎没有定期规律训练,但不能排除任何可能性。
        If the matchup between Mr. Musk, 52, and Mr. Zuckerberg, 39, goes ahead, it would be a rare spectacle, even in the braggadocio-filled universe of the tech industry. While Steve Jobs and Bill Gates used to snipe at each other, the closest the tech world had before this to real sporting feuds was among billionaire yachtsmen like Larry Ellison of Oracle and Hasso Plattner of SAP.        如果52岁的马斯克和39岁的扎克伯格之间的对决如约而至,即使在吹牛人士遍地的科技行业,这也将是一场罕见的奇观。虽然史蒂夫·乔布斯和比尔·盖茨过去常常互相攻击,但在此之前,科技界与这一次最接近的真实体育对决是甲骨文公司的拉里·埃里森和SAP的哈索·普拉特纳等亿万富翁参加的帆船比赛。
        But two wildly wealthy tech titans grappling, punching and kicking in a Las Vegas or Roman arena? No one would have dreamed it.        但是,两个富可敌国的科技巨头在拉斯维加斯或罗马的竞技场上格斗角力、拳打脚踢?做梦也没人想得到。
        Meta declined to comment. Mr. Musk did not respond to a request for comment.        Meta公司拒绝置评。马斯克没有回应置评请求。
        Mr. Zuckerberg and Mr. Musk have long teetered between being competitors, frenemies and outright enemies. The two have criticized each other over the years, including about Mr. Musk’s SpaceX rockets, data privacy scandals at Meta and more. Most recently, Mr. Zuckerberg dispatched a team at Meta to build a competitor to Mr. Musk’s Twitter, code-named Project 92.        扎克伯格和马斯克的关系长期以来一直在竞争对手、亦敌亦友和彻底的敌人之间摇摆不定。多年来,两人一直互相批评,包括针对马斯克的SpaceX火箭、Meta的数据隐私丑闻等等。最近,扎克伯格在Meta组建了一个团队,来打造与马斯克的Twitter竞争的产品,代号为Project 92。
        If they take their rivalry beyond those jibes, the U.F.C.’s Mr. White said he had concerns about the physical gaps between the billionaires. Apart from their 13-year age difference, Mr. Musk is said to be at least 70 pounds heavier than Mr. Zuckerberg. In official mixed martial arts bouts, athletes are generally matched up by weight.        如果二人已经超越了相互嘲讽,将竞争带到赛场上,UFC的怀特表示,他对这两位亿万富翁之间的身体差距感到担忧。除了年龄相差13岁之外,据说马斯克比扎克伯格至少重30公斤。在正式的综合格斗比赛中,运动员通常按重量级别分组比赛。
        “We have two guys that have never professionally fought, and they’re in two completely different weight classes,” Mr. White said. Still, he said, “it will be the biggest fight in the history of combat sports.”        “这两个人从未参加过职业拳击比赛,他们处于两个完全不同的体重级别,”怀特说。不过,他表示,“这将是格斗运动史上最重大的一场比赛。”
        Mr. Zuckerberg is especially familiar with the U.F.C. world. Over the past 18 months, he has embarked on a personal journey to bulk up and dove deep into Brazilian jujitsu, a grappling martial art in which competitors try to submit their opponent and which is used in U.F.C. fighting.        扎克伯格对UFC世界格外熟悉。在过去的18个月里,他开始了个人增肌之旅,并深入研究巴西柔术,这是一种UFC比赛中会使用的格斗武术,旨在制服对手。
        Mr. Zuckerberg started training on a lark mostly in his garage in 2021, where he built what he called a “mini academy” with a circle of friends who spar with him. He has said he appreciated that Brazilian jujitsu required “100 percent focus” and strategic thinking to defeat an opponent, rather than brute strength.        扎克伯格从2021年开始进行业余训练,大部分时间是在他的车库里,与一群一起训练的朋友在那里建立了他所谓的“迷你学院”。他表示,他很欣赏巴西柔术需要“百分百专注”和战略思维来击败对手,而不是蛮力。
