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The Contentious U.S.-China Relationship, by the Numbers

来源:纽约时报    2023-07-07 05:20

        China and the United States are locked in an increasingly intense rivalry when it comes to national security and economic competition, with American leaders frequently identifying China as their greatest long-term challenger.        中美在国家安全和经济竞争方面的竞争日益激烈,美国领导人时常将中国视为其最大的长期挑战者。
        Yet the world’s two largest economies, which together represent 40 percent of the global output, remain integral partners in many ways. They sell and buy important products from each other, finance each other’s businesses, provide a home to millions of each other’s people, and create apps and movies for audiences in both countries.        然而,世界上最大的两个经济体——合计占全球产出的40%——在许多方面仍然是不可或缺的合作伙伴:相互买卖重要产品、为对方的企业提供融资、民众走动频繁,以及会为两国观众开发应用程序和制作电影。
        As Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen meets with top Chinese officials in Beijing this week, her challenge will be to navigate this multifaceted relationship, which ranges from conflict to cooperation. Here are some figures that illustrate the links between the two nations.        财政部长珍妮特·耶伦本周在北京会见中国高级官员,她面临的挑战将是如何驾驭这种多方面的关系,其中有冲突也有合作。以下一些数字说明了两国之间的联系。
        Economic and military power        经济和军事实力
        • The U.S. economy continues to outstrip China’s by dollar value: In 2022, Chinese gross domestic product was $18 trillion, compared with $25.5 trillion for the United States.        • 按美元价值计算,美国经济继续超过中国:2022年,中国国内生产总值为18万亿美元,而美国为25.5万亿美元
        • But China’s population is more than four times America’s. And the economic picture looks different when adjusted for local prices: Based on purchasing power parity, China’s share of world G.D.P. is 18.9 percent, according to the International Monetary Fund, surpassing the United States at 15.4 percent.        • 但中国的人口是美国的四倍多,如果按照当地价格做出调整的话,经济状况看起来会有所不同。根据国际货币基金组织的数据,以购买力平价计算,中国占世界GDP的比重为18.9%,超过美国的15.4%
        • China has provided more than a trillion dollars for global infrastructure through its Belt and Road Initiative, which analysts see as an effort to project power around the world.        • 中国通过“一带一路”倡议为全球基础设施提供了超过1万亿美元,分析人士认为这是其在全球范围内投射力量的努力。
        • The rapid growth and modernization of China’s military have sparked concerns in the United States. China has more naval vessels than the United States and more military personnel, with 2.5 million in 2019.        • 中国军队的快速发展和现代化引发了美国的担忧。中国拥有比美国更多的海军舰艇和更多的军事人员,2019年有250万人
        • But American armed forces are far better equipped, and the United States still spends more on defense than the next 10 countries combined — $877 billion in 2022, compared with $292 billion in reported spending by China.        • 但美国武装部队的装备要先进得多,而且美国的国防开支仍然比排在其后10个国家的总和还要多——2022年达到8770亿美元,而中国的国防开支据称达2920亿美元
        Trade relations        贸易关系
        • Despite the rising tensions, trade between the countries remains extremely strong. China is America’s third-largest trading partner, after Canada and Mexico.        • 尽管两国之间的紧张局势不断加剧,但双方贸易仍然极其强劲。中国是美国第三大贸易伙伴,仅次于加拿大和墨西哥。
        • U.S. imports of goods and services from China hit a record $563.6 billion last year. But the share of U.S. imports that come from China has been falling, a sign of how some businesses are breaking off ties with China.        • 去年,美国从中国进口的商品和服务达到创纪录的5636亿美元。但美国从中国进口的比例一直在下降,这表明一些企业正在与中国切断联系。
        • China is also a major export market, with half of all soybeans that the United States sends abroad going to China. The U.S.-China Business Council estimated that U.S. exports to China supported nearly 1.1 million jobs in the United States in 2021.        • 中国也是一个主要的出口市场,美国出口的大豆有一半销往中国。美中贸易全国委员会估计,2021年美国对华出口支撑了美国近110万个就业岗位
        • China dominates supply chains for both critical and everyday goods. It is the world’s largest producer of steel, solar panels, electronics, coal, plastics, buttons and car batteries, and it has quadrupled its car exports in just two years, becoming the world’s largest auto exporter through its growing clout in electric vehicles.        • 无论是关键商品还是日常商品,中国都主导着供应链。在钢铁、太阳能电池板、电子产品、煤炭、塑料、纽扣和汽车电池领域,中国都是全球最大的生产商,其汽车出口量在短短两年内翻了两番,凭借其在电动汽车领域日益增强的影响力,成为全球最大的汽车出口国。
