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Taiwan Faces a #MeToo Wave, Set Off by a Netflix Hit

来源:纽约时报    2023-06-27 04:10

        In the past few weeks, a wave of #MeToo allegations has raced to the very top of Taiwan’s political, judicial and arts scenes, forcing a new reckoning of the state of women’s rights on a democratic island that has long taken pride in being among Asia’s most progressive places.        过去几周里,一波“#MeToo”(我也是)指控浪潮迅速波及台湾政界、司法界、演艺界上层,迫使人们重新思考当地女性权利状况,实行民主制度的台湾长期以来一直是亚洲最进步的地方之一,并以此为豪。
        Nearly every day, fresh allegations emerge, setting off discussions on talk shows and on social media, with newspaper commentaries and activist groups calling for stronger protections for victims.        新指控几乎每天都在出现,引起脱口秀节目和社交媒体上的讨论,导致报纸发表评论、活动团体呼吁给予受害者更强的保护。
        In many ways, Taiwan stands out for the significant strides that women have made that helped elect the island’s first female president and bolster laws against rape and sexual assault, before #MeToo took off in the United States. But the flood of new sexual harassment accusations points to what activists and scholars say is entrenched sexism that leaves women vulnerable at work, and a culture that is quick to blame victims and cover up accusations against powerful men.        从许多方面来看,台湾女性取得的重大进步令人瞩目,早在“#MeToo”运动在美国兴起之前,台湾女性就帮助选出了当地第一位女总统,加强了惩罚强奸和性侵犯的法律。但源源不断的最新性骚扰指控表明,正如活动人士和学者指出的那样,根深蒂固的性别歧视让女性在工作场所易受伤害,存在一种文化,让人很快指责受害者,并且掩盖针对有权势男性的指控。
        The outpouring of complaints was set off by a popular Netflix drama about Taiwanese politics called “Wave Makers,” which featured a subplot about a female member of a political party telling her boss that she had been sexually harassed by a party member. Her boss promises to help her report the harassment, and in an indication of how often such politically inconvenient complaints are ignored, says, “Let’s not just let this go this time.”        指控的大量涌现是由Netflix上一部有关台湾政治的热门电视剧《人选之人——造浪者》引发。该剧有一个次要情节:一个政党的一名女党员告诉上司,她曾被该党一名的党员性骚扰。她的上司承诺帮助她处理骚扰事件,并说,“我们不要就这么算了。”这个说法表明这种引起政治麻烦的指控经常被忽视。
        That quote from the fictional supervisor became a clarion call, inspiring more than 100 accusers, mostly women, to speak out on social media, sharing their accounts of unwanted kisses, groping and in a few cases, attempted rape. They described the indignities endured at the workplace, including inappropriate touching and unwanted advances by male colleagues and bosses, as well as lewd comments. Some of their posts have been shared thousands of times.        虚构的上司的话成了一个响亮的口号,唤起了100多名主要是女性的指控者在社交媒体上发声,分享她们在不愿意的情况下被亲吻、猥亵的经历,甚至还有少数强奸未遂的案例。她们描述了工作场所的侮辱性行为,包括男同事和男上司的不当触摸、不受欢迎的挑逗,以及粗俗下流的评论。其中一些帖子被分享了成千上万次。
        The stakes are particularly high for President Tsai Ing-wen’s governing Democratic Progressive Party. Senior party and government officials were among the first accused of harassment and of seeking to silence accusers, forcing Ms. Tsai to apologize twice for her party’s mishandling of internal complaints. The criticism runs counter to the party’s record as a champion of liberal values, which includes legalizing same-sex marriage in 2019 and granting gay couples the right to adopt earlier this year. And it poses risks to the party’s credibility with younger voters ahead of a presidential election next year.        这波指控对蔡英文总统领导的执政党民进党来说风险尤其大。最早被指控性骚扰、并试图让指控者噤声的人当中,有民进党和政府的高级官员,迫使蔡英文两次为民进党内部对投诉处理不当道歉。这些批评与民进党作为自由主义价值观倡导者的记录相违,这些记录包括在2019年将同性婚姻合法化,并在今年早些时候赋予同性恋伴侣收养孩子的权利。台湾明年将举行总统大选,这些批评也对民进党在年轻选民中的信誉构成风险。
