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With Supreme Court Decision, College Admissions Could Become More Subjective

来源:纽约时报    2023-06-30 12:30

        In the Supreme Court decision striking down racial and ethnic preferences in college admissions, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. had harsh words for Harvard and the University of North Carolina, calling their admissions process “elusive," “opaque” and “imponderable.”        在最高法院推翻大学招生种族和族裔偏好的裁决中,首席大法官约翰·罗伯茨对哈佛大学和北卡罗来纳大学措辞严厉,称其招生过程“难以捉摸”、“不透明”和“无法预料”。
        But the court’s ruling against the two universities on Thursday could lead to an admissions system that is even more subjective and mysterious, as colleges try to follow the law but also admit a diverse class of students.        但周四法院对这两所大学的裁决可能会导致招生系统更加主观和神秘,因为大学既要遵守法律,又要录取多样化的学生。
        Officials at some universities predicted that there would be less emphasis on standardized metrics like test scores and class rank, and more emphasis on personal qualities, told through recommendations and the application essay — the opposite of what many opponents of affirmative action had hoped for.        一些校方预测,对考试成绩和班级排名等标准化指标的重视将会减少,而更多强调通过推荐信和申请文书来体现的个人素质——这与许多平权法案反对者希望的正好相反。
        “Will it become more opaque? Yes, it will have to,” said Danielle Ren Holley, who is about to take over as president of Mount Holyoke College. “It’s a complex process, and this opinion will make it even more complex.”        “它是否会变得更加不透明?是的,没办法不这样,”即将接任芒特霍利奥克学院院长的丹妮尔·雷恩·霍利说。“这是一个复杂的过程,这份意见书会让它变得更加复杂。”
        In an interview, Edward Blum, the founder and president of Students for Fair Admissions, the plaintiff defended what he called “standard measurements” of academic qualifications, citing studies that showed test scores, grades and coursework helped determine which students would thrive at competitive schools.        在接受采访时,原告“学生公平录取”组织的创始人兼总裁爱德华·布鲁姆为他所谓的学术资格的“标准衡量方式”进行了辩护,他援引的研究表明,考试分数、评分等级和课程作业有助于决定哪些学生能在竞争激烈的学校胜出。
        He promised to enforce the decision, saying that Students for Fair Admissions and its counsel “have been closely monitoring potential changes in admissions procedures.”        他承诺将执行这一决定,并表示“学生公平录取”及其律师“一直在密切关注招生程序的可能变化”。
        “We remain vigilant and intend to initiate litigation should universities defiantly flout this clear ruling,” he wrote in a statement on Thursday.        他在周四的声明中写道:“我们保持警惕,如果有大学公然藐视这一明确的裁决,我们打算提起诉讼。”
        It would be nearly impossible, however, to eliminate any mention or suggestion of race in the admissions process — starting with applicants’ names. And in the decision, Justice Roberts specifically kept the door open to consider racial or ethnic background in someone’s lived experience.        然而,要在招生过程中消除任何种族的提及或暗示几乎是不可能的——从申请人的名字开始。在判决中,罗伯茨大法官特别为考虑申请者生活经历中的种族或民族背景留出了空间。
        “Nothing in this opinion should be construed as prohibiting universities from considering an applicant’s discussion of how race affected his or her life, be it through discrimination, inspiration or otherwise,” he wrote.        “这份意见书中的任何内容都不应被解释为禁止大学考虑申请人对种族影响其生活的讨论,无论是通过歧视、激励还是其他方式所受的影响,”他写道。
        Still, he warned that the personal essay could not play a stealth role in telegraphing race. “In other words, the student must be treated based on his or her experiences as an individual — not on the basis of race,” he wrote. “Many universities have for too long done just the opposite.”        不过,他也警告,个人陈述不能在传递种族信息方面发挥隐蔽作用。“换句话说,必须根据学生作为个体的经历来对待他们,而不是基于种族,”他写道。“长期以来,许多大学的做法恰恰相反。”
        Universities, including Harvard and U.N.C., said on Thursday that they would comply with the ruling. But for outside skeptics, untangling a university’s intentions will be challenging. How can they know whether an admissions decision was based on an essay about personal grit — or the race of the applicant that it revealed?        包括哈佛大学和北卡罗来纳大学在内的大学周四表示,他们将遵守这一裁决。但对于外界的怀疑论者来说,厘清一所大学的意图将是一项挑战。他们怎么知道一个录取决定是基于一篇关于个人勇气的文章,还是基于它所揭示的申请人的种族?
