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They Married for a Life Abroad. But They Never Saw Their Husbands Again.

来源:纽约时报    2023-06-14 01:39

        Like many other women in the state of Punjab, long a hub of emigration from India, Sharndeep Kaur aspired to marry an Indian working abroad and follow him to a more prosperous life overseas.        旁遮普邦长期以来一直是印度移民的中心,莎恩迪普·考尔像那里的许多女性一样,渴望嫁给在国外工作的印度人,并跟随他在海外过上更富裕的生活。
        On Jan. 13, 2014, she thought her dream had come true. That day in a Sikh temple, she married Harjinder Singh, who had just returned from Italy, and moved in with his family.        2014年1月13日,她以为梦想成真了。那天在一座锡克教寺庙里,她嫁给了刚从意大利回来的哈金德·辛格,并搬进了和他家人在一起的住所。
        After a few days, though, her in-laws began demanding about $10,000 so her husband could resettle in Canada. When she failed to secure the money, they starved and beat her, according to a police complaint that did not result in any charges.        然而,几天后,她的公婆开始索要大约一万美元,以便她的丈夫可以搬到加拿大生活。根据警方报案记录,由于她未能筹到钱,他们不给她饭吃,还殴打她,那次报警没有导致任何指控。
        Eight weeks after the wedding, her husband went back to his dairy job in Italy. Ms. Kaur never saw him again. “The days turned into weeks and then months,” she said recently at her home in the village of Fateh Nangal. “And my eyes kept searching for him.”        婚礼八周后,她的丈夫回到了意大利的奶牛场继续工作。考尔再也没有见过他。“几天变成了几周,然后变成了几个月,”她最近在法塔赫南加尔村的家中说。“我一直盼望见到他。”
        Ms. Kaur is far from alone in her misery. Tens of thousands of Indian women have been abandoned by husbands working abroad, according to government officials and activists, trapping many of them in their in-laws’ homes in accordance with local social customs, even for decades.        遭受苦难的远不止考尔一个人。据政府官员和活动人士称,数万名印度女性被在国外工作的丈夫遗弃,根据当地社会习俗,许多女性被困在婆家,有的长达数十年之久。
        Some women who have been left behind by husbands are victims of the unfulfilled promises of changing circumstances. Others, however, have been subjected to outright deceit, their families defrauded of dowries, honeymoon expenses and visa payments.        一些被丈夫遗弃的女性是受丈夫没有兑现改变生活际遇的承诺所害。然而也有的是遭受了彻头彻尾的欺骗,她们的家人被骗取了嫁妆、蜜月费用和签证费用。
        There are few specific legal remedies available to women whose husbands flee, and pursuing the men under more general laws can be difficult if they are abroad. But eight women have filed a petition with India’s Supreme Court in an effort to press the government to enact policies to deal with what they called a widespread problem.        丈夫跑了,几乎没有专门的法律救济措施能帮助这些女性,如果男人在国外,根据相对一般性的法律追捕他们可能会很困难。但有八名女性已向印度最高法院提交请愿书,试图敦促政府制定政策来解决她们称普遍存在的问题。
        A former judge who headed a commission looking into the issue in Punjab said there were 30,000 such cases in that state alone.        一位领导了一个委员会在旁遮普调查该问题的前法官说,这样的案件仅在该邦就有3万起。
        While Punjab, India’s only Sikh-majority state, is home to some of the country’s richest agricultural land, it has long struggled with unemployment and drug abuse. Billboards promoting English-language training centers and visa consulting firms are evidence of an exodus abroad. Young men often force older relatives to sell land so they can emigrate.        旁遮普邦是印度唯一一个锡克教徒占多数的邦,拥有该国一些最肥沃的农田,但长期以来一直深受失业和吸毒问题的困扰。宣传英语培训中心和签证咨询公司的广告牌是人口流失国外的证据。年轻人经常强迫年长的亲戚卖掉土地,以便他们可以移民。
        One recent afternoon, at a roundabout in Kotli, a village surrounded by rice and sugar cane fields, a dozen older men sat under a tree, discussing the problems of distressed farmers: low incomes, mountains of debt and, in some cases, suicide.        最近的一个下午,在稻田和甘蔗田环绕的科特利村,十几名年长男性坐在环形路口的一棵树下,讨论陷入困境的农民的问题:低收入、巨额债务,还有一些人选择自杀。
