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Putin Moves to Punish Prigozhin Allies

来源:纽约时报    2023-06-29 04:29

        As President Vladimir V. Putin seeks to assert control in Russia, he is moving to punish people who enabled the mercenary boss Yevgeny V. Prigozhin’s rebellion over the weekend, but Mr. Prigozhin’s deep connections with the ruling elite are complicating those efforts.        为巩固自己对俄罗斯的控制,普京总统正在采取行动,对放任雇佣兵首领叶夫根尼·普里戈任周末发动叛乱者施加惩罚。但普里戈任与统治精英关系深厚,使这些努力变得更加复杂。
        The question of who gets punished for the mutiny carries high stakes for the Russian leadership, especially because some of Mr. Prigozhin’s key allies and sympathizers are believed to be inside the military and the government.        对于俄罗斯领导层来说,兵变的罪名落到谁头上事关重大,尤其考虑到普里戈任的一些重要盟友和同情者据信就在军方和政府内部。
        There was intense focus in Moscow about the fate of Gen. Sergei Surovikin, a senior military official whom Mr. Prigozhin praised publicly and who is said to have known about the rebellion in advance; he has not been seen publicly since early Saturday. Several pro-war Russian blogs reported that the authorities were investigating military service members with ties to Mr. Prigozhin, but those reports could not be independently confirmed.        谢尔盖·苏罗维金将军的命运在莫斯科受到高度关注,普里戈任曾公开赞美这位军方高级将领,据称他在叛乱发生前就已知情;自周六早间以来,他就没再公开露面。一些支持战争的俄罗斯博客报道称,当局正在调查与普里戈任有关联的军方成员,但这些报道无法得到独立证实。
        Mr. Putin fed speculation about a broader crackdown on Tuesday evening in a closed-door meeting with Russian media figures at the Kremlin. In the meeting, he presented himself as a leader in total control, and said he was delving into Mr. Prigozhin’s business contracts with the Russian Defense Ministry.        周二晚间,普京在克里姆林宫与俄罗斯传媒界人物举行闭门会议,加剧了外界对更广泛打击行动的猜测。在此次会议中,他展示了一切尽在掌握的领袖姿态,称自己正在深入调查普里戈任与俄罗斯国防部签署的商业合约。
        Mr. Putin also portrayed himself as having been fully engaged throughout the 24-hour uprising last weekend by Mr. Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner paramilitary group, according to a newspaper editor who attended the meeting, Konstantin Remchukov. “Putin said he didn’t sleep for a minute during the rebellion,” Mr. Remchukov said in a phone interview from Moscow.        据参加会议的报纸编辑康斯坦丁·雷姆丘科夫表示,在普京的描述中,当普里戈任在上周末发动为期24小时的叛变,他本人一直全程关注。“普京说,在叛乱期间他一分钟都没合眼,”雷姆丘科夫在莫斯科接受电话采访时表示。
        In the aftermath of the rebellion, when Wagner forces seized a military installation and headed toward Moscow, he said, Mr. Putin appeared focused on the economic motives guiding Mr. Prigozhin. And he signaled that the authorities would seek out “who signed what and lobbied for orders, or for uniforms, or for weapons.”        他说,叛乱发生后,随着瓦格纳夺取了一处军事设施,并向莫斯科进军,普京似乎开始重点关注普里戈任此举的经济动机。普京还指出,当局将查出“签署过文件,以及为了订单或是制服和武器游说的人都有谁”。
        “He’s deep in the numbers of the Prigozhin contracts, the money flows,” Mr. Remchukov said.        “他正在深入了解普里戈任签下的合同,还有资金的流向,”雷姆丘科夫说。
