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Threads, Instagram’s ‘Twitter Killer,’ Has Arrived

来源:纽约时报    2023-07-06 12:48

        After months of speculation and secrecy, Mark Zuckerberg’s long-rumored competitor app to Twitter is here.        经过了数月的犹抱琵琶半遮面,马克·扎克伯格的Twitter竞品终于千呼万唤始出来。
        The new app, Threads, was unveiled on Wednesday as a companion to Instagram, the popular photo-sharing network that Mr. Zuckerberg’s company, Meta, bought more than a decade ago. If Instagram executives get their way, Threads will also replace rival Twitter, with some techies referring to it as a “Twitter killer.”        这款名为Threads的新应用于周三发布,是Instagram的伴生应用,后者是扎克伯格公司Meta十多年前收购的热门照片分享网站。Instagram高管的宏愿若得以实现,Threads将会取代竞品Twitter的地位,一些科技从业者已经将其称为“Twitter杀手”。
        The rollout of Threads ramps up the rivalry between Mr. Zuckerberg and Elon Musk, who bought Twitter last year. Mr. Musk has changed the experience of Twitter by tinkering with its algorithm and other features, and most recently imposed temporary limits on how many tweets people could read when using the app, inciting outrage.        Threads的推出为扎克伯格与伊隆·马斯克之间的恩怨火上浇油,后者去年收购了Twitter。马斯克通过修改算法和其他功能改变了Twitter的用户体验,最近还对用户在该程序上可阅读推文的数量进行临时限制,引发了公愤。
        Many tech companies have tried capitalizing on Twitter’s turmoil in recent months. But Threads has a leg up, backed by Meta’s deep pockets and Instagram’s enormous user base of more than two billion monthly active users around the world.        近几个月来,许多科技企业都试图利用Twitter的混乱获利。不过,依靠Meta雄厚的财力和Instagram每月全球活跃人数超20亿的庞大用户群,Threads还是能赢在起跑线。
        In a post to his Threads account on Wednesday, Mr. Zuckerberg said he wanted the new app to be “friendly as it expands,” which was an area where “Twitter never succeeded” as much as he believed it should have. “We want to do it differently,” he said.        扎克伯格周三在自己的Threads帐号上发文称,他希望这款新应用“在拓展用户的过程中保持友好”,他也认为在这个问题上,“Twitter从来都没有取得应有的成功”。“我们希望以不一样的方式做好这件事,”他表示。
        Here’s what to know about Threads.        以下是关于Threads您需要了解的内容。
        What is Threads and how does it work?        什么是Threads以及它是如何运作的?
        Built by Instagram, Threads is positioned as an app where people can have real-time, public conversations with one another. Threads also helps boost Instagram, which is a marquee app in Meta’s family of products.        Threads由Instagram开发,其定位是一款让人们可以进行实时公开对话的应用程序。Threads还有助于推广Instagram这一Meta产品系列中的重头应用程序。
        “The idea is to hopefully build an open, friendly space for communities,” Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram, said in an interview.        “我们的初衷是为各个社群建立一个开放友好的空间,”Instagram负责人亚当·莫塞里在接受采访时表示。
        Instagram has tied Threads closely to itself. Those interested in signing up for the new app are required to have an Instagram account for now. A user’s Instagram handle must also be their Threads user name.        Instagram已将Threads深度绑定。目前,有兴趣注册Threads的用户必须先有一个Instagram帐号。Threads的用户名称也必须与Instagram的一样。
        And people will be able to directly import the list of those they follow on Instagram to Threads if they wish. Instagram’s verified users will also be verified on the new app. Users can set their Threads account to be private or public.        如果愿意,用户可以直接将Instagram的关注列表导入Threads。Instagram的认证用户也会在Threads得到认证。用户可以将其Threads帐号设为私密或公开。
        How is Threads similar to or different from Twitter?        Threads与Twitter有何异同?
        Threads looks nearly identical to Twitter in many ways. Users can post mostly text-based messages to a scrolling feed, where people who follow them and whom they follow can reply. People can also post photos or video to the app.        Threads在很多方面几乎与Twitter一模一样。用户可以将大部分以文本为主的信息发布至滚动信息流,关注者和被关注者都可以进行回复。用户还可以在该应用上发布照片或视频。
        But Threads is also different from Twitter. It does not currently support direct messaging, a feature that Twitter offers. Instagram said it may add features to Threads if new users ask for them.        但Threads也不同于Twitter。它目前还不支持Twitter的直接私信功能。Instagram表示,Threads可能会根据新用户的需求增添功能。
        How did Instagram come up with Threads?        Instagram为何要推出Threads?
        Instagram has made a concerted effort to simplify its app over the past few years, Mr. Mosseri said. As part of that effort, he said, Threads was spun out into a separate app. That way, Instagram would not be too cluttered by trying to make public conversations work inside its existing app.        莫塞里表示,过去几年Instagram都在刻意做减法。因此Threads才被分拆成一个单独的应用程序,他说,这样一来Instagram就无需在应用内保留公共对话,从而不会显得过于拥挤混乱。
