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Summer travel booms in country

来源:中国日报    2023-07-12 16:23

        China's tourism market is heating up in step with scorching temperatures this summer.        尽管今年夏天天气炎热,中国的旅游市场却正在升温。
        Airports and train stations nationwide have been busy in the first week of July, with people taking vacations, visiting family and friends, and students going on summer trips, industry observers said.        业内观察人士称,7月的第一周,全国各地的机场和火车站客流量都非常大,人们休假、探亲访友,学生们也开始了暑期旅行。
        Some 97,000 flights operated from July 1 to July 7, exceeding the pre-COVID level seen in the same period of 2019.        暑运首周(7月1日~7日),国内航线实际执行客运航班量约9.7万班次,超过了2019年疫情前同期水平。
        On July 7, daily passenger flights in the country topped 14,000 for the first time this year, according to VariFlight, a China-based civil aviation data services provider.        根据中国民航数据服务提供商飞常准的数据,从单日执行数据来看,7月7日国内航线单日客运航班量今年以来首超1.4万班次。
        Popular routes included flights from Beijing Capital International Airport to Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport, and Shanghai Hongqiao to Shenzhen and Guangzhou of Guangdong province, VariFlight found.        根据飞常准提供的数据,热门航线包括从北京首都国际机场到上海虹桥国际机场,以及从上海虹桥到广东省深圳市和广州市的航班。
        Trip.com Group, China's leading online travel agency, said it saw record high booking volumes of domestic flight tickets in the first five days of July, while the number of bookings for outbound flights surged six times year-on-year.        中国知名在线旅行社携程网表示,7月1日至5日国内机票预订量创历史新高,而出境游机票预订量同比增长6倍。
        In the first five days of July, ticket prices for domestic and outbound flights — including taxes — jumped 21 percent and 22 percent year-on-year, respectively, Trip.com said.        携程网称,7月1日至5日,国内和出境航班的机票价格(含税)分别同比上涨21%和22%。
        As demand recovery following China's optimized COVID-19 response measures has been sustained, carriers have undertaken various marketing strategies, such as promoting products during livestreaming sessions and interacting with passengers.        随着中国优化应对新冠肺炎疫情措施后的出行需求持续复苏,航空公司采取了各种营销策略,如在直播环节推广产品、与乘客互动等。
        "Due to strong demand for long-haul travel in China this summer, the prices of flight tickets to many hot destinations have been significantly higher than in 2019," said Xie Xiaoqing, a senior researcher at Trip.com's research institute.        携程网研究院高级研究员谢晓青表示:“由于今年夏天中国游客对长途旅行的需求强劲,许多热门目的地的机票价格明显高于2019年。”
        "With a gradual recovery of international flight capacity, the prices of international flights to some destinations have become more reasonable. Those destinations with relaxed visa policies for Chinese visitors serve as good choices for travel," Xie said.        “随着国际航班运力的逐步恢复,一些旅游目的地的国际航班价格已经变得更加合理。对中国游客来说,那些签证政策宽松的目的地是旅游的好选择。”
        In the second quarter, the passenger volume of cross-border travel in China reached 34 percent of the 2019 level, and doubled the volume from the first quarter.        今年二季度,中国跨境市场客运量已经恢复至2019年同期的34%,恢复率在一季度的基础上实现翻倍增长。
        The number of international flights that operated in June was 42 percent of the pre-pandemic level, according to FlightAI, a market insight platform affiliated with Trip.com.        携程旗下FlightAI市场洞察平台数据显示,6月份运营的国际航班数量是疫情前水平的42%。
        Thailand said it expects to receive 25 million tourists this year, including some 5 million Chinese visitors.        泰国表示,预计今年将接待2500万游客,其中包括约500万中国游客。
        Domestic and international carriers have ramped up efforts to launch more flights or add frequencies to meet growing travel demand.        国内和国际航空公司都在加紧推出更多航班或增加航班频率,以满足不断增长的旅行需求。
        On July 6, Xiamen Airlines launched round-trip direct flights connecting Xiamen and Paris, the 12th intercontinental route of the airline, and also the first intercontinental route launched by the carrier since the pandemic. The flights are operated once a week, and the carrier will consider increasing the frequency based on market demand, it said.        7月6日,厦航开通厦门至巴黎往返直航,这是厦航第12条洲际航线,也是新冠肺炎疫情后厦航开通的第一条洲际航线。该航班每周运行一次,厦航将考虑根据市场需求增加航班频率。
        This year, Xiamen Airlines has been actively optimizing its route network and increasing investment on popular international routes.        今年,厦航积极优化航线网络,加大对热门国际航线的投入。
        It plans to launch a new route from Xiamen to Doha, Qatar, and increase flights to Singapore, Amsterdam, Los Angeles and Vancouver to meet demand.        厦航计划开通一条从厦门到卡塔尔多哈的新航线,并增加飞往新加坡、阿姆斯特丹、洛杉矶和温哥华的航班,以满足旅客需求。

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