        Mr. Putin himself hinted at the depth of Mr. Prigozhin’s ties to the government in his public remarks on Tuesday, saying Mr. Prigozhin, a catering magnate, had made roughly $1 billion from military catering contracts in the past year, and that the government had spent another $1 billion to finance his mercenaries.        在周二的公开讲话中,普京暗示了普里戈任与政府牵连颇深,他说普里戈任这位餐饮巨头在过去一年就从军方供餐合同中赚取了大约10亿美元,政府还斥资10亿美元资助他的雇佣军团。
        The fate of Mr. Prigozhin’s broader operations are also under scrutiny. On Tuesday, Syria, where Wagner mercenaries have operated extensively, released a photograph of Russia’s deputy foreign minister meeting with Syrian officials, saying the two sides held talks “as part of the regular political consultations between the two friendly countries.”        普里戈任更广泛业务的命运也遭到了密切审查。周二,在瓦格纳雇佣军活动频繁的叙利亚,官方公布了一张俄罗斯外交部副部长与叙利亚官员会面的照片,称此番双边会晤是“这两个友好国家之间的定期政治磋商”。
        On Wednesday, Mr. Putin sought to show he was going back to business as usual. He flew to the southern Russian region of Dagestan to discuss domestic tourism, praising the expansion of the local brandy industry. State media released video of Mr. Putin striding onto a city square and being greeted by a crowd of people — an image that appeared designed to show that the president retained public support.        周三,普京试图证明他的一切工作都将恢复正常。他飞抵俄罗斯南部的达吉斯坦地区商讨国内旅游问题,并称赞了当地白兰地产业的发展。官媒发布的视频显示,普京阔步来到城市广场,受到一群人的欢迎——这样的画面似乎意在表明,这位总统依然能得到公众的支持。
        But back in Moscow, with the nature of Mr. Putin’s longer-term response to the rebellion a matter of guesswork, members of the Russian elite were still scrambling to demonstrate their loyalty and disavow past ties to Mr. Prigozhin.        但在莫斯科,普京对叛乱长期反应的性质仍然令人琢磨不定,俄罗斯精英阶层仍在争先恐后地表忠,并切割与普里戈任的过往关联。
        “It’s a highly convoluted question” as to who should get punished for their connections to the Wagner leader, said Oleg Matveychev, a member of the Russian Parliament and a longtime pro-Kremlin political consultant.        俄罗斯议员、长期亲克里姆林宫的政治顾问奥列格·马特维切夫表示,谁应该因为与普里戈任有关系而受到惩罚“是个极其复杂的问题”。
        Those targeted, he said in a phone interview, would not be those who were only “pictured with Prigozhin somewhere,” but those who “actively covered for him, actively continue to do this, and actively work against the policy of the president.”        他在接受电话采访时说,被盯上的对象不会是那些仅“与普里戈任在某处合影”的人,而是“主动为他打掩护,现在还在这么做,并且故意对抗总统政策”的人。
        Mr. Matveychev acknowledged working with Mr. Prigozhin about a decade ago, but said he stopped the partnership after concluding, in his view, that Mr. Prigozhin was a “mentally unstable person.”        马特维切夫承认,自己大约在10年前也与普里戈任合作过,但他表示,当他认定普里戈任“精神不太稳定”之后,就停止了合作关系。
        Mr. Prigozhin built a web of connections beginning when he ran high-end restaurants and catered banquets in St. Petersburg in the 1990s. More recently, he worked with General Surovikin in Syria, where Wagner forces were fighting.        从上世纪90年代在圣彼得堡经营高档餐厅和承办宴会时开始,普里戈任建立了一个人脉网络。不久前,他还在叙利亚与苏罗维金将军合作,当时瓦格纳部队正在那里作战。
        “I think they’re going to ask why he was quiet” and didn’t speak up against Mr. Prigozhin before the rebellion, Mr. Remchukov said of the general. “Were there any interests? Was there any connection?”        “我想他们会询问他为何保持沉默”——没有站出来反对普里戈任——雷姆丘科夫在谈到这位将军时表示。“是有什么利益相关吗?还是有什么关系牵连?”