        The choice to create a new app was also hard to resist, Mr. Mosseri added, especially at a tumultuous moment in the social media landscape.        莫塞里还说,特别是在社交媒体格局动荡的当下,开发一款新应用的诱惑令人难以抗拒。
        “There was an opportunity or demand for more people to play in the public space,” he said, referring to the changes around Twitter under Mr. Musk. Mr. Mosseri added that the chance to challenge Twitter came about “not just because of the ownership, but because of product changes and decisions” that Mr. Musk and others made to how the social platform works.        “让更多的人活跃在公共空间是一种机遇或需求,”他说道,指的是马斯克领导下Twitter的改变。莫塞里还表示,挑战Twitter的机遇“不仅来自其所有权的变化,也因为它的产品变了,以及”马斯克和其他人对这一社交平台的运作方式所做的决策。
        Instagram began its effort to take on Twitter late last year, with dozens of engineers, product managers and designers pitching ideas on what a rival app could look like. Among the notions Meta’s workers talked over at the time was a more extensive rollout of a feature called Instagram Notes, where people can share short messages on the site, and a text-focused app using Instagram’s technology.        去年年底,Instagram就开始发力挑战Twitter,数十名工程师、产品经理和设计师对于竞品应用的研发提出了设想。Meta员工当时讨论的概念包括更广泛地推出一项名为“Instagram笔记”的功能,让用户可以在该网站上分享短消息,以及一款基于Instagram技术的以文本为核心的应用程序。
        Ultimately, Mr. Mosseri said, he and other managers decided they should “make a bet” in the space and leaned into building what became Threads.        莫塞里说,他和其他主管最终决定在这个领域“赌一把”,开始着手打造后来的Threads。
        How will Threads work with other apps?        Threads如何与其他应用程序配合使用?
        Instagram’s goal is to ultimately have Threads work across multiple apps in what it calls the Fediverse, which is shorthand for a federated universe of services that share communication protocols. Other apps like Mastodon, another social network, also function in this way.        Instagram的目标是让Threads最终得以接入其所谓的“联邦宇宙”(Fediverse),这是共享通信协议的各种服务的联合空间。其他如Mastodon(另一款社交网络)等应用也以这样的方式运行。
        This might sound like a lot of tech speak. What it means, essentially, is that Instagram wants to make it easier for Threads to operate seamlessly with other platforms, which could appeal to creators and influencers so they do not have to start from scratch on each app.        这听起来似乎专业术语太多。其实Instagram的意思就是希望Threads能更轻松地与其他平台无缝兼容,以此吸引创作者和网红,这样他们就不必在每个应用程序上从头开始营业。
        If a creator builds up a sizable number of followers on Threads, for instance, they could ostensibly take those followers with them to other platforms that are built on the same technology. That would make it less risky for creators and could free them from feeling like they are “stuck” on one platform, Mr. Mosseri said.        例如,如果一位创作者在Threads收获了相当数量的粉丝,他们可以将这些关注者原封不动搬到其他基于相同技术的平台。莫塞里说这将为创作者降低风险,也让他们不用觉得自己被“困在”了某一家平台上。
        Has Instagram cloned other apps?        Instagram复刻了其他应用程序吗?
        Mr. Zuckerberg’s Meta, which also owns Facebook and WhatsApp, has an extensive history of trying to stamp out social media rivals, partly by copying their features. Mr. Zuckerberg is fiercely competitive and has long wanted to own a product that accomplishes what Twitter does.        扎克伯格的Meta公司还拥有Facebook和WhatsApp,长期以来该公司都以复刻竞品功能为部分手段,试图消灭其他社交媒体竞争对手。扎克伯格为人争强好胜,早就想拥有一款能替代Twitter的产品。
        That strategy does not always guarantee success. Facebook’s early attempts to clone the ephemeral messaging app Snapchat, for example, did not initially gain much traction.        这种策略并不总能保证成功。例如Facebook早年曾试图复刻昙花一现的通讯应用Snapchat,但最初并没获得太多关注。
        Even so, Meta has continued to imitate rivals. In 2020, Meta released a TikTok copycat called Reels, which focuses on short videos and has since become widely used.        即便如此,Meta仍在继续模仿竞品。2020年,Meta发布了一款名为Reels的TikTok复刻品,专注于短视频,此后得到了广泛使用。
        Where will Threads be available?        哪里可以获取Threads?
        Threads is available for download for free from Apple’s App Store and the Google Play store in the United States and roughly 100 other countries beginning on Wednesday. It has plans to expand further.        从周三开始,在美国等100多个国家的苹果应用商店和Google Play商店均可免费下载Threads。它计划将进一步扩充获取渠道。
        But Meta said Threads will not initially be available in the European Union, one of the company’s largest markets. A new E.U. law called the Digital Markets Act is taking effect in the coming months and limits how the largest tech companies share data across services. Meta said it was waiting to get more specifics about the law’s implementation before introducing Threads across the 27-nation bloc.        但Meta表示,欧盟不在Threads最初上架的地区之中,这是该公司最大的市场之一。《数字市场法案》这一欧盟新法律将在未来几个月生效,该法案将限制大型科技企业跨服务共享数据的方式。Meta表示,在欧盟27个成员国上架Threads之前,该公司需要观望该法案实施的更多细节。

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