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Blinken Meets China’s Top Diplomat in Latest Bid to Ease Tensions

来源:纽约时报    2023-07-14 10:11

        Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken met with China’s top diplomat, Wang Yi, on the sidelines of a regional summit in Jakarta, Indonesia, on Thursday, the latest in a string of diplomatic meetings between U.S. and Chinese officials as the two countries try to ease tensions.        周四,国务卿安东尼·布林肯在印度尼西亚雅加达举行的地区峰会期间与中国最高外交官王毅会晤,两国试图缓解紧张局势之际,这是两国官员一系列外交会议中的最新一次。
        The talks between Mr. Blinken and Mr. Wang touched on regional and global issues, including “peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait,” said Matthew Miller, a spokesman for the State Department, who described the discussions as “candid and constructive.”        布林肯和王毅之间的会谈涉及地区和全球问题,美国国务院发言人马修·米勒表示,这包括“台湾海峡的和平与稳定”,称此次讨论“坦诚且富有建设性”。
        “The meeting was part of ongoing efforts to maintain open channels of communication to clarify U.S. interests across a wide range of issues and to responsibly manage competition by reducing the risk of misperception and miscalculation,” Mr. Miller said.        米勒表示:“此次会晤是美国持续努力保持开放沟通渠道的一部分,以澄清美国在广泛问题上的利益,并通过减少误解和误判的风险来负责任地管理竞争。”
        The Chinese government did not immediately release a statement about the meeting.        中国政府没有立即就此次会议发表声明。
        The talks, which took place at an Association of Southeast Asian Nations meeting for foreign ministers, followed a four-day visit to China by Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen and a trip to Beijing last month by Mr. Blinken, the first to China by a U.S. secretary of state in five years. John Kerry, President Biden’s special envoy for climate change, is scheduled to arrive in China on Sunday.        此次会谈是在东南亚国家联盟外长会议上举行的,此前美国财政部长珍妮特·耶伦对中国进行了为期四天的访问,布林肯在上月访问北京,这是五年来美国国务卿首次访华。拜登总统的气候变化特使约翰·克里定于周日抵达中国。
        The United States says it wants to set a “floor” for its relations with China, which have sunk to their lowest point in decades. Tensions have flared over U.S. trade restrictions on advanced technology to China, the appearance of a Chinese surveillance balloon over the United States, China’s continued support for Russia, and disagreements over Taiwan.        美国表示,希望为美中关系设定一个“底线”,目前两国关系已跌至数十年来的最低点。由于美国对中国先进技术的贸易限制、美国上空出现中国侦察气球、中国对俄罗斯的持续支持以及台湾问题上的分歧,两国紧张局势加剧。
        The détente between the two countries remains fragile, which was underscored on Wednesday when U.S. officials said Chinese hackers had penetrated the email accounts of Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo and other State and Commerce department officials in the weeks before Mr. Blinken traveled to Beijing.        两国在缓和关系方面仍不稳定,周三的事件凸显了这一点——美国官员表示,在布林肯前往北京之前的几周内,中国黑客侵入了商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多以及其他国务院和商务部官员的电子邮件帐户。
        Ties could fray further if the Biden administration announces new restrictions on American investments in Chinese companies involved in quantum computing, artificial intelligence and semiconductors.        如果拜登政府宣布新令,限制美国投资涉及量子计算、人工智能和半导体的中国公司,两国关系可能会进一步紧张。
        Mr. Blinken reiterated American concerns to Mr. Wang about any cyberespionage against U.S. officials, businesses and citizens, a State Department official said, adding that the two sides also discussed China’s role in the U.S. fentanyl crisis.        美国国务院官员表示,就中国针对美国官员、企业和公民的网络间谍活动,布林肯向王毅重申了美国的担忧。该官员还表示,双方还讨论了中国在美国芬太尼危机中所起到的作用。
        Mr. Blinken’s attendance at the Indonesia meeting highlights how Southeast Asia has become a crucial part of the Biden administration’s strategy to compete with China. Washington has been emphasizing its security commitments in the region and is trying to offer more economic incentives to draw closer to the United States, but has struggled because of China’s dominance in trade.        布林肯出席在印尼举行的会议凸显出东南亚已成为拜登政府与中国竞争战略的重要部分。华盛顿一直强调其在该地区的安全承诺,并试图提供更多经济激励措施,拉近该地区与美国的距离,但由于中国在贸易中的主导地位而举步维艰。
        While the United States has pushed back on China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea, some countries in the region, including Indonesia, have demonstrated a reluctance to antagonize Beijing.        尽管美国反击了中国在南海的领土主张,但包括印尼在内的一些东南亚国家却表现出不愿对抗北京的态度。
        Last month, Indonesia said it would change the location of joint military drills with other ASEAN nations away from disputed waters in the South China Sea claimed by China. ASEAN is a regional group of 10 nations that includes Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam.        印尼上月表示,将更改与其他东盟国家联合军演的地点,远离中国声称拥有主权的南海争议海域。东盟是一个由10个国家组成的区域集团,其中包括印尼、菲律宾和越南。
        Earlier Thursday, Mr. Wang met with Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov of Russia and spoke of promoting multilateralism and the “democratization” of international relations, according to a statement from the Chinese Foreign Ministry.        据中国外交部的一份声明称,周四早些时候,王毅会见了俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫,并谈到推动多边主义进程和国际关系“民主化”。
        The meeting came a day after NATO allies concluded a summit that focused on thwarting Russia’s war in Ukraine and highlighting the threat posed by China.        这次会议的前一天,北约刚刚结束一次峰会,其重点是挫败俄罗斯在乌克兰的战争,并强调中国构成的威胁。
        Mr. Wang was attending the ASEAN meeting in place of Qin Gang, China’s foreign minister, because of “health reasons,” China’s foreign ministry said earlier this week.        中国外交部本周早些时候表示,由于中国外交部长秦刚的“健康原因”,王毅代替他出席东盟会议。
        Mr. Qin’s last public appearance was on June 25 during a meeting in Beijing with Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son of Vietnam, according to the Chinese foreign ministry’s website.        根据中国外交部网站,秦刚最后一次公开露面是6月25日在北京会见越南外交部长裴青山。

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