        “The Democratic Progressive Party has regarded itself as the governing party that supports gender equality,” Fan Yun, a party legislator who is also a professor specializing in gender issues at National Taiwan University, said in a telephone interview. “The Netflix show was seen by others as a snapshot of what’s happening within the party, and it has brought about great impact.”        “民进党一直自认为是一个支持性别平等的政党,”民进党立法委员范云在接受电话采访时说,她也是台湾大学专门研究性别问题的教授。“这个剧大家认为是在影射民进党,这个部分就会有很大的冲击。”
        Among the most senior figures accused of harassment is Yen Chih-fa, who denied the allegation but resigned from his post as an adviser to President Tsai. Taiwan’s highest legal body said it would investigate a complaint against a former chief justice, Lee Po-tao. Tsai Mu-lin, a high-level party official, has been accused of bullying a female party staff member into silence when she reported that a male colleague had tried to enter her hotel room.        被指控性骚扰的最高级别官员之一是颜志发,他否认了指控,但辞去了蔡英文总统顾问的职务。台湾的最高法律机构表示,将对惩戒法院前院长李伯道受到的性骚扰指控启动调查。民进党高级官员蔡沐霖被指控胁迫一名女党员保持沉默,她曾向蔡沐霖反映一名男同事试图进入她酒店房间的情况。
        Mr. Tsai, who is not related to the president, has since stepped down. The woman who accused him, Chen Wen-hsuan, said she felt empowered to speak out publicly by the other women who had shared their experiences. “This movement has taught me that no injustice should be swallowed,” she said. “After all, we can’t just let it go.”        蔡沐霖已经辞职(他与蔡英文没有亲属关系)。指控蔡沐霖的女子陈汶轩说,其他分享自己经历的女性增加了她公开发声的信心。“这起运动,让我知道没有什么不公不义的事,是应该吞下去的,”她说。“毕竟,我们不能就这样算了。”
        Allegations have also been made against men from the main opposition party, the Kuomintang, as well as across Taiwan’s society more broadly, including in academia, journalism, and most recently, entertainment.        受到指控的男性也包括反对党国民党的成员,以及更广泛的台湾社会男性,涉及学术界、新闻界、最近还有演艺界。
        Mickey Huang, a TV personality, apologized after being accused by a woman he met at work of kissing her without her consent and forcing her to be photographed nude. Aaron Yan, a pop star, apologized after an ex-boyfriend accused him of secretly shooting videos of them having sex, when the ex-boyfriend was 16, a minor. Local prosecutors said this week they would investigate the allegation.        电视名人黄子佼道了歉,此前他被一名在工作中遇到的女子指控未经同意亲吻了她、并强迫她拍裸照。流行歌星炎亚纶也道了歉,一名前男友指控他偷拍了他们的性爱视频,当时这名前男友只有16岁,尚未成年。当地检察官本周表示将对这一指控进行调查。
        In some ways, the #MeToo movement points to a generational shift in attitudes brought about by the hard-fought advances won by women’s rights activists in decades past. Taiwan’s younger generation started learning about gender equality in elementary school, as part of curriculum changes enacted in 2004, and have since come of age.        从某些方面来看,这场“#MeToo”运动表明,女权活动人士过去几十年取得的艰难进步,已经带来了态度上的代际变化。由于2004年颁布的课程改革方案,台湾的年轻一代从小学起开始学习性别平等,他们现已步入成年。
        But workplaces are struggling to keep pace.        但职场难以跟上他们的步伐。
        Taiwan’s younger generation has “a higher awareness of gender diversity and equality than the older generation,” said Wei-Ting Yen, an assistant professor of government at Franklin and Marshall College in Pennsylvania. “However, the workplace that young people are entering is still dominated by the older generation.”        台湾的年轻一代“对于性别多元与平等相较于年长的世代有较高的认知”,宾夕法尼亚州富兰克林和马歇尔学院的政府学助理教授颜维婷说,“但年轻人所进入的职场文化仍被老一辈的人把持。”