        • The United States has steadily expanded sanctions against Chinese companies and organizations because of national security and human rights concerns, placing 721 Chinese companies, organizations and people on an “entity list” that restricts their ability to buy products from the United States, according to the Commerce Department.        • 出于对国家安全的考虑和对人权的关切,美国不断扩大对中国企业和组织的制裁,根据商务部的数据,美国将721家中国企业、组织和个人列入“实体清单”,限制他们从美国购买产品。
        Financial and corporate ties        金融和企业联系
        • China is one of America’s largest lenders and holds nearly $1 trillion of U.S. debt.        • 中国是美国最大的贷款国之一,持有近1万亿美元的美国债务。
        • Members of the S&P 500 index, which tracks the largest public companies in the United States, generate 7.6 percent of their revenue in mainland China, the biggest source of international sales by far, according to FactSet. The revenue that large U.S. firms derive from China is more than their revenue from the next three countries — Japan, Britain and Germany — combined.        • 标准普尔500指数追踪美国最大上市公司的表现,根据慧甚公司的数据,该指数成员公司7.6%的收入来自中国大陆,是迄今为止最大的国际销售来源。美国大企业从中国获得的收入超过了从接下来的三个国家——日本、英国和德国获得的收入之和。
        • But the outlook for American companies doing business in China has turned grimmer. In the American Chamber of Commerce in China’s most recent survey of U.S. companies in China, 56 percent described their business as unprofitable in 2022, with some blaming China’s strict Covid-19 lockdown measures.        • 但对于在华开展业务的美国公司来说,前景变得越来越黯淡。美国商会最近对在华美企所做调查显示,56%的公司表示在2022年无盈利,其中一些公司认为是中国严格的新冠封锁措施所致。
        • Also in the survey, 46 percent of American companies thought that U.S.-China relations would deteriorate in 2023, while only 13 percent thought they would improve.        • 在同一个调查中,46%的美国企业认为美中关系将在2023年恶化,只有13%的调查对象认为会改善。
        Personal and cultural connections        个人和文化联系
        • The United States is home to nearly 2.4 million Chinese immigrants, making it the top destination for Chinese immigrants worldwide. Chinese immigrants in the United States are more than twice as likely as U.S.-born adults to have a graduate or professional degree.        • 美国有近240万中国移民,是中国移民在全球的首选目的地。在美国的中国移民拥有研究生或专业学位的可能性是美国出生的成年人的两倍多。
        • In the 2021-22 school year, 296,000 students from China attended U.S. institutions of higher learning, nearly a third of all international students in the United States.        • 2021-22学年,有29.6万名中国学生在美国高校就读,几乎占美国国际学生总数的三分之一。
        • Roughly three in four Chinese Americans experienced racial discrimination in the previous 12 months, and 9 percent were physically intimidated or assaulted, according to a survey by Columbia University and the Committee of 100, a Chinese American leadership organization.        • 根据哥伦比亚大学和华裔美国人领导组织“百人会”的一项调查,大约四分之三的华裔美国人在过去12个月内经历过种族歧视,其中9%受到人身恐吓或袭击。
        • Long considered a low-end manufacturer, China has become more of a source for innovation and cultural creation. TikTok, the popular social media app whose parent company is China’s ByteDance, says it has more than 150 million users in the United States.        • 长期以来,中国一直被认为是低端制造商,但如今它已成为创新和文化创意的源泉。热门社交媒体应用程序TikTok的母公司是中国的字节跳动,TikTok称它在美国拥有超过1.5亿用户。
        • Last year, 20 American movies opened in China, and their box office total was roughly $673 million, according to Comscore. China had more than 80,000 movie screens by late 2021, compared with roughly 39,000 in the United States.        • 根据康姆斯科分析公司的数据,去年有20部美国电影在中国上映,总票房约为6.73亿美元。到2021年底,中国拥有超过8万块银幕,而美国约有3.9万块
        • Pandemic restrictions have made it much harder to travel between the countries. Air carriers are running only 24 flights a week between the United States and China, compared with about 350 before the pandemic.        • 疫情期间的防疫措施使人们在两国之间旅行变得极为困难。目前,双方航司每周仅运营24个航班,而疫情前约有350个。

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