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Yellen, in Beijing, Criticizes China’s Treatment of U.S. Companies

来源:纽约时报    2023-07-07 03:16

        Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen on Friday criticized the Chinese government’s harsh treatment of companies with foreign ties and its recent decision to impose export controls on certain critical minerals, suggesting that such actions justify the Biden administration’s efforts to make U.S. manufacturers less reliant on China.        美国财长耶伦周五批评中国政府严厉对待有外资背景的公司,以及不久前对某些关键矿产实施出口管制的决定,并表示此类行动证明了拜登政府为减少美国制造商对中国的依赖而做出的努力是正确的。
        Ms. Yellen delivered the forceful defense of American industry on her first day of meetings in Beijing during a high-stakes trip to ease tension between the United States and China. Her comments, to a group of executives from American businesses operating in China, underscored challenges that the world’s two largest economies face as they look to move beyond their deep differences.        在北京举行会晤的第一天,她就为美国行业做出了强有力的辩护;耶伦此行意义重大,旨在缓和中美之间的紧张关系。她是对一群在华美企高管做出上述表示的,她的话凸显出世界上最大的两个经济体在寻求超越深刻分歧之际所面临的挑战。
        “During meetings with my counterparts, I am communicating the concerns that I’ve heard from the U.S. business community — including China’s use of nonmarket tools like expanded subsidies for its state-owned enterprises and domestic firms, as well as barriers to market access for foreign firms,” Ms. Yellen told members of the American Chamber of Commerce in China at a round-table event. “I’ve been particularly troubled by punitive actions that have been taken against U.S. firms in recent months.” Representatives of Boeing, Bank of America and the agriculture giant Cargill were among those in attendance.        “在与中方同行的会面中,我传达了从美国商界了解到的担忧——包括中国使用非市场工具,比如向国有企业和国内公司扩大补贴,以及对外国公司设置市场准入壁垒,”耶伦在一个圆桌会议上对在华美国商会成员说道。“近几个月来针对美国公司采取的惩罚行动让我尤其感到不安。”包括波音公司、美国银行和农业巨头嘉吉公司在内的代表出席了这次圆桌会议。
        In March, the Chinese authorities detained five Chinese nationals working in Beijing for the Mintz Group, an American consulting company with 18 offices around the world, and closed the branch. The next month, the authorities questioned employees in the Shanghai office of Bain & Company, the U.S. management consulting firm.        今年3月,中国当局拘留了美思明智集团北京办事处的五名中国公民,并关闭了该办事处,这是一家在全球设有18个办事处的美国咨询公司。次月,美国管理咨询公司贝恩公司上海办事处的员工遭当局问话。
        Scrutiny of American businesses operating in China followed restrictions that the Biden administration imposed on China’s access to critical semiconductor-making technology and tools.        中国对在华美企进行审查之前,拜登政府对中国获得关键半导体制造技术和工具采取了限制措施。
        The Biden administration is preparing additional restrictions on U.S. technology trade with China, including potential limits on advanced chips and U.S. investment in the country. The administration is also preparing to restrict Chinese companies’ access to U.S. cloud computing services, in an effort to close a loophole in earlier restrictions on China’s access to advanced chips used for artificial intelligence.        拜登政府正在准备对双方的技术贸易实施更多限制,包括对先进芯片和美国在华投资的潜在限制。美国政府还准备限制中国公司获得美国云计算服务,以堵住此前限制中国获得用于人工智能的先进芯片方面的漏洞。
        The tit-for-tat continued this week when Beijing retaliated against the Biden administration’s limits on semiconductors, announcing that it would restrict the export of certain critical minerals used in the production of some chips.        本周,这种针锋相对的局面仍在继续,北京对拜登政府的半导体限制进行了报复,宣布将限制用于生产一些芯片的某些关键矿物的出口。
        An official from China’s ministry of finance expressed hope on Friday that the meetings with Ms. Yellen would improve economic relations and suggested that the United States needs to take steps to make that happen. The official added that neither country benefits from “decoupling” and disrupting supply chains.        中国财政部的一名官员周五表示,希望与耶伦的会晤能改善两国的经济关系,并表示美国需要采取措施来实现这一目标。这位官员还说,两国都不会从“脱钩”和供应链中断中受益。
        Ms. Yellen said on Friday that she was “concerned” by China’s decision to enact the export controls.        耶伦周五表示,她对中国实施出口管制的决定感到“担忧”。
        “We are still evaluating the impact of these actions, but they remind us of the importance of building resilient and diversified supply chains,” Ms. Yellen said. She suggested that additional responses from the United States could be looming to ensure that American businesses and workers were treated fairly.        耶伦说,“我们仍在评估这些行动的影响,但它们提醒我们,建立有弹性和多样化的供应链很重要。”她表示,美国可能会做出更多回应,以确保美国企业和工人得到公平对待。
        “I will always champion your interests and work to make sure there is a level playing field,” Ms. Yellen added. “This includes coordinating with our allies to respond to China’s unfair economic practices.”        “我将始终捍卫你们的利益,努力确保公平的竞争环境,”耶伦还说。“这包括与我们的盟友协调,对中国不公平的经济行为做出回应。”
        Businesses are also alarmed by China’s ever-tightening national security laws, which include a stringent counterespionage law that took effect on Saturday. The U.S. State Department issued a warning this week advising Americans to reconsider traveling to China because of the possibility of wrongful detention.        企业还对中国不断收紧的国家安全法感到担忧,其中包括上周六生效的一项严格的反间谍法。美国国务院本周发出警告,建议美国人重新考虑前往中国的旅行,因为有可能被错误拘留。
        The Treasury secretary planned to raise these issues during a blitz of meetings with top Chinese officials over the next two days.        耶伦计划在未来两天与中方高层官员的密集会晤中提出这些问题。
        Besides the business leaders, Ms. Yellen was also meeting on Friday with Liu He, China’s former vice premier, and Yi Gang, the outgoing governor of the People’s Bank of China. A Treasury Department official said that Ms. Yellen discussed the outlook for the economy in an informal discussion with her former counterparts that lasted more than an hour.        除了商界领袖,耶伦周五还会见了前中国副总理刘鹤和即将离任的中国人民银行行长易纲。一名财政部官员说,耶伦与这些前对等官员进行了一个多小时的非正式讨论,谈到了经济前景。
        Later on Friday afternoon, she will meet with Premier Li Qiang at the Great Hall of the People.        周五下午晚些时候,她将在人民大会堂与总理李强会面。

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