        “That is why everyone wants to fly out of Punjab to realize their dollar dream,” said Satnam Singh, 65, a retired schoolteacher, “and these women are partly a result of those aspirations.”        “这就是为什么每个人都想飞出旁遮普邦来实现他们的美元梦想,”65岁的退休教师萨特南·辛格说,“这些女性的悲剧在一定程度上是这些愿望导致的。”
        He said that some husbands wanted to honor the promise of taking their wives abroad, but that either unforeseen events or strict visa rules prevented them from doing so.        他说,有些丈夫想兑现带妻子出国的诺言,但不可预见的事件或严格的签证规定阻止了他们。
        Activists and experts described a more troubling pattern, one that was also seen in interviews with 12 women.        活动人士和专家描述了一种更令人不安的情况,在对12名女性的采访中也看到了这种情况。
        The situation, they said, often plays out like this: Parents arrange to marry their daughter off to a returning Indian. They pay a dowry, a practice long banned in India but still common. A lavish wedding follows, with days of food and alcohol and dancing to Punjabi music. Then comes a honeymoon, also paid for by the bride’s family.        他们说,情况通常是这样的:父母安排将女儿嫁给一个从国外回来的印度人。他们支付嫁妆,这种做法在印度早就被禁止,但仍然普遍存在。接下来进行一场奢华的婚礼,包括提供几天的餐食和酒饮,并随着旁遮普音乐跳舞。然后是蜜月,同样由新娘的家人支付。
        The husband flies out, and the wife waits for a visa while living with her in-laws. The in-laws demand money to secure the visa, but it never arrives. The wife, who is often illiterate, is kept under constant surveillance to keep control over her, damaging her psychologically.        丈夫飞去国外,妻子住在公婆家,等待签证。婆家向妻子要钱以获取签证,但签证始终没拿到。妻子往往目不识丁,遭受婆家严密监视以对她加以控制,并且在心理上备受创伤。
        To Ms. Kaur, who fled her in-laws’ home after five months, it was “like living in a dark dungeon.”        对于五个月后逃离公婆家的考尔来说,那“就像生活在一个黑暗的地牢里”。
        Other dangers can also lurk. Some women complain “of being sexually exploited by other members of their husband’s family, because they have nowhere else to go,” said Rakesh Kumar Garg, the retired judge who until recently headed the state commission on the issue.        还可能潜伏着其他危险。一些女性抱怨“因走投无路而被丈夫的其他家庭成员性剥削,”退休法官拉凯什·库马尔·加格说,他最近开始带领一个委员会在该邦展开调研。
        In a number of cases, men have used dowry money to pay immigration agents to land in wealthy countries like Canada, where Sikhs make up about 2 percent of the population.        在许多情况下,男人将嫁妆用来支付移民中介得费用,以便进入加拿大等富裕国家,锡克教徒约占加拿大人口的2%。
        “The boys come, they enjoy, and leave with the dowry money,” Mr. Garg said. “Then they get married again in foreign countries for citizenship. It is just treachery.”        “这些小伙子来了,他们享受了,然后带着嫁妆钱离开,”加格说。“然后他们在外国为了获得公民身份再次结婚。这就是背叛。”
        Left-behind women can be found everywhere in Punjab — a sign that the desperation to leave outweighs the many cautionary tales.        在旁遮普,留守女性随处可见——这表明离开的迫切愿望让她们无视了许多前车之鉴。
        “One lives here,” said Kulwinder Kaur, who said she was herself tricked into a marriage in 1999, pointing from her terrace toward a door to the right of her house. “Another lives there,” she continued, gesturing toward an entry gate made of bamboo, to the left of her house.        “有一个住在这里,”库尔温德·考尔说,她说她自己是在1999年被骗婚。她从自家露台指着房子右边的一扇门。“还有一个住在那里,”她指着房子左边一扇竹门继续说。
        After her marriage, Ms. Kaur, who is not related to Sharndeep Kaur, lived with her husband for nine months in his parents’ home in Kotli. He worked as a carpenter before he left for Canada without telling her. She continues to live with her in-laws, who are both bedridden, 24 years after her marriage.        结婚后,考尔(与莎恩迪普·考尔没有亲戚关系)和丈夫在科特利她父母家住了九个月。他是个木匠,没有告诉她一声就动身去了加拿大。结婚24年后,她仍然和公婆住在一起,两人都因病卧床。
        “I am just like a servant in his house,” she said.        “我就像他家的仆人,”她说。
        On a recent bright morning, Satwinder Kaur Satti, who heads Abbnhi, a support group for left-behind women, was talking to visitors in her home in Ludhiana when her phone rang.        最近一个晴朗的早晨,留守妇女支持组织Abbnhi的负责人萨特温德·考尔·萨蒂正在卢迪亚纳的家中与来访者交谈,这时她的电话响了。
