我国快递业韧性强潜力足 上半年同比增长超17%_OK阅读网
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我国快递业韧性强潜力足 上半年同比增长超17%
China's parcel delivery sector sees impressive growth

来源:中国日报    2023-07-14 14:40

        China's parcel delivery sector has seen double-digit growth in the first half of this year, boosting consumption recovery and enhancing the economy.        我国快递业上半年实现两位数增长,对消费复苏和经济发展起到了推动作用。
        China handled more than 60 billion parcels from January to June, a year-on-year increase of 17 percent. The revenue of the sector is expected to exceed 550 billion yuan ($76.75 billion), up 11.5 percent year-on-year, according to the State Post Bureau of China.        国家邮政局数据显示,今年1到6月,我国快递业务量超600亿件,同比增长超17%;快递业务收入有望超5500亿元,同比增长11.5%左右。
        During the first half year, the sector's market scale continued to grow. About 26.9 billion parcels were handled during the first quarter, a year-on-year increase of 11 percent. In the second quarter, about 10 billon parcels were handled every month.        今年上半年,我国快递业的市场规模持续扩大。一季度累计完成269亿件,同比增速达11%。二季度单月业务量稳定在百亿件以上。
        The online sales promotions in the first half year boosted the development of parcel delivery industry, especially in mid-June, when the online sales promotion coincided with Father's Day. The daily volume of parcels across the country from June 16 to June 20 was more than 400 million.        上半年尤其是6月中旬的线上促销活动促进了快递业的发展,今年618电商大促恰逢父亲节,6月16日至20日全国的单日揽收量均超4亿件。
        The sector has also seen a rapid growth in cross-border business. In the first quarter, about 630 million parcels were for international business, up 46.8 percent annually.        快递业的跨境业务也在迅速增长。国际/港澳台业务量一季度累计完成6.3亿件,同比增长46.8%。
        The service quality of the sector has continued to grow in the first half year, said Wang Yuehan, a researcher with the development and research center of the State Post Bureau of China.        国家邮政局发展研究中心研究员王岳含表示,上半年快递业服务质量持续提升。
        "The adoption of technology has improved the sector's service quality. The use of unmanned vehicles in multiple scenarios has boosted the efficiency of delivery and reduced the cost, such as unmanned cold-chain vehicles and delivery robots in buildings," she added.        她指出,技术的引进提升了快递业的服务质量。通过在多个场景应用无人载具,比如无人冷链车和楼宇配送机器人,提高了配送效率,降低了配送成本。
        China's parcel delivery sector has seen rapid development in the past decade. Last year, the express business volume in China reached more than 110.6 billion, ranking top in the world in terms of the scale. In 2013, the number was 9.2 billion.        中国快递业在过去十年实现了飞速发展。2022年快递业务量完成1106亿件,业务量位居世界第一。2013年我国快递业务量为92亿件。

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