        Lawmakers have pledged to quickly pass changes to laws to make workplaces and schools safer by holding organizations accountable for protecting victims of harassment. The changes would require organizations to track complaints and provide independent, third-party review panels if needed. Women’s rights groups have called for Taiwan to extend the statute of limitations for sexual harassment complaints, currently at one year.        立法者已承诺将很快通过修订法律,要求各机构在保护骚扰受害者方面承担责任,使工作场所和学校更安全。修订条例将要求机构对投诉进行跟进,并在必要时成立独立的第三方调查小组。女权组织呼吁台湾延长性骚扰投诉的时效期限,目前的期限是一年。
        But activists also say more needs to be done to address the culture of sexism that underlies the misconduct and deters many women from speaking out. A survey by Taiwan’s labor ministry last year showed that only a tiny percentage of female respondents who said they had encountered sexual harassment at work had filed complaints. Activists and scholars in Taiwan say that men in power, whether they are supervisors in workplaces or police officers or judges, are often seen as sympathetic toward other men in power, and likely to blame the victim.        但活动人士也说,在解决性别歧视文化的问题方面仍需要更多的措施,这种文化是不当行为的根源,并阻碍了许多受过性骚扰的女性发声。台湾劳动部去年的一项调查显示,在那些称自己在工作场合遭到性骚扰的女性受访者中,只有极少数进行了投诉。台湾的活动人士和学者说,无论是工作场所的主管、还是警察或法官,有权的男性常常被认为同情其他有权的男性,并更可能指责受害者。
        This month, Lai Yu-fen, 27, accused a Polish diplomat, Bartosz Rys, on her Facebook and Twitter accounts, of what Ms. Lai described as sexual assault last year. She said that when she filed a police report, investigators asked why she had apologized to the diplomat as she rejected his advances, and why she had not told her family about the encounter. She said a defense lawyer gossiped about her to mutual friends. “I want to take back my own story,” Ms. Lai said in an interview.        现年27岁的赖玉芬(音)本月在自己的Facebook和Twitter账号上指控波兰外交官李波(Bartosz Rys),称去年被李波性侵犯。她说,她向警方报案后,调查人员问她,为什么在拒绝该外交官的求爱时向他道歉,为什么没有把遭遇告诉家人。她说,一名辩护律师在共同的朋友面前对她说三道四。“我要把我的故事拿回来,”赖女士在接受采访时说。
        The Polish Office in Taipei, Poland’s de facto embassy in Taiwan, confirmed that it cooperated with the authorities. Prosecutors decided not to charge Mr. Rys, whose posting ended last year and who later left Taiwan. He did not respond to an emailed request for comment, but said on his Twitter page that Ms. Lai had sought money in exchange for dropping the accusation. (She said the request for money was part of negotiating a legal settlement.)        波兰驻台北办事处(即事实上的波兰驻台湾大使馆)证实正在配合当局调查。检察官已决定不起诉李波,他在去年任期结束后已离开台湾。李波没有回复记者用电子邮件发去的置评请求,但他在自己的Twitter上写道,赖女士曾向他索要金钱,以换取放弃指控。(她说,钱的问题是谈判法律解决方案的一部分。)
        To those working in Taiwan’s civil society, perhaps the most concerning of allegations are those directed at activists seen as influential leaders in the rights community. Lee Yuan-chun, 29, an activist, this month publicly accused Wang Dan, a veteran Chinese pro-democracy dissident, of pressing him onto a bed and asking him for sex in 2014. He said he was suing Mr. Wang.        对那些从事台湾民权社会工作的人来说,也许最令人担忧的指控是针对公众眼中维权界有影响力的领导人。现年29岁的活动人士李元钧本月公开指控中国的资深民主异见人士王丹,称王丹曾在2014年将他按在床上要求发生性关系。李元钧说,他正在起诉王丹。
        In a statement, Mr. Wang said he hoped that the public would reserve judgment until a court ruled on the lawsuit. “As a public figure, one’s private life will be subject to more stringent scrutiny,” he said. “Through this incident I will pay more attention to this in the future.”        王丹在一份声明中说,希望公众在法院对诉讼做出裁决之前不作评判。“为公众人物,个人私生活会受到更加严苛的检视。”他说。“作通过此次事件,我在未来会更加注意这一点。”

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