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Biden Falls Onstage at Air Force Commencement

来源:纽约时报    2023-06-02 10:05

        President Biden tripped and fell after delivering a speech and handing out diplomas to graduates of the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs on Thursday. Mr. Biden, who is 80 years old, was helped up and appeared to recover quickly.        周四,在科罗拉多州斯普林斯空军学院发表演讲并向毕业生颁发证书后,拜登总统绊倒在地。80岁的拜登在他人帮助下重新站起来,看起来恢复得很快。
        Mr. Biden’s fall was captured on video and spread on social media. He appears to trip, fall to his knees and catch himself with his hands on the floor of the stage. He was helped up by several Air Force officials and Secret Service agents, and he walked back to his seat.        拜登摔倒的视频在社交媒体上疯传。他似乎被绊住,然后跪倒在地,双手撑在讲台地板上。随后,他被几名空军官员和特勤局特工扶起,走回自己的座位。
        Mr. Biden had just delivered an energetic speech to the Air Force graduates before helping to hand out the diplomas. He fell after he distributed the final diploma and was headed back to his seat.        在颁发毕业证书前,拜登对空军毕业生发表了充满活力的演讲。他在发完最后的毕业证书后摔倒,然后被带回自己的座位。
        “He’s fine,” Ben LaBolt, the White House communications director, said in a tweet Thursday afternoon. “There was a sandbag on stage while he was shaking hands.”        “他很好,”白宫通讯主任本拉博尔特周四下午在Twitter上说。“他握手时台上有一个沙袋。”
        Embarrassing moments are not uncommon for presidents, who spend much of their tenure in front of cameras. President Gerald Ford was repeatedly roasted by comedians for frequently tripping during his presidency.        对于总统来说,尴尬的时刻并不少见,他们在任期内的大部分时间都在镜头前度过。杰拉尔德·福特总统在担任总统期间就因经常绊倒而多次被喜剧演员戏谑。
        President Donald J. Trump, a day before his 74th birthday in 2020, appeared slow and unsteady as he walked down a ramp from the stage after the West Point commencement ceremony, prompting online speculation about his health.        特朗普总统也是如此。在2020年74岁生日的前一天,他在西点军校毕业典礼结束后从讲台走下时,步伐缓慢且蹒跚,这也引发了网上对其健康状况的猜测。
        For Mr. Biden, who is already America’s oldest president and is asking voters for a second term that would extend until he is 86, the stumble at the commencement on Thursday is likely to add to questions about his physical condition.        拜登已是美国迄今最年长的总统,仍希望选民支持他连任到86岁,对于他来说,周四在毕业典礼上的跌倒可能会增加对他身体状况的质疑。
        The president’s White House doctor has acknowledged that Mr. Biden’s gait has stiffened significantly with age, leading to a much slower, less steady walk. He has stumbled in the past: In February, he tripped and caught himself with his hands as he boarded Air Force One as he returned from Warsaw.        白宫医生承认,随着年龄的增长,拜登的步态明显僵硬,走路更慢、更不稳。他过去也曾踉跄跌倒:今年2月,他在离开华沙登上“空军一号”时绊倒,但用手撑住了自己。
        Republicans have seized on the president’s stumbles as evidence that he is unfit for office, with some using highly unflattering images or videos to make their point online.        共和党人抓住周四的事件作为拜登不适合担任公职的证据,一些人使用恶搞的图片或视频在网上表达他们的观点。
        But people close to Mr. Biden, including many of his staff members, insist he remains very fit and often has the energy to make it through long, grueling days. He exercises daily, they say, and is not overweight.        但包括他的许多工作人员在内,与拜登关系密切的人坚称他仍然非常健康,哪怕在漫长而艰苦的时间里,也常常精力充沛。他们说,他每天锻炼,也没有超重问题。
        Mr. Biden has himself acknowledged that questions about his age are legitimate, and before he fell on Thursday, he included a joke about his age in his remarks to the graduates.        拜登本人承认,有关他年龄的疑问是合理的。在周四绊倒前,他在对毕业生的演讲中加入了一个关于他年龄的笑话。
        “When I was graduating from high school 300 years ago, I applied to the Naval Academy,” he said, prompting laughter.        “300年前,当我高中毕业时,我申请了海军学院,”他的讲话引发大笑。
        Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, told reporters traveling with the president as he returned to Washington from Colorado aboard Air Force One that the president was feeling “totally fine.”        白宫新闻秘书卡琳·让·皮埃尔在与拜登一起乘坐“空军一号”从科罗拉多州返回华盛顿时告诉记者,总统感觉身体“完全没问题”。
        After returning to Washington, Mr. Biden appeared to be in good spirits. After bumping his head on the door frame of the presidential helicopter, he joked to reporters outside of the White House about the fall, saying he “got sandbagged” before skipping once and heading inside.        回到华盛顿后,拜登看起来精神不错。在头撞到飞机门框后,他在白宫外以开玩笑的方式对记者谈起这次摔倒的经历,说他“被沙袋围堵”,他曾跳出包围圈,但再次被围住。

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