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At the Heart of the Documents Case: Trump’s Attachment to His Boxes

来源:纽约时报    2023-06-16 05:01

        During President Donald J. Trump’s years in the White House, his aides began to refer to the boxes full of papers and odds and ends he carted around with him almost everywhere as the “beautiful mind” material.        特朗普总统入主白宫的几年里,几乎走到哪里都要带着装满文件和零碎物品的箱子,助手开始称之为“美丽心灵”材料。
        It was a reference to the title of a book and movie depicting the life of John F. Nash Jr., the mathematician with schizophrenia played in the film by Russell Crowe, who covered his office with newspaper clippings, believing they held a Russian code he needed to crack.        《美丽心灵》是一本讲述小约翰·纳什生平的书,被拍成同名电影。纳什是一名患有精神分裂的数学家,在影片中由罗素·克劳饰演,他在办公室里贴满了剪报,认为里面有他需要破解的俄罗斯密码。
        The phrase had a specific connotation. The aides employed it to capture a type of organized chaos that Mr. Trump insisted on, the collection and transportation of a blizzard of newspapers and official documents that he kept close and that seemed to give him a sense of security.        这个词有特定的内涵。助手们用它来概括特朗普坚持的一种有组织的混乱,他收集和运输大量报纸和官方文件,把它们带在身边,这似乎给了他一种安全感。
        One former White House official, who was granted anonymity to describe the situation, said that while the materials were disorganized, Mr. Trump would notice if somebody had riffled through them or they were not arranged in a particular way. It was, the person said, how “his mind worked.”        一名要求匿名描述情况的前白宫官员说,虽然这些材料杂乱无章,但如果有人翻阅过,或者没有按照特定的方式排列,特朗普就会注意到。此人说,这就是“他的思维方式”。
        The contents of those boxes — and Mr. Trump’s insistence on hanging onto them — are now at the heart of a 38-count indictment against the former president and his personal aide, Walt Nauta. Prosecutors have accused Mr. Trump of obstructing their investigation into his possession of classified material after leaving office and putting national security secrets at risk.        这些箱子里的东西——以及特朗普坚持带着它们——现在成了针对这位前总统及其私人助手沃尔特·瑙塔的38项指控的核心。检察官指控特朗普在离任后阻挠他们对他持有机密材料的调查,并将国家安全机密置于危险之中。
        His intense desire to keep the materials comes through in a text message cited in the indictment about the possibility of the boxes being moved after they were shipped to Mar-a-Lago, his Florida residence and private club.        起诉书引用的一条短信体现了他希望保留这些材料的强烈愿望,该起诉关乎这些箱子在被运往他在佛罗里达的住所和私人俱乐部马阿拉歌庄园后被转移的可能性。
        When one employee asked the other if some could be moved to storage, the second employee, identified by multiple people as Mr. Trump’s former assistant Molly Michael, replied, “Woah!! Ok so potus specifically asked Walt for those boxes to be in the business center because they are his ‘papers.’”        当一名员工问另一名员工是否可以将其中一些箱子转移到仓库时,第二名员工(被多人确认为特朗普的前助理莫莉·迈克尔)回答说,“哇!!好吧,所以总统专门叮嘱沃尔特把这些盒子放在商务中心,因为它们是他的‘文件’。”
        At another point, she used the phrase “the beautiful mind paper boxes” in a text message, the indictment says.        起诉书称,还有一次,她在短信中使用了“美丽心灵纸盒”这个说法。
        Mr. Trump’s attachment to the contents of the boxes has now left him in serious legal peril, but it appears to be in keeping with a long pattern of behavior.        特朗普对箱内之物的依恋如今让他面临严重的法律风险,但这似乎符合他长期以来的行为模式。
        Mr. Trump has always hung onto news clippings, documents and other mementos, according to more than a half-dozen people who have worked for him over the years, including before his presidency.        六名以上多年来为特朗普工作过(包括在他担任总统之前)的人士表示,特朗普一直保留着新闻剪报、文件和其他纪念品。
        His office at Trump Tower in New York, a corner space on the 26th floor, had a desk that was often piled high with papers. He kept keepsakes for decades, including a series of letters written to him by famous people more than 30 years ago, which he later published as a book that he sells for nearly $100 a copy.        他在纽约特朗普大厦26楼一个角落空间的办公室里有一张桌子,经常堆满文件。他保存了几十年的纪念品包括30多年前名人写给他的一系列信件,后来他把这些信件出版成书,每本售价近100美元。
        Starting in the early months of his administration, Mr. Trump began using a cardboard box to bring papers and documents from the West Wing up to the residence at the end of the day.        从执政的最初几个月开始,特朗普开始每天用一个纸箱把当天攒出来的文件和文档从白宫西翼带到总统官邸。
