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In Overhaul, Alibaba’s Boss Moves Aside and Two Co-Founders Step Up

来源:纽约时报    2023-06-21 12:59

        In late March, Daniel Zhang unveiled what was called the “most significant” overhaul in the 24-year history of Alibaba, one of China’s original technology conglomerates, splitting the company into six units that would help them seek out investors from the public.        3月下旬,张勇宣布了被称为阿里巴巴24年历史上“最重要”的组织变革,这家中国第一代科技巨头集团之一将拆分为六个部门,以吸引公域投资者。
        Now, Mr. Zhang, the tech giant’s chairman and chief executive, is out of the top job and will step down from Alibaba’s board of directors, and two of the company’s co-founders have moved up into the leadership positions.        现在,张勇卸任这家科技巨头的董事局主席和首席执行官,并将退出阿里董事会,该公司两位联合创始人已晋升至这两个领导职位。
        Alibaba announced on Tuesday that Mr. Zhang, 51, will relinquish his top job in September. Instead, he will serve only as chief executive of Alibaba’s cloud computing division, a position he assumed in March when he unveiled the restructuring. Alibaba announced plans to spin off its cloud division in May, in preparation for a public listing.        阿里周二宣布,51岁的张勇将于9月卸任最高职务。此后他将专职担任阿里云智能集团首席执行官,他在3月宣布改组时开始担任这一职务。5月,阿里宣布了剥离云业务的计划,为上市做好铺垫。
        Joseph Tsai, 59, an Alibaba veteran with roots to the company’s founding, will move up from executive vice chairman to chairman. Another Alibaba co-founder, Eddie Yongming Wu, will succeed Mr. Zhang as chief executive.        现年59岁、从创立之初就为阿里工作多年的蔡崇信将从集团执行副主席升为董事会主席。另一位联合创始人吴泳铭将接替张勇出任首席执行官。
        “This is like the oldest of the old guard,” said Duncan Clark, the chairman of the investment advisory firm BDA China in Beijing. “The trusted team, the old guard, is back in control.”        “这是元老中的元老了,”北京博达克咨询有限公司董事长邓肯·克拉克表示。“最受信赖的元老团队重新掌权了。”
        Alibaba is reshuffling its leadership at a critical time. The company was the highest-profile target of a crackdown by Beijing on the power of China’s biggest tech companies. Its stock price has tumbled from its 2020 peak.        阿里选择了一个关键节点进行领导层重组。在北京对中国最大几家科技企业势力的打击中,阿里是最受关注的目标。该公司股价已从2020年的峰值大幅下跌。
        Alibaba’s founder, the billionaire Jack Ma, was driven out of the public eye in 2020 after criticizing Chinese regulators for stifling innovation at Ant Group, Alibaba’s financial technology sister company. After his remarks, Chinese officials suspended plans for Ant Group to sell stock in an initial public offering. In 2021 Chinese antitrust regulators fined Alibaba $2.8 billion for preventing merchants from selling their goods on other shopping platforms.        作为阿里创始人,亿万富翁马云因对中国监管机构扼杀蚂蚁集团的创新发出批评,在2020年被赶出了公众视野,蚂蚁集团是阿里的金融科技姊妹公司。在他发表批评言论后,中国官员暂停了蚂蚁集团的上市计划。2021年,中国反垄断机构因其禁止商家在其他平台卖货为由,对阿里处以182亿元罚款。
        Mr. Ma, a popular figure in China and long the face of the company, made a publicized return to China this year just as Alibaba announced its restructuring, which was seen in part as a response to tighter regulations by Beijing.        就在阿里今年宣布改组之际,向来是公司形象代言人、在中国广受欢迎的马云回国行程遭到公开。此次改组在一定程度上被视为对北京收紧监管的应对措施。
        On Saturday, Mr. Ma appeared at a math competition sponsored by a research division of Alibaba, according to a post on the institute’s blog. Though he no longer holds a formal role at Alibaba, Mr. Ma remains one of its largest shareholders, with 4.5 percent of the company as of 2021, according to corporate filings.        阿里旗下研究机构发文称,马云周六在该机构赞助的数学竞赛中露面。尽管不再担任阿里的正式职务,但公司文件显示马云仍是最大股东之一,截至2021年还持有该公司4.5%的股份。
        In a letter to employees Tuesday, Mr. Zhang said it was time for him to dedicate his “full attention” to the spinoff plans. He also cited the need for a clear separation between his roles at Alibaba and the cloud division.        张勇在周二的全员信中表示,他要“全身心”投入到分拆工作中。他还指出,有必要对他在阿里巴巴和云智能集团的职务进行明确区分。
