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Putin Says Russia Is United Behind Him, After Quelling Rebellion

来源:纽约时报    2023-06-27 12:27

        A visibly angry Vladimir V. Putin on Monday denounced as “blackmail” a weekend rebellion by the Wagner mercenary group even as he defended his response to the mutiny and hinted at leniency for those who took part, saying that “the entire Russian society united” around his government.        周一,尽管普京为他对瓦格纳雇佣军组织周末叛乱的反应做辩护,并暗示将对参与叛乱的人宽大处理,称“整个俄罗斯社会团结起来”围绕在其政府周围,但怒形于色的普京仍谴责这次叛乱是“勒索”。
        Speaking publicly for the first time in two days, Mr. Putin, in an address broadcast on Monday night, refused to utter the name of the Wagner boss behind the insurrection, Yevgeny V. Prighozhin. But his contempt was clear for those who had seemed, briefly, to threaten civil war and upend Russia’s war effort in Ukraine, where Ukrainian forces are mounting a counteroffensive.        普京周一晚间播出的讲话是其两天来首次公开发表的讲话,他拒绝念出叛乱背后的瓦格纳首领叶夫根尼·普里戈任的名字。他对一些人的蔑视显而易见,这些人似乎一度威胁内战,并颠覆了俄罗斯在乌克兰的战争努力——目前乌克兰军队正在发动反攻。
        “They wanted Russians to fight each other,” said Mr. Putin, Russia’s president. “They rubbed their hands, dreaming of taking revenge for their failures at the front and during the so-called counteroffensive.”        “他们希望俄罗斯人自相残杀,”俄罗斯总统普京说。“他们搓着手,梦想着为他们在前线和在所谓反攻期间的失败进行报复。”
        Throughout the day, the Kremlin had sought to project an air of normalcy, unity and stability, despite Mr. Putin’s absence from public view after perhaps the most serious crisis of his 22-year rule. When he finally emerged, the Russian leader skirted a host of unanswered questions left by the revolt. Instead, at the core of his five-minute speech on Monday was his insistence that he leads a nation and a government that present a united front to all threats.        克里姆林宫一整天都在努力营造一种正常、团结和稳定的氛围,然而在经历了可能是22年统治期间最严重的危机后,普京并没有出现在公众视野中。当这位俄罗斯领导人最终露面时,他回避了叛乱留下的一系列悬而未决的问题。在周一,他五分钟演讲的核心是坚称他领导的国家和政府对所有威胁都保持统一战线。
        “Civic solidarity has shown that any blackmail, attempts to create internal unrest, are doomed to failure,” he said.        他说:“公民团结表明,任何敲诈勒索、制造内部动乱的企图都注定会失败。”
        The agreement that abruptly ended the mutiny on Saturday, with Wagner forces claiming that they had reached within 125 miles of Moscow, called for Mr. Prigozhin to go into exile in Belarus rather than face punishment, according to a Kremlin spokesman. Mr. Putin suggested that Wagner fighters who do not want to sign up with the regular Russian military may go there, too.        瓦格纳部队声称他们已经到达距莫斯科200公里以内的地区,克里姆林宫发言人表示,在达成协议后,兵变戛然而止,该协议要求普里戈任流亡到白俄罗斯,而不是接受惩罚。普京表示,不想加入俄罗斯正规军的瓦格纳战士也可以去那里。
        After his address, he was shown on television convening a meeting with his defense and interior ministers, prosecutor general, and chiefs of the security services and National Guard, to discuss how to respond to the episode.        发表讲话后,电视上显示他召集国防部长、内政部长、检察长、安全部门和国民警卫队负责人召开会议,讨论如何应对这一事件。
        Mr. Prighozhin, until recently a vital ally of Mr. Putin, said in an 11-minute, stream-of-consciousness voice memo posted on the messaging app Telegram on Monday that the government was trying to destroy Wagner, which he said would effectively have to disband by this coming Saturday.        普里戈任不久前还是普京的重要盟友,周一,他在即时通讯应用程序Telegram上发布了一份长达11分钟的意识流语音备忘录,称政府正试图摧毁瓦格纳,他说瓦格纳不得不在周六之前解散。
        “We went to demonstrate our protest, and not to overthrow the government in the country,” he said of the quixotic drive toward Moscow. But Kremlin officials have called it an act of treason, not protest.        “我们去示威是为了抗议,而不是为了推翻这个国家的政府,”他在谈到向莫斯科进军的异想天开行动时说道。但克里姆林宫官员称这是叛国行为,而不是抗议。