        On Wednesday, Dmitri S. Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman, called a New York Times report that General Surovikin knew about the rebellion ahead of time “speculations,” but did not dispute the reporting or express any support for the general, who has not been heard from since appearing in a video early Saturday pleading with the rebels to stand down.        周三,克里姆林宫发言人德米特里·佩斯科夫称《纽约时报》关于苏罗维金将军事先知晓叛乱计划的报道纯属“揣测”,但并未反驳该篇报道,也没有对苏罗维金表示任何支持。周六早些时候,苏罗维金曾在一段恳请叛军停止行动的视频中露面,此后就杳无音讯。
        After a career spent in the shadows, Mr. Prigozhin turned himself into a public figure in the last year, casting himself as a tough-talking mercenary leader who was far more effective than the traditional military. He regularly castigated and belittled military leaders like Sergei K. Shoigu, the Russian defense minister.        普里戈任在其职业生涯中一直隐藏于幕后,直到去年才走到台前,将自己塑造成一个说话强硬的雇佣军领袖,效率也远比传统正规军要高。他经常谴责和贬低军方领导人,比如俄罗斯国防部长谢尔盖·绍伊古。
        Over the past year, pro-Kremlin figures seeking to prove their patriotic bona fides rushed to join Mr. Prigozhin’s bandwagon.        过去一年间,试图证明自己爱国热忱的亲克里姆林宫人士纷纷加入了普里戈任的阵营。
        The son of Mr. Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman, bragged that he had joined an artillery unit in the Wagner group and earned a medal “for courage.”        克里姆林宫发言人佩斯科夫之子就曾吹嘘自己加入了瓦格纳集团的炮兵部队,还因“作战英勇”获得了一枚勋章。
        And the head of a party in Russia’s rubber-stamp Parliament, Sergei Mironov, posed with a sledgehammer decorated with the Wagner insignia, a pile of skulls and a hand-drawn smiley face. The sledgehammer became Mr. Prigozhin’s trademark after he endorsed its use in the gruesome execution of a Wagner fighter who had surrendered to Ukraine.        俄罗斯橡皮图章议会里一个政党的党魁谢尔盖·米罗诺夫还曾拿着一把刻有瓦格纳徽章、一堆头骨和一个手绘笑脸的大锤摆造型。这是普里戈任的个人标志,因为他支持用这种大锤残忍处决一名向乌克兰投降的瓦格纳士兵。
        “Thank you to Yevgeny Prigozhin for the present,” Mr. Mironov wrote on Twitter in January. “This is a useful instrument.”        “感谢叶夫根尼·普里戈任送来的礼物,”米罗诺夫1月在Twitter上写道。“这东西可真有用。”
        But by Tuesday, Mr. Mironov had refashioned himself into a bulwark against Mr. Prigozhin’s rebellion. He called for an investigation into what he claimed was a “line of V.I.P.s — officials and civil servants” flocking to leave the country from the private jet terminal of Moscow’s Vnukovo Airport during Wagner’s abbreviated march toward Moscow on Saturday.        但在周二,米罗诺夫摇身一变,成为普里戈任叛乱的坚决反对者。他要求对他所谓的“一众VIP官员和公务员”进行调查,当周六瓦格纳短暂进军莫斯科,这些人来到莫斯科伏努科沃机场的私人飞机航站楼,争相逃离俄罗斯。
        “This is a fifth column!” he wrote on social media, without naming names. “Traitors to the Motherland!”        “这就是第五纵队!”他在社交媒体上写道,但没有指名道姓。“祖国的叛徒!”
