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6 things you may not know about Summer Solstice

来源:中国日报    2023-06-21 15:28

        The traditional Chinese solar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Summer Solstice, the 10th solar term of the year, begins on June 21 this year and ends on July 6.        夏至是中国传统二十四节气的第10个节气,今年的夏至从6月21日开始,7月6日结束。
        At this time, much of the northern hemisphere receives the most hours of daylight, but it does not bring the hottest temperatures which will come only 20 to 30 days later.        在这一天,北半球的大部分地区白昼最长,但是气温却不是一年中最高的,最高气温将出现在20到30天后。
        The following are 6 things you might not know about Summer Solstice.        来看看关于夏至的6个小常识。
        The longest day of the year        夏至这天白昼最长
        On the Summer Solstice itself, daylight lasts the longest for the whole year in the northern hemisphere. After this day, daylight hours get shorter and shorter and temperatures become higher in the northern hemisphere.        在夏至这天,北半球的白昼是全年最长的。过了夏至,北半球的白昼越来越短,气温却会继续升高。
        How long is the longest day in China? According to the expert Yan Jiarong, the entire day in Mohe in Heilongjiang province, located in the northernmost tip of China, lasts nearly 17 hours when you include dawn, twilight and its afterglow. Summer Solstice is the best season for viewing the aurora in Mohe, "the sleepless town of China".        中国境内的白昼最长能达到几个小时呢?据专家严家荣介绍,在中国最北端黑龙江省漠河,算上黎明、黄昏和落日余晖,昼长可持续近17个小时。夏至是在“中国不夜城”漠河观赏极光的最佳时节。

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