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One Reason the U.S. Can’t Quit China? Chips.

来源:纽约时报    2023-07-10 01:16

        In May, Micron Technologies, the Idaho chipmaker, suffered a serious blow as part of the U.S.-China technology war. The Chinese government barred companies that handle crucial information from buying Micron’s chips, saying the company had failed a cybersecurity review.        今年5月,美中技术战给爱达荷州芯片制造商美光科技带来了沉重打击。中国政府禁止处理关键信息的企业购买美光芯片,称该公司没有通过网络安全审查。
        Micron said the change could destroy roughly an eighth of its global revenue. Yet in June, the chipmaker announced that it would increase its investments in China — adding $600 million to expand a chip packaging facility in the Chinese city of Xian.        美光表示,这道禁令可能导致公司全球收入减少约八分之一。然而在6月,这家芯片制造商宣布将增加对华投资,斥资六亿美元扩建位于中国西安的一家芯片封测工厂。
        “This investment project demonstrates Micron’s unwavering commitment to its China business and team,” an announcement posted on the company’s Chinese social media account said.        “该投资项目彰显了美光对中国业务及中国团队成员坚定不移的承诺,”该公司在中国社交媒体帐号上发布的公告中表示。
        Global semiconductor companies are finding themselves in an extremely tricky position as they try to straddle a growing rift between the United States and China. The semiconductor industry has become ground zero for the technology rivalry between Washington and Beijing, with new restrictions and punitive measures imposed by both sides.        美中日益扩大分歧之际,全球半导体企业试图两头兼顾,然而它们的处境已经极其棘手。半导体行业已成为美中技术竞争的核心问题,双方都实施了新的制裁和惩罚性措施。
        U.S. officials say American products have fed into Chinese military and surveillance programs that run counter to the national security interest of the United States. They have imposed increasingly tough restrictions on the kind of chips and chip-making equipment that can be sent to China, and are offering new incentives, including grants and tax credits, for chipmakers who choose to build new operations in the United States.        美国官员称,美国的产品被用于中国的军事和监视项目,这与美国的国家安全利益相悖。美国对可以运往中国的芯片及其制造设备的种类施加了越来越严格的限制,并为主动在美国建厂的芯片制造商提供新的激励措施,包括拨款和税收抵免。
        But factories can take years to construct, and corporate ties between the countries remain strong. China is a major market for chips, since it is home to many factories that make chip-rich products, including smartphones, dishwashers, cars and computers, that are both exported around the world and purchased by consumers in China.        但建厂可能需要数年之久,两国企业之间的联系依然牢固。中国是芯片的主要市场,因为这里许多工厂制造的产品都要使用大量芯片,包括智能手机、洗碗机、汽车和电脑,这些产品会出口到世界各地,也被中国国内的消费者购买。
        Overall, China accounts for roughly a third of global semiconductor sales. But for some chipmakers, the country accounts for 60 percent or 70 percent of their revenue. Even when chips are manufactured in the United States, they are often sent to China for assembly and testing.        中国占据了全球半导体销售总额的约三分之一。但对一些芯片制造商来说,中国占到了其营收的60%或70%。哪怕是在美国生产的芯片,也经常会被送到中国进行组装和测试。
        “We can’t just flip a switch and say all of sudden you have to take everything out of China,” said Emily S. Weinstein, a research fellow at Georgetown’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology.        “我们没办法按下一个开关,就能把一切都从中国突然拿走,”乔治城大学安全与新兴技术中心研究员艾米丽·韦恩斯坦表示。
        The industry’s reliance on China highlights how a close — but extremely contentious — economic relationship between Washington and Beijing is posing challenges for both sides.        芯片产业对中国的依赖凸显了中美之间密切却也充满矛盾的经济关系对双方都构成了挑战。
        Those tensions were reflected during Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen’s visit to Beijing this week, where she tried to walk a fine line by faulting some of China’s practices while insisting the United States was not looking to sever ties with the country.        这种紧张关系也反映在财长耶伦本周的访华之行,她试图小心试探,对中国的一些行为提出批评,同时也坚称美国并不打算切断与中国的关系。
