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China to carry out scientific exploration during manned lunar mission

来源:中国日报    2023-07-19 17:13

        The China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) on Monday released an announcement to solicit proposals for payloads of the country's manned lunar mission, which will be used for scientific exploration on the moon's surface.        中国载人航天工程办公室17日发布《关于征集载人月球探测工程月面科学载荷方案的公告》,用于月球表面的科学探测。
        To make full use of the mission's resources and promote lunar exploration and scientific research, the lunar lander will carry scientific payloads for relevant exploration activities on the lunar surface, according to the announcement.        公告称,为充分利用飞行任务资源,推动月球探测和科学研究,拟随月面着陆器搭载科学载荷,在月面开展有关科学探测活动。
        It said the CMSA will solicit proposals from research institutions, universities and high-tech enterprises for payloads designed to face the frontier of lunar scientific research with strong foresight and innovation.        中国载人航天工程办公室面向具有独立法人资格的科研机构、高等院校以及高科技企业等征集科学载荷方案。关于载荷基本要求,公告明确,要面向月球科学研究前沿,具有较强的前瞻性和创新性。
        The proposals should focus on fields such as lunar geology and lunar physics, observation, space life sciences, as well as deep drilling on the lunar surface and utilization of lunar resources, it added.        参考方向包括月球地质与月球物理、观测与物理研究、空间生命科学,以及月面深部钻探、月面资源利用等。
        The announcement also said the payloads should be able to adapt to the lunar environment, including gravity that is one sixth of that on Earth, high vacuum pressure, strong radiation, a low magnetic field, large temperature differences between day and night, and lunar dust.        公告称,载荷要能够适应月面环境(1/6g重力、高真空、强辐射、低磁场、昼夜大温差和月尘等)。
        In manned lunar landings, payloads will be deployed and operated with astronaut participation. In unmanned lunar landings, payloads will be released by the lander and carry out their exploration activities autonomously.        载人登月飞行任务中,可在航天员的参与下部署并开展工作。无人登月飞行任务中,载荷由月面着陆器释放分离并自主开展工作。
        The CMSA announced in May that China plans to realize a manned lunar landing by 2030. It also released an announcement to solicit proposals for the country's first manned lunar rover, which will be driven by two astronauts.        今年5月,中国载人航天工程办公室宣布,计划到2030年实现载人登月。此外还发布了一份公告,征集我国首个载人月球车研制方案,该月球车将由两名宇航员驾驶。
                 发射任务 flight mission
                 近地轨道 low-Earth orbit
                 月球舱外服 lunar extravehicular suit
                 载人月球车 manned lunar rover
                 嫦娥五号探月任务 Chang'e 5 lunar mission

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