        In his audio message on Monday, Mr. Prigozhin renewed his sharp criticism of Russia’s military leaders for their handling of the invasion, and accused them again of attacking his fighters as they were preparing to give up their heavy weapons.        在周一的音频信息中,普里戈任再次严厉批评俄罗斯军事领导人处理入侵的方式,并指责他们在瓦格纳战士准备放弃重型武器时再次对他们发动袭击。
        “The purpose of the campaign was to prevent the destruction of Wagner and to bring to justice those persons who, by their unprofessional actions, made a huge number of mistakes during this process,” he said.        “这场运动的目的是防止瓦格纳被毁,并将一些人绳之于法,他们在这一过程中因不专业行为而犯下大量错误,”他说。
        It was not clear where Mr. Prigozhin was, or how he would be handled by a system that criminalizes mere dissent, much less armed rebellion. The Kremlin statement over the weekend that he would be allowed to go into exile was contradicted on Monday by reports in multiple state-controlled news outlets that he still faced investigation and a very real possibility of prosecution.        目前尚不清楚普里戈任身在何处,也不清楚俄罗斯体制将如何处置他,在该体制下,连异议都会被定为刑事犯罪,更不用说武装叛乱了。克里姆林宫周末发表声明,称他将被允许流亡,但周一,多个官方媒体报道称他仍面临调查,并且很有可能被起诉,这与周一的声明相矛盾。
        Nor was it clear what would happen to his tens of thousands of fighters, some of Russia’s most experienced and ruthlessly effective troops, or how that would affect the war in Ukraine. The government has required that all irregular forces fighting for Russia in Ukraine sign contracts with the Defense Ministry by July 1, spelling the end of Wagner’s semi-independence, but it is not clear how many have done so or will do so.        他的数万名战士——俄罗斯最有经验、最高效的部队——将会走向何方,以及这将如何影响乌克兰战争,这些目前都不清楚。政府要求所有在乌克兰为俄罗斯作战的非正规部队在7月1日之前与国防部签署合同,这标志着瓦格纳半独立状态的结束,但尚不清楚有多少部队已经这样做或将这样做。
        Mr. Putin indirectly addressed a question many people in Russia and abroad have been asking since the mutiny began: Why was it not crushed, swiftly and mercilessly, by Russia’s much larger military before Wagner could seize a regional military headquarters and push hundreds of miles toward Moscow?        普京间接回答了自兵变开始以来俄罗斯国内外许多人都在问的一个问题:俄罗斯明明兵力优势更大,为什么没能在瓦格纳占领一处军区总部、并向莫斯科推进数百公里之前,迅速无情地将其镇压?
        “From the very beginning of the events, on my direct instructions, steps were taken to avoid a lot of bloodshed,” he said. “This took time, including to give those who made a mistake a chance to change their minds.”        “从事件一开始,我的直接指示就是要避免大规模流血的发生,”他说。“这需要时间,包括给犯错者一个改变主意的机会。”
        Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov said that the major M-4 highway — which was damaged over the weekend as Russian forces tried to slow the advance of Wagner troops toward Moscow — had been repaired and that all air and railway communications had been restored. Moscow’s mayor ended the restrictions that had been put in place as a result of the uprising and announced that school graduation ceremonies would take place this weekend.        副总理安德烈·别洛乌索夫表示,为减缓瓦格纳部队向莫斯科进军的速度而在周末被俄军毁坏的M4主路已经修复,所有航空和铁路通讯都以恢复。莫斯科市长解除了叛乱后实施的限制,并宣布各学校的毕业典礼将于本周末举行。
        Reinforcing the business-as-usual message, Russia released a soundless video of Defense Minister Sergei K. Shoigu on Monday, signaling that he remained in his post despite scathing criticism by Mr. Prigozhin over the conduct of the war.        周一,俄罗斯发布了一段关于国防部长谢尔盖·绍伊古的无声视频,再次强调了一切如常的信息,这表明尽管普里戈任大肆批评了乌战指挥,但绍伊古仍将继续担任此职务。
        At the White House on Monday, President Biden said he had convened a video meeting with allied leaders to discuss the mutiny, adding: “We made clear that we were not involved. We had nothing to do with it. This was part of a struggle within the Russian system.”        拜登总统周一在白宫表示,他已与盟国领导人召开了视频会议,讨论此次兵变的情况,他还说:“我们要明确的一点是,我们没有参与其中。我们跟这事一点关系都没有。这属于俄罗斯体制内斗争的问题。”
