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China significantly reduces carbon emissions intensity

来源:中国日报    2023-07-14 16:20

        The cumulative volume of carbon emissions allowances on China's carbon market was 237 million tonnes by June 30, with a turnover of more than 10.91 billion yuan.        截至2023年6月30日,我国碳市场碳排放配额累计成交量2.37亿吨,累计成交额109.1亿元。
        China has established the world's largest carbon market for greenhouse gas emissions, and has significantly reduced its carbon emissions intensity, Vice Minister of Ecology and Environment Guo Fang said at a National Low-Carbon Day activity on Wednesday.        生态环境部副部长郭芳7月12日在“全国低碳日”主场活动上表示,我国建立了全球覆盖温室气体排放规模最大的碳市场,碳排放强度显著下降。
        The activity was hosted by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Shaanxi provincial government, and was held in Xi'an, the capital of northwest China's Shaanxi Province.        由生态环境部和陕西省政府主办的“全国低碳日”主场活动当日在陕西西安举办。
        China has made positive progress in addressing climate change through a series of measures such as energy conservation, carbon reduction, emissions reduction, and the establishment and improvement of a carbon market, Guo said.        郭芳表示,我国采取节能降碳减排、建立完善碳市场等一系列措施,应对气候变化取得积极进展。
        China's new energy vehicle production and sales have remained first globally for eight consecutive years, its renewable energy has developed rapidly, and its wind power and photovoltaic installations rank first around the world.        我国新能源汽车产销量连续8年保持全球第一,可再生能源发展迅速,风电、光伏装机稳居世界第一。
        Guo said the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will continue to implement a national strategy to respond actively to climate change, promote the construction of a national carbon market in a steady and orderly manner, and participate actively in global governance to address climate change.        郭芳表示,下一步生态环境部将持续实施积极应对气候变化国家战略,稳妥有序推进全国碳市场建设,积极参与应对气候变化全球治理。
        National Low-Carbon Day was first observed in 2012 to encourage society to participate in green and low-carbon initiatives.        “全国低碳日”于2012年首次设立,旨在鼓励全社会参与绿色低碳行动。
                 可再生能源  renewable energy
                 双碳目标 "dual carbon" goal
                 生态文明 ecological civilizations
                 绿色转型 green transition
                 可持续发展 sustainable development

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