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Yellen to Visit China in Bid to Steady Economic Ties

来源:纽约时报    2023-07-03 12:04

        Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen will travel to China on Wednesday, a high-stakes visit that is intended to help stabilize the fraught relationship between the world’s two largest economies.        财政部长珍妮特·耶伦将于周三访问中国,这次访问意义重大,旨在稳定世界最大两个经济体之间的紧张关系。
        The trip to China will be Ms. Yellen’s first as Treasury Secretary and follows Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken’s visit last month. It comes at a moment of tension between the United States and Beijing following the discovery of a Chinese spy balloon traversing America earlier this year and Chinese frustration with the Biden administration’s efforts to block China from accessing certain sensitive technologies.        这将是耶伦首次以财政部长身份访华,此前国务卿安东尼·布林肯也曾于上个月访华。今年早些时候,美国发现中国间谍气球飞越美国,而中国对拜登政府阻止中国获取某些敏感技术的努力感到不满,两国之间关系紧张。
        The trip also coincides with a moment of heightened uncertainty for the global economy, with China’s post-pandemic output flagging and the United States trying to avoid a recession while containing inflation.        此行还恰逢全球经济不确定性加剧的时刻,中国疫情后产出萎靡,美国试图在遏制通胀的同时避免经济衰退。
        Despite hopes of re-establishing dialogue, the meetings are likely to cover sensitive issues that have been festering for years.        尽管希望重新建立对话,但会议可能会涉及多年来一直恶化的敏感问题。
        The Biden administration has been taking steps to reduce America’s reliance on Chinese imports and has sought to limit China’s access to semiconductors, biotechnology and sensitive technology that powers things like robotics, artificial intelligence capabilities and high-end computing.        拜登政府一直在采取措施,降低美国对中国进口产品的依赖,并试图限制中国获取半导体技术、生物技术和敏感技术,这些技术为机器人、人工智能和高端计算等提供动力。
        At the same time, China has frustrated the United States with its reluctance to renegotiate the terms of loans it is owed by poor countries facing default and has maintained close economic ties with Russia despite that country’s invasion of Ukraine.        与此同时,从中国贷款的贫穷国家面临违约,中国不愿就贷款条款进行重新谈判,这让美国感到不满;并且,即使俄罗斯入侵乌克兰,中国仍与俄罗斯保持着密切的经济关系。
        A senior Treasury Department official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity about the priorities for the trip, said on Sunday that Ms. Yellen would meet with top Chinese officials and American companies doing business in China. The official said that Ms. Yellen would talk to her Chinese counterparts about global challenges and mutual areas of concern.        一位不愿透露姓名的财政部高级官员周日在谈及耶伦此行的优先事项时表示,耶伦将与中国高级官员和在华开展业务的美国公司会面。这位官员表示,耶伦将与中国对等官员讨论全球挑战和共同关心的领域。
        The Treasury secretary is expected to raise objections to China’s recent ban aimed at Micron Technology, the U.S.-based manufacturer of memory chips used in phones, computers and other electronics. The Chinese government in May barred companies that handle critical information from buying microchips made by Micron, after the Biden administration recently took steps to bar Chinese chip makers from gaining access to crucial tools needed to make advanced chips. The company’s chips, which are used for memory storage in all kinds of electronics, like phones and computers, were deemed to pose “relatively serious cybersecurity problems” by China’s internet watchdog after a review.        预计这位财政部长将对中国最近针对美光科技的禁令提出反对,美光科技是一家美国制造商,生产用于手机、电脑和其他电子产品的存储芯片。在拜登政府最近采取措施,禁止中国芯片制造商获得制造先进芯片所需的关键工具后,中国政府于5月禁止处理关键信息的公司购买美光制造的微芯片。该公司的芯片用于手机和电脑等各种电子产品的内存存储,经过审查后,中国互联网监管机构认为存在“相对严重的网络安全问题”。
        Ms. Yellen is also expected to express concerns about human rights violations related to China’s treatment of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, where the Chinese government has been accused of mass detention of Muslims. American officials are also hoping to gain a better understanding of the scope of China’s new counterespionage law, which could present new challenges for foreign companies.        预计耶伦还将对中国对待新疆少数民族的侵犯人权行为表示担忧,中国政府被指控在新疆大规模拘禁穆斯林。美国官员还希望更好地了解中国新反间谍法的范围,该法可能给外国公司带来新的挑战。
        While grievances are likely to be aired by both sides, Ms. Yellen intends to make the case that U.S. actions to become less reliant on China and protect its national security are not intended to “decouple” the two economies, which are highly intertwined.        尽管双方可能都会表达不满,但耶伦打算证明,美国减少对中国依赖、并保护国家安全的行动并不是为了使这两个高度交织的经济体“脱钩”。
        Ms. Yellen has sounded a softer tone toward China in recent weeks, describing the relationship between Washington and Beijing as important for the entire world. In an interview with MSNBC last week, she suggested that “healthy competition” could benefit workers and businesses in both countries.        最近几周,耶伦对中国的态度变得温和,称华盛顿和北京之间的关系对整个世界都很重要。在上周接受MSNBC采访时,她表示“良性竞争”可以使两国的劳动者和企业受益。
        “My hope in traveling to China is to re-establish contact,” Ms. Yellen said. “There are a new group of leaders, we need to get to know one another.”        “我这次访华希望重新建立联系,”耶伦说。“有一批新的领导人,我们需要互相了解。”