        “I think a very plausible outcome of this will be that schools will just cheat and say, ‘Let’s see who gets sued,’” said Richard Sander, a law professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, who has been critical of affirmative action. “The chances of an individual school getting sued are low, and the cost of suing is really high.”        “我认为,一个非常合理的结果是,学校会作弊,然后说,‘让我们看看谁会被起诉,’”加州大学洛杉矶分校的法学教授理查德·桑德说,他一直对平权法案持批评态度。“个别学校被起诉的几率很低,而起诉的成本真的很高。”
        Some education officials have already discussed how to leverage the essay. In a recent presentation sponsored by the American Council on Education, Shannon Gundy, the director of undergraduate admissions at the University of Maryland, said students should tailor their admissions essays to describe how race had affected their lives.        一些教育官员已经在讨论如何利用申请时的个人陈述。在最近由美国教育委员会赞助的一次演讲中,马里兰大学本科招生主任香农·甘迪说,学生的入学文书要做出改变,要描述种族如何影响自己的生活。
        “Right now, students write about their soccer practice, they write about their grandmother dying,” she said, adding: “They don’t write about their trials and tribulations. They don’t write about the challenges that they’ve had to experience.”        “现在,学生们写足球训练,写祖母去世,”她说。“他们不写自己受过的考验和磨难。他们不写自己不得不经历过的那些挑战。”
        Colleges could also ask for other more pointed essays, along the lines of the “diversity, equity and inclusion” statements that have become a familiar part of faculty hiring.        大学也可以要求申请者提交其他更有针对性的文书,比如对“多样性、公平性和包容性”的陈述,这样的陈述在教员招聘中已经很常见。
        Ms. Holley, the incoming Mount Holyoke president, imagined a question that would say something like: “One of the core values of Mount Holyoke College is diversity of all kinds. Please tell us why you value it, and what you think you bring to the Mount Holyoke community in terms of diversity.”        即将出任芒特霍利奥克学院院长的霍莉就设想了这样的问题:“各种多样性是芒特霍利奥克学院的核心价值观之一。请告诉我们你为何注重多样性,以及你认为自己在这个问题上能为芒特霍利奥克学院做出怎样的贡献。”
        College officials are predicting that the decision will lead to an immediate drop in the number of Black and Hispanic students at selective universities, echoing the experiences of California and Michigan after those states adopted bans on affirmative action at their public universities years ago. Black students at the University of California, Berkeley, made up only 3.4 percent of last fall’s incoming freshman class, a quarter-century after the ban took effect.        大学官员预测,这一裁决将导致名校的黑人和西语裔学生数量立刻下降,就跟多年前加州与密歇根州禁止公立大学开展平权行动的结果一样。去年秋天,在加州大学伯克利分校的入学新生中,黑人学生只占3.4%,此时距离禁令生效已有25年。
        But many of the 100 or so schools that practice affirmative action have been planning for this moment for months, if not years. And they have already made moves toward a “race-neutral” admissions era — one that tries to follow the letter of the law, while finding ways to keep the ethos of affirmative action.        但在采取平权措施的大约100所学校中,许多都为这样的局面做好了数月乃至数年的准备。这些学校已经开始迈向“种族中立”的招生时代,即在尽力遵守法律条文的同时,想方设法地留住平权行动精神。
        Academic rigor is still important, but standardized tests? Not needed, and in some cases, not even read.        学术严谨依然很重要,但标准化考试就不需要了,在某些情况下甚至连阅读也不考。
        Schools are increasingly giving preferences to high-achieving students from low-income families or to “first-gen” applicants — the first in their families to go to college. They are pouring money into supporting students and offering more need-based financial aid.        学校愈发倾向于录取来自低收入家庭的学生,或是“初代”申请者——也就是家族中的第一个大学生。它们正在投入大量资金支持学生,并提供更多基于需求的经济援助。
        Some selective colleges will also most likely play a much more direct role in nurturing prospective applicants.        一些名校也很可能在培养潜在申请者方面发挥更直接的作用。