        Mr. Zuckerberg has sought out martial arts experts, including Dave Camarillo, James Terry and Khai Wu. In May, he competed in his first public martial arts tournament in Redwood City, Calif., which he attended undercover — up until the moment he took off his hat and sunglasses to fight. He won gold and silver medals in the challenge.        扎克伯格曾请教过武术专家,包括戴夫·卡马里奥、詹姆斯·特里和吴仲凯。5月,他在加利福尼亚州雷德伍德城参加了他的第一次公开武术锦标赛,他隐藏了身份,直到上场前摘下帽子和墨镜。他在挑战赛中获得了金牌和银牌。
        Last year, Meta also announced it had partnered with the U.F.C. to bring mixed martial arts fights to Horizon Worlds, its virtual reality app.        去年,Meta还宣布与UFC合作,将混合武术格斗带入其虚拟现实应用“地平线世界”。
        Mr. White said Mr. Zuckerberg was truly dedicated to the sport.        怀特表示,扎克伯格全心全意地投入到这项运动中。
        “I’ve been talking to Zuckerberg now for maybe close to two years now,” he said. “And there’s never like banter or we’re joking and laughing.” He said the Meta chief executive was “dead serious all the time.”        “我和扎克伯格交谈了可能快两年了,”他说。“从来没有玩笑,我们也不会说笑。”他说,Meta首席执行官“一直非常认真”。
        Mr. Zuckerberg is likely in fighting shape. He has been on a strict workout regimen, going for runs and challenging friends and colleagues to beat his times, two people close to him said. Last month, he posted a personal record for completing the “Murph” challenge, which requires completing a series of pull-ups, push-ups, running multiple miles and doing hundreds of squats, all while wearing weighted, military-grade body armor.        扎克伯格的身体素质可能适合格斗。两位与他关系密切的人士表示,他一直遵循严格的锻炼计划,进行跑步训练,并向朋友和同事发起挑战以打破自己的成绩。上个月,他发布了完成“墨菲”挑战的个人记录,该挑战需要完成一系列引体向上、俯卧撑、跑步数英里和进行数百次深蹲,在进行所有这些项目的同时还必须穿着负重的军用级防弹衣。
        “Doing sports that basically require your full attention, I think, is really important to my mental health and the way to stay focused on everything I’m doing,” he said in a recent podcast episode.        “我认为,进行基本上需要全神贯注的运动,对我的心理健康以及在任何事情上都保持专注非常重要,”他在最近的一期播客节目中说道。
        Mr. Musk, on the other hand, has tweeted that he “almost never” works out and once suffered a back injury that required surgery after participating in an exhibition with a sumo wrestler. Last month, he said he had trained in “judo, Kyokushin (full contact)” — two Japanese martial arts — and “no rules streetfighting.”        另一边,马斯克在Twitter上表示,他“几乎从不”锻炼,有一次在与相扑选手一起参加表演赛后背部受伤而需要手术。上个月,他说他接受了两种日本武术——“柔道、极真空手道(全接触格斗)”——和“无规则街头格斗”的训练。
        “He made that very clear: ‘I’m not going to lose any weight,’” Mr. White said of Mr. Musk’s approach to the potential matchup. “‘Are we going to fight or are we not going to fight?’” Mr. White said Mr. Musk told him.        “他明确表示:‘我不会减重,’”怀特在谈到马斯克对这场潜在对决的态度时说道。怀特表示,马斯克说:“‘我们要打还是不打?’”
        This week, Lex Fridman, a podcaster, posted photos of himself training judo with Mr. Musk. Mr. Fridman, who has also trained jujitsu with Mr. Zuckerberg, did not respond to a request for comment.        本周,播客主播莱克斯·弗里德曼发布了自己与马斯克一起训练柔道的照片。弗里德曼还与扎克伯格一起训练过柔术,他没有回应置评请求。
        At least one person does not appear to be a fan of a fight: Maye Musk, Mr. Musk’s mother.        至少有一个人似乎不喜欢打斗:马斯克的母亲梅耶·马斯克。
        “Don’t encourage this match!” she recently tweeted, along with two frowning emojis.        “不要怂恿这场比赛!”她最近发了一条推文,并附上了两个皱眉的表情符号。

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