        “Can you please help me?” a woman asked as she cried over the phone after saying she had been beaten by her mother-in-law for failing to arrange money for her overseas son.        “你能帮帮我吗?”一名女子在电话里哭着问道。她说,她因为没给海外的丈夫安排汇钱,被婆婆打了一顿。
        At the woman’s home, Ms. Satti, who also said she was the victim of a fraudulent marriage, encouraged her to file a police complaint, but the woman wanted to wait a few months. “Your husband will never take you out, remember this,” Ms. Satti told her. “File a police case or die waiting.”        在这名女子的家中,萨蒂鼓励她向警方报案,但她想再等几个月。萨蒂还说,她是结婚骗局的受害者。“记住,你丈夫永远不会带你出去,”萨蒂告诉她。“要么报警,要么死等。”
        Some women are fighting to have their husbands’ passports impounded. Ravneet Khural, an English-language tutor, sends email reminders every week to the authorities asking them to cancel the passport of her husband, Harpreet Singh Dhiman.        一些妇女正在争取扣押丈夫的护照。英语教师拉尼特·胡拉尔每周都会向当局发送电子邮件提醒,要求他们取消她丈夫哈普雷特·辛格·迪曼的护照。
        That is possible under a federal law that can be used to revoke the passports of Indians who have gone overseas, leaving their wives behind, if the husbands repeatedly refuse to appear before judges.        根据一项联邦法律,如果一再拒绝出庭,撇下妻子出国的印度人的护照就有可能被依法吊销。
        Mr. Dhiman’s parents moved to Canada on a business visa after Ms. Khural’s marriage in 2015. After living in different countries and making occasional trips back home to see relatives and his wife, Mr. Dhiman joined his parents in Canada in 2021.        胡拉尔2015年结婚后,迪曼的父母持商务签证搬到了加拿大。迪曼先是辗转于几个国家,偶尔回家看望亲戚和妻子,后于2021年到加拿大与父母一起生活。
        Ms. Khural said she paid around $8,000 to her in-laws for paperwork and a visa. Her father-in-law, Kesar Singh, denied the assertion.        胡拉尔说,她向公婆支付了大约8000美元的手续和签证费用。她的公公凯萨尔·辛格否认了这一说法。
        “Let her prove it,” Mr. Singh said by phone, adding that his son had filed for divorce before leaving India because the couple could not get along. Ms. Khural said she had received notice from a lawyer about the divorce filing late last month. Women in such cases rarely file for divorce themselves, for cultural and financial reasons.        “让她拿出证据来,”辛格在电话中说。他还说,儿子在离开印度前提出了离婚,因为两人相处不来。胡拉尔说,她上月底收到了一名律师关于离婚申请的通知。在这种情况下,由于文化和经济原因,很少有女人自己提出离婚。
        Ms. Khural filed a police complaint, accusing her husband of domestic violence — the police often open investigations under such charges because of the lack of specific laws addressing fleeing husbands — and of keeping her under surveillance with cameras. The case, like most in India, is proceeding slowly.        胡拉尔向警方报案,指控丈夫家庭暴力——由于缺乏针对逃走的丈夫的专门法律,警方经常对此类指控展开调查——并用摄像头监视她。与印度的大多数案件一样,此案进展缓慢。
        “I want to teach him a lesson,” she said, “so that he will remember forever what he did to me.”        “我想给他一个教训,”她说,“这样他就会永远记住他对我所做的一切。”
        Harjinder Singh, the dairy worker in Italy married to Ms. Kaur, said he, too, faced a domestic violence case after his wife had filed a complaint. In a phone interview, he declined to offer his side of the story or defend his abandonment of his wife. “I have nothing to add,” Mr. Singh said.        与考尔结婚、在意大利工作的乳业工人哈金德·辛格说,在妻子报案后,他也面临着家庭暴力指控。在电话采访中,他拒绝提供自己这一方的说法,也拒绝为自己抛弃妻子的行为辩护。“我没有什么要补充的,”辛格说。
        On a recent evening, Ms. Kaur was standing on her parents’ terrace when a man in a white shirt walked through a track in the middle of the wheat fields behind the house.        最近的一个晚上,考尔站在父母家的露台上,一名身穿白衬衫的男子从屋后麦田中央的一条小路上走过。
        “I wish it was him,” she said, her voice dropping to a hush. “But I know he will never come back.”        “我真希望是他,”她用小到几乎听不见的声音说。“但我知道他永远不会回来了。”

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