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Faceless, Nameless and Dead by the Dozen in a Train’s Cheapest Cars

来源:纽约时报    2023-06-12 03:31

        They cram themselves every day by the millions onto India’s overtaxed trains, chasing a shred of economic opportunity across the vastness of the world’s most populous nation.        每天,成百上千万印度人挤上超负荷的火车,在这个世界上人口最多国家的广阔土地上追逐些许经济机会。
        Tickets costing about $5 — nearly a day’s wage — are all they can afford. For that, they stand shoulder to shoulder over long stretches in the middle of so-called general category coaches, far removed from the air-conditioned cars that lie beyond the pantry where workers prepare the rice, roti and chai for the journey.        他们只买得起五美元的票——几乎是一天的工资。为此,他们要在远离空调车厢的所谓的普通车厢长时间挤在中间的过道上。空调车厢位于餐车附近,员工们在那里为乘客的旅途准备米饭、烤饼和茶。
        It was these packed general coaches, right behind the engine of the Coromandel Express, that became a scene of unthinkable carnage just after sunset on June 2 when the train smashed into a parked freight train at 80 miles per hour in eastern India.        6月2日的傍晚时分,在印度东部,科罗曼德尔特快列车以时速128公里撞上了一列停靠在那里的货运列车,位于火车头后面的那些拥挤的普通车厢,成了惨不忍睹的死亡现场。
        Almost all of the 288 dead were in those three cars at the front of the train — a fact, confirmed by officials, that has gone almost unnoticed in India. Unlike the 1,200 people in reserved seats, those in the general coaches were officially nameless; the rail service had no record of their identities. Their names and other details emerged only when they were taken to hospitals, or when loved ones traveling hundreds of miles identified their bodies in a morgue.        官方证实,在288名死者中,几乎所有人都在火车前部的三节车厢里——这一事实在印度几乎没有引起注意。与有预留座位的1200人不同,官方不知道普通车厢乘客的名字;铁路部门没有他们的身份记录。他们的名字和其他细节只有在被送往医院时,或者数百公里外的亲人在太平间认出尸体时才会出现。
        In the government’s initial reports on the crash, India’s worst train disaster in decades, its passenger count included only those in reserved seats, almost as though the hundreds in the general coaches did not exist.        这次事故是印度几十年来最严重的火车灾难,在政府对事故的初步报告中,乘客人数只包括有预留座位的乘客,普通车厢里的数百人几乎就像不存在。
        “They were all people like me, poor,” said Rahul Kumar, a 28-year-old carpenter who was in one of the Coromandel general coaches, traveling to the southern city of Chennai. “Daily wage workers, laborers and people who can’t afford a ticket in the next compartment.”        “他们都是和我一样的穷人,”28岁的木匠拉胡尔·库马尔说。他乘坐科罗曼德尔列车的普通车厢前往南部城市金奈。“拿日薪的工人,做苦力的,坐不起隔壁车厢的人。”
        The railway calamity has once again highlighted how unevenly the burden of India’s inadequate infrastructure falls on the poor.        铁路灾难再次凸显出,印度基础设施不足带来的负担更多由穷人承受。
        With train routes stretching about 40,000 miles, India has one of the world’s largest and oldest networks — and perhaps the most overburdened.        印度的铁路线路总长约6.4万公里,是世界上规模最大、历史最悠久的铁路网络之一,或许也是负担最重的铁路网络之一。
        It is an affordable lifeline for the tens of millions of young people who must uproot themselves to scrape out a living. Of the 20 million daily passengers, six out of seven hold unreserved tickets, according to Indian Railways, particularly on suburban trains: streaming in and out of the crowded cars as the trains make their stops in small towns and cities.        对于数千万必须背井离乡才能维持生计的年轻人来说,这是一条平价的生命线。印度铁路公司的数据显示,在每天的2000万乘客中,七分之六的人持无座票,尤其是郊区列车:这些列车在小城镇停靠,乘客不断进出于拥挤的车厢。
