开行100天 中老铁路国际客运服务4万多人次_OK阅读网
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开行100天 中老铁路国际客运服务4万多人次
Over 40,000 passengers cross border via China-Laos Railway

来源:中国日报    2023-07-24 15:06

        The China-Laos Railway that started cross-border passenger services in April had transported 41,735 passengers as of Saturday, when it marked the 100th day of operation.        截至7月22日,中老铁路国际旅客列车开行满百日,磨憨出入境边防检查站累计验放出入境旅客41735人次。中老铁路国际旅客列车在今年4月正式开行。
        On this railway, a train departing from Kunming, capital of southwest China's Yunnan Province, travels at a speed of up to 160 km per hour through mountains and valleys. The trip from Kunming to the Lao capital of Vientiane takes 10 and a half hours to complete, including the time spent on going through customs.        从中国西南部云南省省会昆明出发的中老铁路国际旅客列车最高运行时速160公里,穿越山脉和峡谷,抵达老挝首都万象,包括铁路口岸通关时间在内的全程旅行时间均为10小时30分。
        The Mohan checkpoint on China's border with Laos tallied that as of Saturday, 200 train trips had been provided by the railway, serving 41,735 passengers from 49 countries and regions.        据位于中老边境的磨憨出入境边防检查站统计,截至7月22日,该站共查验中老铁路国际旅客列车200列次,累计验放来自全球49个国家和地区的出入境旅客41735人次。
        Among the total, the number of inbound passengers was 12.2 percent more than that of outbound passengers, reaching 22,066, with 54 percent of them being tourists.        其中,入境旅客达到22066人次,比出境旅客人次多出12.2%,其中54%为游客。
                 “中老泰”全程铁路运输往返班列  China-Laos-Thailand round-trip freight train
                 中老命运共同体 China-Laos Community with a Shared Future
                 中国货物贸易  China's foreign trade of goods
                 高质量共建“一带一路” high-quality Belt and Road cooperation
                 互联互通伙伴关系  partnership for connectivity

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