        In the White House, according to two people familiar with the practice, Mr. Trump was generally able to identify what was in the boxes most immediately around him. One of those people said he was “meticulous” in putting things in specific boxes — notwithstanding a picture released by the Justice Department showing classified documents spilled on the floor of a storage room at Mar-a-Lago.        据两个熟悉这一做法的人说,特朗普一般能比身边所有人更快地认出箱子里有些什么。其中一人说,他对什么东西放什么箱子是非常“仔细的”——尽管司法部发布的照片显示,在马阿拉歌一间储藏室里,机密文件散落一地。
        Shortly after John F. Kelly took over as Mr. Trump’s chief of staff in July 2017, Mr. Kelly and other aides grew concerned that some documents were likely presidential records and might go missing if they were kept in the residence. They impressed upon Mr. Trump that the papers had to be tracked, but he was not especially interested, the people said.        约翰·F·凯利于2017年7月接任特朗普的幕僚长后不久,凯利和其他助手开始担心,其中一些文件可能属于总统记录,如果一直放在住所里可能会丢失。他们努力让特朗普认识到,这些文件的去向是需要被追踪的,但是他对此不是很感兴趣,那些人说。
        Aides started examining the boxes to check for presidential records, but Mr. Trump still found ways to bring items to the residence. And the boxes began to multiply.        助手们开始筛查箱子里的文件,寻找总统记录,但是特朗普还是有办法把一些文件带回住所。箱子越来越多。
        He could point to specific boxes that he wanted to take with him on Air Force One when he was traveling, and decline to take others, appearing aware of the contents inside the boxes he chose, both officials said.        需要出行的时候,他会指着某几个箱子说,他要带着这些上空军一号,并拒绝带上其它的,他似乎知道他选择的箱子里有什么,两位官员说。
        The same was true when Mr. Trump left the White House, according to one person briefed on how he behaved. He knew the contents of the boxes around him. Some aides would periodically encourage him to condense the number he had in his immediate vicinity. Another person familiar with Mr. Trump’s habits said that when one box filled up, aides over the past two years would take it away and store it, bringing him a new one.        据一位就特朗普的有关行为听取过简报的人说,这一点在他离开白宫后也没有改变。他知道身边这些箱子的内容。有助手隔三差五就会劝他缩减随身携带的文件数量。另一位了解特朗普习惯的人士说,过去两年里,每当一个箱子满了,他的助手就会把箱子放进仓库,然后再给他一个新箱子。
        The charging document includes photos detailing just how many dozens of those cardboard boxes Mr. Trump had amassed. They are piled on a stage at Mar-a-Lago, stuffed into a storage room, even stacked in a bathroom, with some behind a shower curtain.        起诉书中收录的照片详细介绍了特朗普是如何积攒起数十只箱子的。箱子被堆在马阿拉歌一个舞台上,塞进储藏室里,甚至堆在卫生间里,有一部分放在浴帘后面。
        At his club in Bedminster, N.J., on Tuesday night, hours after he was arraigned in a Miami courtroom, Mr. Trump insisted to several hundred supporters that the boxes included “newspapers, press clippings” and “thousands and thousands of White House pictures,” as well as “clothing, memorabilia and much, much more.”        周二晚在他的新泽西州贝德明斯特会所里,几个小时前刚刚前往一家迈阿密法院接受传讯的特朗普对着数百支持者坚称,箱子里是些“报纸、媒体剪报”和“成千上万的白宫照片”,另外还有“衣服、纪念品等等等等”。
        “I hadn’t had a chance to go through all the boxes,” Mr. Trump said. “It’s a long, tedious job, takes a long time. Which I was prepared to do, but I have a very busy life.”        “我至今也没时间去把箱子里的东西都捋一遍,”特朗普说。“那是个很费时间的苦差事,要花很长时间。我是打算做的,但我是个很忙的人。”
        According to prosecutors, the notion that Mr. Trump was simply too busy to know all that he had is undercut by the facts.
        As early as January 2021, as Mr. Trump was preparing to leave office after efforts to thwart the transfer of power to Joseph R. Biden Jr., he and his White House staff members, including Mr. Nauta, packed materials into boxes, the indictment says. “Trump was personally involved in this process,” it says.        起诉书称,早在2021年1月,试图阻挠向拜登移交权力后,特朗普在为离开办公室做准备,他和包括瑙塔在内的白宫幕僚把材料装箱。“这一过程有特朗普本人的参与,”起诉书称。
        On two occasions after he left office — once in late 2021 as he was reluctantly responding to demands from the National Archives to return the material he had taken from the White House and then later after a grand jury subpoena demanding the return of any classified documents still in his possession — Mr. Trump was brought a number of boxes to review, indicating that he was aware of their contents. Mr. Trump repeatedly told advisers the boxes of documents were “mine,” according to several people familiar with his remarks.        他在卸任后有两次带上了几只箱子以供审阅——一次是2021年底,当时国家档案馆要求他归还从白宫带走的文件,他的反应很不情愿,另一次是一个大陪审团发传票要求归还他掌握的所有机密文件——说明他知道箱子的内容。据几位知情人士说,特朗普反复告诉顾问,这些文件箱是“我的”。

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