        The three crushed general coaches of the Coromandel Express held about 300 people in all, according to a senior Indian official. That figure matches the cars’ official capacity; accounts from inside the train indicate that the number could be significantly higher. Railway officials have said that only two of the dead identified so far came from the reserved coaches.        据一位印度高级官员称,科罗曼德尔快车的三节被撞坏的普通车厢共载有约300人。这个数字与车厢的官方容量相符;然而来自列车内部的记录表明可能远不止这个数目。铁路官员表示,目前确认的死者中只有两人来自留座车厢。
        While the passenger load in this country of 1.4 billion people has increased more than threefold over the past 50 years, the railway network’s capacity, in terms of mileage of track, has expanded only about 40 percent. The network transports about eight billion passengers a year — roughly double what China’s network transports on a larger, and much newer, network.        过去50年里,在这个拥有14亿人口的国家,客运量增加了三倍多,而铁路网络的容量,就轨道里程而言,只扩大了约40%。铁路网每年运送旅客约80亿人次——大约是中国更大、更新的铁路网络的两倍。
        The biggest impediment to improving safety and performance on the Indian network is dangerous levels of congestion, said Alok Kumar Verma, a retired chief engineer of India’s North East Frontier Railway. Indian Railways data shows that about 6,000 miles of its central and most important “trunk routes” are operating at 125 percent capacity, Mr. Verma said.        印度东北边境铁路的退休总工程师阿洛克·库马尔·维尔马表示,提高印度铁路网络安全性和性能的最大障碍是危险的拥堵水平。维尔马说,印度铁路公司的数据显示,在中央最重要的“主干线”,大约有9600公里是以125%的能力运行的。
        That puts strain not only on the tracks, but also on the staff working on those tracks, and does not allow sufficient time for maintenance.        这不仅给铁轨带来了压力,也给铁轨上的工作人员带来了压力,而且没有足够的时间进行维护。
        Indian officials acknowledge that railway upgrades and expansion have long lagged behind investment in roads. But annual spending on India’s railway system, they say, has increased eightfold compared with about a decade ago. Tracks are being rebuilt and added at a much faster rate, and safety technology is being introduced.        印度官员承认,铁路升级和扩建长期落后于公路投资。但他们表示,与大约十年前相比,印度铁路系统的年度支出增长了七倍。铁路正在以更快的速度重建和扩建,安全技术也在引入。
        The overall number of major rail accidents — such as collisions, derailments and fires — has fallen by about two-thirds in the past decade, and casualties from such events have dwindled to double and single digits in recent years, official data shows.        官方数据显示,在过去十年中,碰撞、脱轨和火灾等重大铁路事故的总数下降了约三分之二,近年来,此类事故造成的伤亡人数已降至两位数和个位数。
        Still, there are nearly 20,000 scattered rail-related deaths each year, many from things like falling from an overcrowded car or being struck by a train.        尽管如此,每年仍有近2万起与铁路有关的死亡事件,其中许多是由于乘客从拥挤的车厢上摔下来或被火车撞击。
        The hundreds of people in hospitals and the bodies scattered across morgues in the days after the Coromandel crash spoke to the section of India’s population that depends on the railway.        科罗曼德尔铁路事故发生后的几天里,几百人躺在医院,尸体散落在太平间,揭示了依赖这条铁路的那部分印度人的境况。
        The lucky ones who survived had to pick themselves up and carry on with their search for a living — or return home, broken. For most, it was inconceivable that a loved one could afford to travel hundreds of miles to offer help. They could count one thing in their good fortune: The cyclone-prone state of Odisha, the site of the crash, has a well-oiled disaster relief system that rushed to the rescue and saved lives.        生还的幸运者必须振作起来,继续寻找生计,或者颓丧地返回家园。对大多数人来说,很难想象让亲人花钱从几百公里之外赶来帮忙。还有一件事对他们来说也很幸运:事发地所在的奥里萨邦飓风频发,救灾系统久经考验,能够迅速展开救援,挽救了许多生命。
        For the unfortunate, their search for better lives ended here, in transit.        对于那些不幸的人来说,他们对美好生活的追求就在这里、在中途结束了。