        Mr. Tsai, the new chairman, has a relationship to Mr. Ma that some former employees have described as inseparable. The two met in 1999, when Alibaba was still a free online portal, and Mr. Tsai joined the company that year. He helped Mr. Ma secure early investments from Goldman Sachs and SoftBank, and stewarded the company’s initial public offering in New York in 2014, then the largest in history.        一些前员工述称,新任董事局主席蔡崇信与马云有着密不可分的关系。他们在1999年相识,当时阿里巴巴还只是一个免费的门户网站,蔡崇信当年就加入了该公司。他帮助马云获得了高盛和软银的早期投资,并在2014年主持了该公司纽约上市的工作,创造了当时的首次公开募股记录。
        Alibaba’s executive vice chairman since 2013, Mr. Tsai is the primary owner of the Brooklyn Nets, the National Basketball Association team.        蔡崇信自2013年起担任阿里执行副主席,他还是NBA布鲁克林篮网队的主要所有人。
        The elevation of Mr. Wu, a longtime executive of Alibaba’s e-commerce division, signaled to analysts that Alibaba would continued to make online shopping a core pillar of its business.        担任阿里电商部门高管多年的吴泳铭获得提拔,分析人士称这是阿里将继续将网购当作其核心业务的信号。
        Mr. Wu, who is in his late 40s, helped lead Alibaba’s transformation from an e-commerce giant to a mobile juggernaut, turning the digital payment app Alipay into one of the default forms of payment across China. He will continue to serve as the chairman of Taobao and Tmall, Alibaba’s two domestic e-commerce businesses.        年近五旬的吴泳铭帮助阿里从一家电商巨头转型为移动互联网巨头,将支付宝这一数字支付应用变为中国最常见的付款方式之一。他将继续兼任阿里国内两大电商企业淘宝和天猫的董事长。
        Mr. Zhang told investors that Alibaba would become less centralized and more efficient by spinning off its components. But Alibaba has also recently announced the creation of a high-level committee to make decisions about distributing money to the new business groups, which some analysts took as a sign that the company was still keeping power in the hands of a few key people.        张勇向投资人表示,阿里分拆旗下业务是为了降低集中化程度,提升效率。但阿里最近还宣布成立一个高层委员会,负责新业务集团的资金分配决策。一些分析人士认为,这表明该公司的权力仍会掌握在少数关键人物手中。
        Mr. Zhang succeeded Mr. Ma as chairman of Alibaba in 2019. Then a rising star in the company, he was the architect behind Singles Day, Alibaba’s most successful shopping event. Known for his attention to detail and problem-solving abilities, Mr. Zhang was widely regarded as a complement to Mr. Ma, who was known inside the company for his visionary prowess.        张勇于2019年接替马云担任阿里董事会主席。当时他是公司里的后起之秀,缔造了阿里最为成功的“双11”购物节。张勇以注重细节和解决问题的能力闻名,被普遍认为与马云非常互补,后者在公司内部以其远见卓识著称。
        Alibaba is synonymous with online shopping in China. But the company has since expanded into an array of businesses from digital payments to delivery services to entertainment. In recent years, it has expanded its e-commerce division and has served the A.I. boom with its cloud computing unit.        在中国,阿里巴巴就是网购的代名词。但从数字支付到送货服务再到娱乐,该公司已拓展出一系列广泛业务。近年来,阿里扩大了电商部门规模,其云计算部门也推动了人工智能的蓬勃发展。
        Jacob Cooke, chief executive of WPIC, an e-commerce consultancy, said the return of Mr. Tsai, who has extensive investments around the world, was a logical choice for Alibaba given its recent international focus.        韦博领创电商咨询公司首席执行官雅各布·库克表示,蔡崇信在全球都有广泛投资,考虑到阿里近来对国际业务的关注,让他重掌大权是合乎逻辑的选择。
        Last year, Alibaba poured $1.6 billion into its e-commerce business in Southeast Asia, according to corporate records in Singapore provided by VentureCap Insights, a research firm. And last week, it announced plans to start a local version of its e-commerce division, Tmall, in Europe.        根据研究公司VentureCap Insights披露的新加坡企业记录,阿里巴巴去年在东南亚电商业务上投入了16亿美元。上周,阿里宣布计划在欧洲推出其电商部门天猫的本地版。

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