        Ms. Yellen criticized punitive measures China has recently taken against foreign firms, including limiting the export of some minerals used in chip making, and suggested that such actions were why the Biden administration was trying to make U.S. manufacturers less reliant on China. But she also affirmed the U.S.-China relationship as strategic and important.        耶伦批评中国最近对外企施加的惩罚性措施,包括限制用于芯片制造的一些矿产出口。她表示,此类措施正是拜登政府希望美国制造商减少对中国依赖的原因。但她仍然肯定了美中关系的战略性和重要性。
        “I have made clear that the United States does not seek a wholesale separation of our economies,” Ms. Yellen said during a roundtable with U.S. companies operating in China. “We seek to diversify, not to decouple. A decoupling of the world’s two largest economies would be destabilizing for the global economy, and it would be virtually impossible to undertake.”        “我已经明确表示,美国不寻求两国经济的全面分离,”耶伦与在华美企举行的圆桌会议上表示。“我们寻求多元化,而不是脱钩。两个世界上最大的经济体之间的脱钩将破坏全球经济稳定,而且几乎不可能做到。 ”
        The Biden administration is poised to begin investing heavily in American semiconductor manufacturing to lure factories out of China. Later this year, the Commerce Department is expected to begin handing out funds to help companies build U.S. chip facilities. That money will come with strings: Firms that take funding must refrain from expanding high-tech manufacturing facilities in China.        拜登政府准备开始大举投资美国半导体制造业,吸引工厂离开中国。今年晚些时候,商务部预计将开始发放资金,帮助企业在美建立芯片制造设施。这些资金附带了条件:接受资金的企业不可以在中国扩建高科技制造设施。
        The administration is also weighing further curbs on the chips that can be sent to China, as part of a push to expand and finalize sweeping restrictions it issued last October.        美国政府还在考虑进一步限制可以出口到中国的芯片,作为扩大并最终完成去年10月出台的全面限制措施的一部分。
        These measures could include potential limits on sales to China of advanced chips used for artificial intelligence, new restrictions for Chinese companies’ access to U.S. cloud computing services, and restrictions on U.S. venture capital investments in the Chinese chip sector, according to people familiar with the plans.        据知情人士透露,这些措施可能包括有望限制对华销售用于人工智能的先进芯片,对中国企业使用美国云计算服务施加新限制,并限制美国风险资本对中国芯片行业的投资。
        The administration has also been considering halting the licenses it has extended to some U.S. chipmakers that have allowed them to continue selling products to Huawei, the Chinese telecom firm.        美国政府也一直在考虑停止向部分美国芯片制造商发放许可证,以免它们继续向中国电信公司华为销售产品。
        Japan and the Netherlands, which are home to companies that make advanced chip manufacturing equipment, have also put new restrictions on their sales to China, in part because of urging from the United States.        日本与荷兰是不少先进芯片制造设备生产商所在地,部分是出于美国的施压,它们也在对华销售上施加了新的限制措施。
        China has issued restrictions of its own, including new export controls on minerals used in chip manufacturing.        中国也出台了自己的限制措施,包括对用于芯片制造的矿物实施新的出口管制。
        Amid tighter regulations and new incentive programs from the United States and Europe, global chip companies are increasingly looking outside China as they choose the locations for their next major investments. But these facilities will likely take years to construct, meaning any changes to the global semiconductor market will unfold gradually.        在美国与欧洲全都出台了更严格的监管措施及新的激励计划之际,全球芯片企业在选择下一个重点投资目的地时,越来越多地将目光投向中国以外。但这些设施可能需要数年时间才能建成,这意味着全球半导体市场的任何变化都将是渐进式的。
        John Neuffer, the president of the Semiconductor Industry Association, which represents the chip industry, said in a statement that the ongoing escalation of controls posed a significant risk to the global competitiveness of the U.S. industry.        代表芯片行业的半导体产业协会会长约翰·诺伊弗在一份声明中表示,不断升级的管制措施对美国该行业的全球竞争力构成了重大风险。
        “China is the world’s largest market for semiconductors, and our companies simply need to do business there to continue to grow, innovate and stay ahead of global competitors,” he said. “We urge solutions that protect national security, avoid inadvertent and lasting damage to the chip industry, and avert future escalations.”        “中国是全球最大的半导体市场,我们的企业必须在那里开展业务才能实现持续增长和创新,并保持领先于全球竞争对手的地位,”他说。“我们呼吁采取保护国家安全、不应对芯片行业造成无意且持久的损害,并避免未来冲突升级的解决方案。”

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