        The administration has repeatedly signaled that it wanted Mr. Putin to, as Mr. Biden put it, have “no excuse to blame this on the West and to blame it on NATO,” which are supporting Ukraine with weapons, intelligence, training and finances.        美国政府一再表示,正如拜登所说,希望普京“不要用任何借口将此事归咎于西方和北约”,北约正在用武器、情报、训练和资金支持乌克兰。
        On the battlefields of Ukraine, where Kyiv’s forces are mounting a counteroffensive to retake territory seized last year by Russia, there was no apparent change as a result of events within Russia, but some American officials and Western analysts said Russia’s military could suffer.        在乌克兰战场上,基辅的军队正在发动反攻,夺回去年被俄罗斯占领的领土,俄罗斯的国内事件并未给战局带来明显改变,但一些美国官员和西方分析人士表示,俄军可能会受到打击。
        “Overall, Russian morale is likely to have been severely negatively affected by the turmoil,” said Aditya Pareek, an analyst at Janes, the defense intelligence firm.        “总的来说,因为这场动乱,俄军士气很可能严重受损,”简氏国防情报公司的分析师阿迪蒂亚·帕雷克表示。
        But Franz-Stefan Gady, a consulting senior fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, said it was too early to gauge the mutiny’s impact. On the front lines, Russian rates of fire have not decreased, he said, and no major Russian troop rotations have been observed.        但国际战略研究所高级咨询研究员弗朗茨-斯特凡·加迪称,现在评估兵变的影响还为时过早。他表示,俄军在前线的火力没有衰减,部队也没有出现大规模轮换。
        For months, Mr. Prigozhin, a former prison inmate who parlayed political connections into a multi-armed business empire, has aimed a stream of stinging criticism at Russia’s military establishment, while claiming that Wagner deserved sole credit for some successes in Ukraine. He accused military leaders of undermining the war effort with incompetence and infighting, while withholding needed supplies from Wagner. With a base of support among pro-war Russians, he was widely seen as laying the groundwork for some kind of political career.        曾在监狱服刑的普里戈任利用政治人脉打造出一个多重武装的商业帝国,数月以来,他对俄罗斯军方提出了一连串尖锐批评,同时声称俄罗斯在乌克兰取得的一些战果完全是瓦格纳的功劳。他批评军方领导人的无能和内斗拖了打仗的后腿,这些人还扣留瓦格纳提供所需的物资。他在支持战争的俄罗斯人中得到了广泛支持,他被普遍认为是在为未来以某种方式从政打基础。
        But early this month, the Defense Ministry issued the directive that irregular forces sign up with the military, and the order remained in place, despite Mr. Prigozhin’s bitter complaints and refusal to comply — an apparent signal that Mr. Putin had sided with Mr. Shoigu and the generals.        但本月早些时候,俄罗斯国防部发布命令,要求非正规部队必须与军方签订合约,尽管普里戈任强烈反对、拒绝配合,这一命令仍然有效,这显然说明,普京站在了绍伊古和军方将领的一边。
        On Friday, Mr. Prigozhin accused the regular military of shelling Wagner troops, killing dozens of them — a claim that has not been independently corroborated — and his forces drove on Rostov-on-Don, a major city in southern Russia, where Wagner seized control of a hub for military operations in Ukraine.        周五,普里戈任指责正规军炮击瓦格纳部队,造成数十人死亡(此说法尚未得到独立证实),他的部队开进了俄罗斯南部主要城市顿河畔罗斯托夫,瓦格纳在那里占领了一处对乌军事行动指挥中心。
        The world watched in shock and fear as instability seemed to shake the nation with the world’s largest nuclear arsenal. Mr. Putin on Saturday vowed the harshest punishment for those who had “consciously chosen the path of betrayal.”        眼看这个拥有全球最大核武库的国家就要陷入动荡,全世界对此都感到震惊和恐惧。周六,普京誓要对那些“有意识地选择了背叛”的人施以最严厉的惩罚。
        But then the Wagner forces halted, after Aleksandr G. Lukashenko, a Putin ally and president of Belarus, played intermediary. Wagner forces withdrew from Rostov-on-Don and the highway to Moscow, reportedly returning to their camps in Russian-occupied eastern Ukraine.        但此后,在普京盟友、白俄罗斯总统卢卡申科的介入调停下,瓦格纳部队停止了进军。他们从顿河畔罗斯托夫以及通往莫斯科的高速公路撤退,报道称他们返回了俄军占领的位于乌克兰东部的驻地。

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