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Yellen Says Bid to Decouple From China Would Be ‘Disastrous’

来源:纽约时报    2023-06-14 10:58

        Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen said on Tuesday that it would be a mistake for the United States to try to “decouple” from China and called for deepening economic ties between the world’s two largest economies.        美国财长耶伦周二表示,美国试图与中国“脱钩”将是一个错误,并呼吁深化世界两大经济体之间的经济联系。
        The comments came as the Biden administration has been seeking to improve relations with China, which faced a setback this year when a Chinese surveillance balloon was found flying across the United States. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken is planning to travel to Beijing next week, and Ms. Yellen hopes to make a trip there soon.        发表上述评论之际,拜登政府一直在寻求改善对华关系,但在今年,一个飞越美国的中国监视气球被人发现,让这一努力遭到挫败。国务卿布林肯计划下周前往北京,耶伦也希望尽快访华。
        Speaking at a House Financial Services Committee hearing on Tuesday, Ms. Yellen made clear that she believes the economic relationship with China is critical.        耶伦周二在众议院金融服务委员会的听证会上明确表示,她认为与中国的经济关系至关重要。
        “I think we gain and China gains from trade and investment that is as open as possible, and it would be disastrous for us to attempt to decouple from China,” Ms. Yellen said.        “我认为,我们和中国都能从尽可能开放的贸易和投资中获益,如果我们试图与中国脱钩,那将是灾难性的,”耶伦说。
        The United States maintains tariffs that the Trump administration imposed on billions of dollars’ worth of Chinese imports, and the Biden administration is developing new restrictions on how U.S. companies can invest in China. But Ms. Yellen said that the United States intended only to “de-risk” the relationship and that it had no intention of inflicting economic harm on China.        美国维持特朗普政府对价值数十亿美元的中国进口商品征收的关税,而拜登政府正在制定新措施,限制美国公司在中国的投资方式。但耶伦表示,美国只是想“去风险”,无意对中国造成经济伤害。
        “I certainly do not think it is in our interest to stifle the economic progress of the Chinese people,” Ms. Yellen said. “China has succeeded in lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, and I think that’s something that we should applaud.”        “我当然不认为扼杀中国人民的经济发展符合我们的利益,”耶伦说。“中国已经成功地让数亿人摆脱了贫困,我认为这是我们应该赞扬的事情。”
        Although she struck an accommodating tone, Ms. Yellen also laid out concerns likely to arise in meetings with her Chinese counterparts.        尽管耶伦措辞温和,但她也提出了与中国相关官员会面时可能出现的担忧。
        Because of national security concerns, she said, the administration is considering restrictions on American private equity firms’ investments in Chinese firms that have connections with China’s military. She also said the Treasury Department was examining additional sanctions on China in response to human rights abuses against Uyghurs in Xinjiang.        她说,出于国家安全考虑,政府正在考虑限制美国私募股权公司投资与中国军方有联系的中国公司。她还表示,财政部正在考虑对中国实施额外制裁,以此回应新疆维吾尔人在人权上受到的侵犯。
        In recent months, the United States has been ratcheting up pressure on China to provide debt relief to Zambia and other developing countries. Ms. Yellen lamented that despite some signs of a willingness to cooperate and help poor countries avoid defaults, China had not done enough. She emphasized a growing need for international financial institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to help the most vulnerable economies.        近几个月来,美国一直在加大向中国施压,要求其减免赞比亚和其他发展中国家的债务。耶伦感叹,尽管有迹象表明中国愿意合作并帮助贫穷国家避免违约,但做得还不够。她强调,最脆弱的经济体越来越需要世界银行和国际货币基金组织等国际金融机构的帮助。
        “These institutions reflect American values,” Ms. Yellen said. “It serves as an important counterweight to nontransparent, unsustainable lending from others like China.”        “这些机构反映了美国的价值观,”耶伦说。“它可以作为砝码制衡来自中国等其他国家的不透明、不可持续的贷款。”
        Asked about Ms. Yellen’s comments on Tuesday, Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for China’s Foreign Ministry, rejected the idea that the I.M.F. or the World Bank is meant to further American interests.        在周二被问及耶伦的评论时,中国外交部发言人汪文斌对IMF或世界银行旨在促进美国利益的观点表达了反对。
        “The I.M.F. is not the I.M.F. of the United States, nor is the World Bank for that matter,” he said.        “国际货币基金组织不是‘美国国际货币基金组织’,世界银行也不是‘美国世界银行’。”他说。

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