        The University of Virginia, for example, announced a plan this month to target 40 high schools in eight regions of the state that had little history of sending applicants. Duke University just promised full tuition grants to students from North and South Carolina with family incomes of $150,000 or less.        例如,弗吉尼亚大学本月宣布了一项计划,准备与该州八个地区的40所几乎从未输送过申请者的高中合作。杜克大学刚刚承诺,向家庭收入在15万美元或以下的北卡罗来纳州和南卡罗来纳州学生提供全额助学金。
        “The hardest part really is identifying and recruiting the students,” said Alison Byerly, president of Carleton College, which she said would expand its partnerships with community organizations.        “最难的部分实际上在于寻找并招募学生,”卡尔顿学院院长艾莉森·拜尔利说,她表示该学院将扩大与社区机构的合作。
        The students are out there, said L. Song Richardson, president of Colorado College. “If we believe that talent is equally distributed” across demographic groups, she said, “then you would expect an unbiased recruitment process to result in a diverse class.”        科罗拉多学院院长L·宋·理查森表示,生源一直都在那里。“如果我们相信人才(在各人口统计群体中)的均匀分布,”她说,“那么不带偏见的招生程序就会产生多样化的课堂。”
        Some educators believe that California’s experience after its 1996 ban on affirmative action shows that such programs can work. The U.C. system overall admitted its most diverse class ever in 2021. But recruiting was expensive; the price was in the hundreds of millions of dollars, and the top campus, Berkeley, is still struggling to catch up.        一些教育工作者认为,加州在1996年禁止平权法案后的经验表明,这样的项目是可以奏效的。加州大学整个系统在2021年的招生工作在多样性方面取得历史之最。但招生成本高昂,耗费了数以亿计美元,而实力最强的伯克利分校依然没能跟上趋势。
        The risks are different for some public universities, like the University of North Carolina or the University of Virginia, which have already had run-ins with conservative politicians over “diversity, equity and inclusion” policies. They will very likely tread carefully when it comes to any murky race-neutral policies.        对部分公立大学(比如北卡大学或弗吉尼亚大学)来说,它们已经在“多样性、公平和包容”政策上与保守派政客发生过冲突,所面临的风险也是不同的。当问题涉及任何含糊不清的种族中立政策,这些大学很可能会谨慎行事。
        “One of the real movements you see from public universities is to be as apolitical as they possibly can, in red states and in blue states,” said Gordon Gee, the president of West Virginia University. “It’s kind of a Bud Light moment,” he said, referring to the beer company’s ill-fated hiring of a transgender spokeswoman that led to a boycott.        “无论是在红州还是蓝州,公立大学真正掀起的运动之一是尽可能地去政治化,”西弗吉尼亚大学校长戈登·吉说道。“这有点像是百威风波,”他说,该啤酒公司因聘请跨性别人士代言而遭到抵制,损失惨重。
        There could also be pressure to blow up the entire process, eliminating preferences for the children of alumni and donors, who tend to be white and wealthy.        压力也可能破坏整个过程,并取消对校友和捐赠人子女的优待,这些人往往是富有的白人群体。
        So far, most schools have resisted those entreaties, saying that these preferences build community and assist in fund-raising. But with cynicism around college admissions high and many believing the system is rigged for the well off and well connected, the court’s decision could force a reckoning.        到目前为止,大多数学府都在抵制这些呼声,称这些偏好有助于发展社区,增加筹款。但随着外界对大学招生的愤怒质疑情绪高涨,许多人认为这个系统已经被富人和关系户操纵,法院的裁决可能迫使社会进行反思。
        “This is a big setback to racial justice, but it’s also an opportunity,” said Jerome Karabel, a U.C. Berkeley sociologist who has studied college admissions. “Now is the time to go back to the drawing boards and see what we can do. There are a million ideas out there.”        “这是种族正义事业的一大挫折,但也是一个机会,”加州大学伯克利分校研究过大学招生的社会学家杰罗姆·卡拉贝尔表示。“现在是时候从头开始了,看看我们还能做些什么。关于此事的想法是无穷无尽的。”

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