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Biden Administration Weighs Further Curbs on Sales of A.I. Chips to China

来源:纽约时报    2023-06-29 02:10

        The Biden administration is weighing additional curbs on China’s ability to access critical technology, including restricting the sale of high-end chips used to power artificial intelligence, according to five people familiar with the deliberations.        据五位熟悉情况的人士称,拜登政府正在考虑对中国获得关键技术的能力实施额外限制,包括限制用于驱动人工智能的高端芯片的销售。
        The curbs would clamp down on the sales to China of advanced chips made by companies like Nvidia and Advanced Micro Devices and Intel, which are needed for the data centers that power artificial intelligence.        这些限制措施将限制向中国销售英伟达、超威半导体公司(AMD)和英特尔等公司生产的先进芯片,这些芯片是为人工智能提供动能的数据中心所需要的。
        Biden officials have said that China’s artificial intelligence capabilities could pose a national security threat to the United States by enhancing Beijing’s military and security apparatus. Among the concerns is the use of A.I. in guiding weapons, carrying out cyber warfare and powering facial recognition systems used to track dissidents and minorities.        拜登政府官员表示,中国的人工智能能力可能会加强北京的军事和安全机构,从而对美国构成国家安全威胁。令人担忧的方面包括人工智能被用于操纵武器,进行网络战争,以及被用于追踪异见人士和少数民族的面部识别系统。
        But such curbs would be a blow to semiconductor manufacturers, including those in the United States, who still generate much of their revenue in China.        但这种限制将对半导体制造商造成打击,包括那些在美国的制造商,他们的大部分收入仍然来自中国。
        The deliberations were earlier reported by The Wall Street Journal. Nvidia’s shares closed down 1.8 percent on Wednesday after reports of the potential export crackdown. The company has been one of the primary beneficiaries of the enthusiasm over artificial intelligence, with its share price surging by roughly 180 percent this year.        《华尔街日报》早些时候报道了政府的这一考虑。在可能出现打击出口的报道传出后,英伟达股价周三收盘下跌1.8%。该公司一直是人工智能热潮的主要受益者之一,今年股价飙升约180%。
        Such additional restrictions, if adopted, would not have an immediate impact on Nvidia’s financial results, Colette Kress, the chief financial officer of Nvidia, said Wednesday at an event hosted by an investment firm. But over the long term, they “will result in a permanent loss of opportunities for the U.S. industry to compete and lead in one of the world’s largest markets,” she said. She added that China typically generates 20 percent to 25 percent of the company’s data center revenue, which includes other products in addition to chips that enable A.I.        英伟达首席财务官科莱特·克雷斯周三在一家投资公司主办的活动上表示,此类额外限制如果被采用,不会立即对英伟达的财务业绩产生影响。但从长远来看,它们“将导致美国工业永久失去在世界最大市场之一竞争和领先的机会”,她说。她还补充说,中国通常占该公司数据中心收入的20%至25%,其中除了用于人工智能的芯片之外,还包括其他产品。
        The stock prices of chip companies Qualcomm and Intel fell less than 2 percent on Wednesday while AMD nudged 0.2 percent lower.        芯片公司高通和英特尔的股价周三下跌了不到2%,AMD微跌0.2%。
        Intel declined to comment, as did the Commerce Department, which oversees export controls. AMD did not respond to a request for comment.        负责监管出口控制的美国商务部拒绝就此置评,英特尔也拒绝发表评论。AMD没有回应置评请求。
        Curbing the sale of high-end chips would be the latest step in the Biden administration’s campaign to starve China of advanced technology that is needed to power everything from self-driving cars to robotics.        拜登政府努力阻止中国获得从自动驾驶汽车到机器人所需的先进技术,限制高端芯片的销售将是其中的最新举措。
        Last October, the administration issued sweeping restrictions on the types of advanced semiconductors and chip making machinery that could be sent to China. The rules were applied across the industry, but they had particularly strong consequences for Nvidia. The company, an industry leader, was barred from selling China its top-line A100 and H100 chips — which are adept at running the many processes required to build artificial intelligence — unless it first obtained a special license.        去年10月,政府对可能出口到中国的先进半导体和芯片制造机械类型发布了全面限制。这些规定适用于整个行业,但对英伟达的影响尤其严重。作为行业领导者,该公司被禁止向中国出售其顶级的A100和H100芯片,除非先获得特别许可。这两款芯片被用于运行构建人工智能所需的许多工艺流程。
        In response to those restrictions, Nvidia began offering the downgraded A800 and H800 chips in China last year.        为了应对这些限制,英伟达去年开始在中国提供降级的A800和H800芯片。
        The additional restrictions under consideration, which would come as part of the process of finalizing those earlier rules, would also bar sales of Nvidia’s A800 and H800 chips, and similar advanced chips from competitors like AMD and Intel, unless those companies obtained a license from the Commerce Department to continue shipping to the country.        正在考虑的额外限制是对先前的规定予以最终确认过程的一部分,它还将禁止英伟达的A800和H800芯片,以及AMD和英特尔等竞争对手生产的类似高级芯片的销售,除非这些公司获得商务部继续向中国发货的许可。
        The deliberations have touched off an intense lobbying battle, with Intel and Nvidia working to prevent further curbs on their business.        相关审议引发了一场激烈的游说战,英特尔和英伟达都在努力防止它们的业务受到进一步限制。