        Some of the dead were identified in the days that followed — by injured friends who left their hospital beds to search in the morgues; by relatives who traveled hundreds of miles on government-organized buses and trains to claim the deceased; or through pictures of their disfigured faces on government websites.        随后几天里,一些死者的身份得到了确认——受伤的朋友离开病床到停尸间搜寻;亲属们乘坐政府组织的公共汽车和火车,从数百公里外赶来确认死者;或者通过政府网站上已被毁容的逝者照片确认。
        Others, nearly 100 in all, remain in the morgues — unidentified and unclaimed.        还有将近100具尸体留在停尸房,身份不明,无人认领。
        Mr. Kumar, the carpenter, said his family had learned he was alive only three days after the accident, because he had lost his phone. After an initial round of surgery, he returned to his village in the northern state of Bihar in an ambulance provided by a Sikh charity.        木匠库马尔说,由于丢了手机,家人在事故发生三天后才得知自己还活着。接受了第一轮手术后,他乘坐一家锡克教慈善机构提供的救护车回到了自己位于印度北部比哈尔邦的村子。
        He has used the Coromandel Express frequently for the past five years, after he and his brother expanded their carpentry work to Chennai, the southern city.        过去五年里,他和他的兄弟把他们的木工活计扩展到印度南部城市金奈,因此经常乘坐科罗曼德尔快车。
        Income from their furniture repair shop in Bihar was not meeting the needs of their family of eight. After Mr. Kumar’s brother Nitesh went to Chennai for work, where he could earn more, Mr. Kumar started spending time there also — for short-term gigs or to buy new tools and return to Bihar.        他们在比哈尔邦的家具修理店的收入无法满足一家八口的需求。库马尔的兄弟尼泰什去金奈工作后,可以赚到更多的钱,库马尔也开始到那里去——要么打短工,要么买新工具,然后回到比哈尔邦。
        On June 2, Mr. Kumar reached Kolkata early in the morning on an overnight train from Bihar and waited about 10 hours in the heat until the Coromandel Express was ready to depart. The train was packed, with many passengers standing — holding their bags in one hand, clutching a cabin chain with the other for support. Some sat on the floor; the exit doors of the coach were completely blocked.        6月2日清晨,库马尔乘坐从比哈尔邦出发的夜间列车抵达加尔各答,在炎热的天气里等了大约10个小时,直到科罗曼德尔快车准备发车。火车上挤满了人,许多乘客站着,一手拿行李,一手抓着车厢里的链子支撑自己。有人坐在地上;车厢出口完全被堵住了。
        Mr. Kumar managed to get a seat by being among the first in the swarm. What saved him, he said, was a chance happening: A family of three sitting next to him asked if he would be willing to swap his seat with one being used by a female relative in the back of the car.        库马尔率先冲进车厢,抢到座位。他说,一个偶然的机会救了他——坐在他旁边的一家三口问他,是否愿意和他们后座的一位女性亲戚交换一下座位。
        “When I regained consciousness, half of the compartment was hanging in the air, the other half was gone,” he said. “While crawling toward the gate, I saw a red head cover of the woman whom I had swapped the seat with. They were all lying dead.”        “当我恢复意识时,车厢的一半悬在空中,另一半不见了,”他说。“爬向车门时,我看到了和我换座位的女人的红头巾。他们都躺在地上,已经死了。”
        The daily struggles of India’s poor go largely unnoticed. For many on the Coromandel, attention fell on them only in disaster, as workers cut through the jumbled coaches to drag out the bodies, watched by cameras and crowds of onlookers.        印度穷人的日常艰辛在很大程度上无人在意。对于科罗曼德尔快车上的许多人来说,只有在灾难发生时,在镜头和围观者的目光之下,救援人员穿过杂乱的车厢拖出尸体时,他们才能得到关注。
        “It doesn’t matter if we die at home or in a train accident — we are nobody,” said Madhu Sudhan Haldar, 24, one of the survivors from the general coaches, who essentially grew up on construction sites. “After a few days, everyone will forget so many people died.”        “我们是死在家里还是死在火车事故里并不重要,我们什么都不是,”24岁的马杜·苏丹·哈尔达说,这位普通车厢里的幸存者基本上是在建筑工地长大的。“几天后,所有人都会忘记有这么多人死了。”

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