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China's yuan loans grow by 15.73 trln yuan in H1

来源:中国日报    2023-07-13 14:41

        China's yuan-denominated loans rose by 15.73 trillion yuan in the first half of the year, central bank data showed Tuesday.        中国人民银行7月11日发布的数据显示,今年上半年,我国人民币贷款增加15.73万亿元。
        In June alone, the yuan-denominated loans rose by 3.05 trillion yuan, according to the People's Bank of China.        其中,6月份人民币贷款增加3.05万亿元。
        The M2 climbed 11.3 percent year on year to 287.3 trillion yuan at the end of June. The growth rate was 0.3 percentage points lower than at the end of May, and 0.1 percentage points lower than at the end of June last year.        6月末广义货币(M2)余额287.3万亿元,同比增长11.3%。增速分别比上月末和上年同期低0.3个和0.1个百分点。
        In the first six months of 2023, the central bank injected 78.9 billion yuan of net cash into the market.        上半年净投放现金789亿元。
        Total new social financing in the first half of the year amounted to 21.55 trillion yuan, representing an increase of 475.4 billion yuan from the same period last year. Newly added social financing came in at 4.22 trillion yuan last month.        2023年上半年社会融资规模增量累计为21.55万亿元,比上年同期多4754亿元。6月份,社会融资规模增量为4.22万亿元。
        A data breakdown exhibited stepped-up support for the real economy from the financial sector, as loans to the real economy accounted for 72.4 percent of the total social financing in the first six months of this year, rising 7.8 percentage points compared with a year earlier.        从结构看,上半年对实体经济发放的人民币贷款占同期社会融资规模的72.4%,同比高7.8个百分点,反映出金融部门加大了对实体经济的支持。
        Tuesday's data also showed China's new yuan deposits hit 20.1 trillion yuan in the January-June period, up by 1.3 trillion yuan from the same period last year.          数据显示,今年上半年,人民币存款增加20.1万亿元,同比多增1.3万亿元。
                 结构性货币政策工具 structural monetary policy tools
                 财政政策 fiscal policies
                 金融产品  financial products
                 流动性 liquidity
                 银行间债券市场 interbank bond market

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