        She added that the two nations “need to discuss our disagreements with one another so that we don’t have misunderstandings, don’t misunderstand one another’s intentions.”        她还说,两国“需要讨论彼此之间的分歧,这样我们就不会产生误解,不会误解彼此的意图。”
        The Treasury secretary is likely to field pointed questions from her counterparts about the Biden administration’s intentions amid concerns in China that America’s actions do not match its words.        由于中国担心美国言行不一,财长很可能将面临中方就拜登政府真实意图提出的尖锐问题。
        The administration has imposed sweeping restrictions on China’s access to advanced technology, saying that Beijing’s ability to use such technology poses a national security threat to the United States.        拜登政府对中国获取先进技术实施了广泛限制,称中方使用此类技术的能力对美国国家安全构成了威胁。
        In remarks last Wednesday at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, Mr. Blinken said it was in America’s interest to keep Beijing from gaining access to technology that could be used to harm the United States.        布林肯上周三在纽约的外交关系委员会发表讲话时表示,阻止中国获得可能被用来伤害美国的技术,符合美国的利益。
        “How is it in our interest to allow them to get technology that they may turn around and use against us?” he asked, citing China’s expanding nuclear weapons program, its development of hypersonic missiles and its use of artificial intelligence “potentially for repressive purposes.”        “允许他们获取可能被反过来用于对付我们的技术,这怎么会符合我国利益呢?”他反问道,并提到中国不断扩大的核武器计划、高超音速导弹的研发以及“可能用于镇压目的”的人工智能运用。
        “If they were in our shoes, they would do exactly the same thing,” he said, adding that the U.S. was imposing “very targeted, very narrowly defined controls.”        “如果调换立场,他们也会做同样的事情,”他说,并补充称美国正在实施“非常具有针对性、范围非常狭窄的管控措施”。
        The White House has also been preparing new investment restrictions aimed at curtailing American dollars used to finance the development of advanced technologies within Chinese borders.        为了减少中国境内先进技术研发的美元投资,白宫还准备出台新的投资限制。
        And while Ms. Yellen has in the past questioned the efficacy of tariffs on Chinese imports, the levies imposed by the Trump administration remain in place and seem unlikely to be rolled back anytime soon.        虽然耶伦过去曾质疑对中国进口商品征收关税的作用,但特朗普政府的关税规定仍在,而且似乎不太可能在短期内被取消。
        China has also expressed frustration with America’s efforts to reorient its supply chain away from China and toward other countries the United States considers allies — a trend Ms. Yellen and other cabinet officials have called “friendshoring.”        对于美国努力将其供应链从中国转移至其他美国认定的盟友国家,中国也表示了失望。耶伦和其他内阁官员将此趋势称为“友岸外包”。
        For its part, the United States continues to be frustrated by China’s reluctance to allow poor countries that are facing default to restructure the terms of their loans, and has concerns about China’s weakening currency, which makes its exports more competitive in the United States.        美国依然因中国不肯允许面临债务违约的贫困国家重组贷款而不满,并对中国正在贬值的货币感到担忧,因为这会让中国的出口在美国更具竞争力。
        In addition to the currency tensions, China is struggling with debt troubles at home and abroad. The debt crisis in developing countries is coming at a bad time for China. As a slow-motion housing crisis unfolds, many banks already face the potential for heavy losses on their loans to real estate developers and to the financing units of local governments. That leaves them leery of accepting heavy losses on overseas loans, even as Western experts predict that developing countries may not be able to recover without significant debt relief.        除了货币汇率形势紧张,中国还面临国内外债务问题。对中国来说,发展中国家的债务危机来得不是时候。随着房地产危机缓慢恶化,许多银行向开发商和地方政府融资部门发放的贷款已经面临严重亏损的风险。这让银行不愿接受海外贷款的巨额损失,尽管西方专家预测,若不能大幅减免债务,这些发展中国家的经济可能很难复苏。
        American officials had very limited contact with Chinese officials through the pandemic, when China almost completely closed its borders and stopped sending its officials to international economic gatherings. China has also gradually halted the release of thousands of economic data series over the last several years as part of a national security campaign, and that has made it even harder for American officials to understand what is happening in the Chinese economy.        疫情期间,美中双方官员的接触非常有限,当时中国基本完全关闭了边境,也不再派官员参加国际经济会议。作为加强国家安全的部分措施,过去几年中国逐渐停止发布数以千计的经济数据系列,导致美国官员更难以了解中国经济的现状。
        In a sign of how seriously Beijing is taking Ms. Yellen’s visit, China on Saturday named a new Communist Party secretary to lead the country’s central bank: Pan Gongsheng, a prominent technocrat who has overseen China’s currency policy since 2016 as director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.        中国周六宣布了国家央行新党委书记的任命,表明北京方面对耶伦的访问非常重视:潘功胜是一位著名的技术官僚,自2016年起担任国家外汇管理局局长,负责监管中国的货币政策。
        Ms. Yellen and her team “will likely try to get more insights into the Chinese economy as it gets more opaque,” said Christopher Adams, a former senior coordinator for China affairs at the Treasury Department.        财政部前中国事务高级协调员安凯彬(Christopher Adams)表示,耶伦及其团队“在中国经济愈发缺乏透明度之际,可能会尝试获取更多内幕信息”。

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