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China's development zones attract over 30,000 foreign companies

来源:中国日报    2023-06-28 14:51

        China's state-level economic and technological development zones have attracted more than 30,000 foreign-funded companies, the Ministry of Commerce said Tuesday.        商务部有关负责人6月27日介绍,国家级经开区已落户了3万多家外商投资企业。
        The country currently has 230 such development zones in 31 provincial-level regions, gathering more than 4 million enterprises, the ministry said at an event promoting the state-level economic and technological development zones.        商务部在“投资中国年”招商引资系列活动上表示,截至目前,全国共设立了230家国家级经开区,遍布31个省(区、市),集聚了超过400万家企业。
        Over 300 Fortune 500 enterprises have established headquarters or research centers in these development zones.        世界500强企业在国家级经开区设立的总部、研发中心超过300家。
        Last year, the state-level economic and technological development zones generated a regional GDP of 15 trillion yuan, increasing 117 percent over 2013.        2022年,国家级经开区创造了15万亿元的地区生产总值,比2013年增长117%。
        These development zones have become a vital platform for China's economic integration into the global industrial system.        国家级经开区、成为中国经济融入全球产业体系的重要平台。
        As part of the "Invest in China Year" activities, the event invited representatives of international organizations, foreign chambers of commerce, state-level economic and technological development zones, and foreign-funded enterprises to attend dialogues and project-matchmaking meetings.        本次活动是“投资中国年”招商引资系列活动之一,活动邀请国际组织、外国商会、国家级经开区、及外资企业代表开展主题对话会,举办产业项目对接会。
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