        Chip companies say cutting them off from a major market like China will substantially eat into their revenues and reduce their ability to spend on research and innovation of new chips. In an interview with The Financial Times last month, Nvidia’s chief executive, Jensen Huang, warned that the U.S. tech industry was at risk of “enormous damage” if it were to be cut off from trading with China.        芯片企业表示,切断它们与中国这样主要市场的联系将大大减少它们的收入,并降低它们在新芯片的研究和创新方面的支出能力。在上个月接受《金融时报》采访时,英伟达首席执行官黄仁勋警告,如果切断美国科技行业与中国的贸易往来,有可能面临“巨大损失”。
        The Biden administration has also been internally debating where to draw the line on chip sales to China. Their goal is to limit technological capacity that could aid the Chinese military in guiding weapons, developing autonomous drones, carrying out cyber warfare and powering surveillance systems, while minimizing the impact such rules would have on private companies.        拜登政府内部也在就厘清对华出售芯片的范围展开讨论。他们的目标是限制可能有助于中国军方制导武器、开发自主无人机、开展网络战和为监视系统提供动力的技术能力,同时尽量减少这些规则对民营企业的影响。
        The measure, which would come as the United States is also considering expanded curbs on U.S. investment in Chinese technology firms, is also likely to ruffle the Chinese government. Biden officials have been working in recent weeks to improve bilateral relations after a fallout with Beijing this year, after a Chinese surveillance balloon flew over the United States.        这项措施出台之际,美国也在考虑扩大对美国投资中国科技公司的限制,这也可能会激怒中国政府。在今年中国侦察气球飞越美国上空导致中美关系下滑后,拜登政府最近几周一直致力于改善双边关系。
        Antony J. Blinken, the secretary of state, traveled to Beijing this month to meet with his counterparts, and Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen is also expected to travel to China soon.        美国国务卿布林肯本月前往北京与对等官员会面,财政部长耶伦预计也将很快前往中国。
        During a Wednesday appearance at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, Mr. Blinken said that China’s concern that the U.S. sought to slow its economic growth was “a lengthy part of the conversation that we just had in Beijing.”        布林肯周三在纽约出席美国外交关系委员会时表示,中国对美国试图减缓其经济增长的担忧是“我们刚刚在北京进花了很长时间交谈的内容”。
        Chinese officials, he said, believe the U.S. seeks “to hold them back, globally, and economically.” But he disputed that notion.        他表示,中国官员认为,美国试图“在全球和经济上遏制他们”。但他反驳了这种说法。
        “How is it in our interest to allow them to get technology that they may turn around and use against us?” he asked, citing China’s expanding nuclear weapons program, its development of hypersonic missiles and its use of artificial intelligence “potentially for repressive purposes.”        “允许他们获得可能反过来用来对付我们的技术,这怎么符合我们的利益?”他提到了中国不断扩大的核武器计划、高超音速导弹的发展,以及“可能用于镇压目的”的人工智能的使用。
        “If they were in our shoes, they would do exactly the same thing,” he said, adding that the U.S. was imposing “very targeted, very narrowly defined controls.”        “如果他们处在我们的位置,他们也会做同样的事情,”他说道,并表示,美国正在实施“非常有针对性、定义非常狭窄的管制”。
        Nvidia’s valuation had soared in light of the recent boom in generative artificial intelligence services, which can produce complex written answers to questions and images based on a single prompt. Microsoft has teamed up with OpenAI, which makes the chatbot ChatGPT, to generate results in its Bing search engine while Google has built a competing chatbot called Bard.        鉴于最近生成式人工智能服务的蓬勃发展,英伟达的估值出现了飙升。生成式人工智能服务可以根据一个提示,就提问生成复杂的书面答案和图像。微软已与制造聊天机器人ChatGPT的OpenAI合作,在其必应搜索引擎中生成结果,而谷歌则开发了与之竞争的聊天机器人Bard。
        As companies race to incorporate the technology into their products, it has increased demand for chips like Nvidia’s that can handle that the complex computing tasks. That momentum has helped to push Nvidia’s market capitalization past $1 trillion, making the company the world’s sixth largest by value.        随着各公司竞相将这项技术整合到自己的产品中,对像英伟达这样能够处理复杂计算任务的芯片的需求增加了。这一势头推动英伟达的市值超过1万亿美元,使该公司成为全球市值第六大公司。
        Nvidia said in an August filing that $400 million in revenue from “potential sales to China” could be subject to U.S. export restrictions, including sales of the A100, if “customers do not want to purchase the company’s alternative product offerings” or the government failed to grant licenses to allow the company to continue to sell the chip inside China.        英伟达在8月的一份文件中表示,如果“客户不想购买该公司的替代产品”,或者政府未能批准该公司继续在中国境内销售该芯片,那么可能受到美国出口限制的“潜在对华销售”收入达到4亿美元,包括A100的销售。
        Since the restrictions were imposed, Chinese chip makers have been trying to overhaul their supply chains and develop domestic sources of advanced chips, but China’s capabilities to produce the most advanced chips remains many years behind that of the United States.        自实施限制以来,中国芯片制造商一直在努力调整供应链,开发国内先进芯片来源,但中国生产最先进芯片的能力仍落后于美国多年。
        Dan Wang, a visiting scholar at Yale Law School, said that the impact of advanced chip restrictions on Chinese tech companies was uncertain.        耶鲁大学法学院访问学者王丹(音)表示,先进芯片限制对中国科技公司的影响尚不确定。
        “Most of their business needs are driven by less advanced chips, as fewer of them are playing on the fringes of the most advanced A.I.,” he said.        “他们大部分业务需求是由不太先进的芯片驱动的,只有小部分跟最先进的人工智能沾边,”他说。

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