        There was also the question of who had spoken up for Mr. Putin while the rebellion was ongoing, and who stayed silent. One Moscow political analyst, Mikhail Vinogradov, published what he called an “oath rating” on the Telegram social network that cataloged, down to the minute, at what time on Saturday Russia’s regional governors posted a message of support of Mr. Putin, and listed the 21 who did not.        还有一个问题是,叛乱期间有谁为普京说了话,又有谁在保持沉默。莫斯科政治分析人士米哈伊尔·维诺格拉多夫在Telegram社交网络上发布了他所谓的“效忠评分”,精确到以分钟为单位,统计了周六当天俄罗斯各州州长公开支持普京的信息发布时间,并列出没有公开表示支持的21人名单。
        Mr. Vinogradov said in an interview that it would be a mistake to draw serious conclusions from his ratings, but Mr. Matveychev, the member of Parliament, said he found the list revealing.        维诺格拉多夫在接受采访时表示,他的评分不应作为严肃决策的参考,但马特维切夫议员表示,他觉得这份名单很能说明问题。
        “I had a glance and drew conclusions: that a person is, let’s say, unreliable and might act differently next time,” he said.        “我大概看了一下就很有收获,比如某个人不太可靠,下次可能就会有不一样的立场,”他说。
        Mr. Matveychev insisted that the aborted rebellion was a positive for Russia because its failure “strengthens the image of the authorities” and acts as a “vaccine” against future rebellions.        马特维切夫坚称,这场流产的叛乱对俄罗斯而言是好事,因为叛乱的失败“强化了当局的形象”,也能给未来的叛乱打上一剂“预防针”。
        And Mr. Remchukov, the newspaper editor, said that despite his prediction on Sunday that Mr. Putin might not run for re-election next year because of the rebellion’s blow to his image, he has seen Moscow’s Kremlin-connected elite rally to Mr. Putin’s side as he seeks to telegraph strength.        报纸编辑雷姆丘科夫表示,他虽然在周日预测普京明年可能不会竞选连任,因为叛乱给他的形象带来打击,但他已经看到,在普京欲彰显实力之时,与克里姆林宫有关系的莫斯科精英都站到了普京这一边。
        “Putin is now totally focused on sending the message to the elites that ‘I can protect you,’” Mr. Remchukov said. “Now there will, I think, be some very energetic actions to show this, because his whole logic is to show that this was nothing but treason.”        “普京如今把重心完全放在了向精英阶层传达‘我可以保护你们’的信息之上,”雷姆丘科夫说。“我认为接下来会有一些非常强力的行动来证实这一点,因为他的整个逻辑就是要表明这是彻头彻尾的叛国行为。”
        Others saw an ongoing challenge for Mr. Putin, especially as the war drags on and members of the elite look to blame each other for setbacks at the front.        其他人则认为,普京将面临持续的挑战,尤其是在战事旷日持久,而精英阶层面对前线挫折都在互相指责的情况下。
        “This is a signal that the system of governance is not handling the wartime stress well,” Mr. Vinogradov, the Moscow analyst, said. “Especially not in the last two months, when everyone was awaiting a successful Ukrainian counteroffensive and preparing to turn on one another — and even the lack of that success didn’t change this at all.”        “这是一个信号,表明这个统治体制没能妥善应对战时压力,”莫斯科分析人士维诺格拉多夫表示。“特别是在过去两个月,人人都在等待乌克兰成功反攻,都在准备互相攻讦,即便反攻没什么进展也完全没能改变这样的局面。”
        For the Russian public, and the military rank and file, the aftermath of the rebellion is a moment of whiplash, with the Wagner forces — which had scored Russia’s only recent battlefield success and had been celebrated by pro-war bloggers and at times the state media — being recast as traitors.        对俄罗斯公众和普通将士来说,叛乱给他们带来的冲击是巨大的,瓦格纳武装为俄罗斯取得了最近唯一的战场胜利,一直以来都得到支持战争的博主——有时还有官方媒体——的大力声援,如今他们却变成了叛国贼。
        Leonid Ivashov, a retired senior Russian general who has spoken out against the war but has remained in Russia, summarized the overarching question hanging over society and the military thus: “What is going on?”        曾公开反对战争但没有离开俄罗斯的高级退役将领列昂尼德·伊瓦绍夫这样总结笼罩在社会和军队之上的最大问题:“怎么会变成这样?”
        “Many can’t understand what the government actually wants,” General Ivashov said in a phone interview. “The first question is: What is happening in the country and the army?”        “很多人都无法理解政府到底想怎样,”伊瓦绍夫上将在电话采访中说道。“首要问题就是,我们的国家和军队到底怎么了?”

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