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Tiananmen Exhibit Is ‘a Symbol of Defiance’

来源:纽约时报    2023-06-02 04:00

        A new exhibition is set to open in Midtown Manhattan memorializing those killed when Chinese troops opened fire on pro-democracy protesters who had gathered in Tiananmen Square in 1989. The exhibit, which will open this month, comes two years after officials in Hong Kong cracked down on commemorations of the Tiananmen Square protests.
        The 2,000-square-foot display includes newspaper clippings, letters written to protesters who were sent to jail, a bloodstained banner and a tent. Organizers said they also have many pictures, audio and video that have yet to be displayed.        这个占地185平米的展览收入的展品包括剪报、写给入狱的抗议者的信、一条血迹斑斑的横幅和一顶帐篷。组织者表示,他们还有许多图片和视音频资料尚未展示。
        “We’re much more than a museum, more than any museum, because this is a symbol of defiance,” said David Yu, the executive director of the group that organized the exhibition.        “我们不仅仅是一个博物馆,其意义超出任何博物馆,因为这是反抗的象征,”展览主办组织的执行主任于大海说。
        Many of the items in the exhibition — which were displayed in Washington, D.C., last year — are from friends of Zhou Fengsuo, an exiled former protest organizer whose name and picture are on the Chinese government’s 1989 list of the 21 most-wanted students. Since 1989 he has worked closely with political prisoners.        该展览去年曾在华盛顿展出,展览中的许多物品来自周锋锁的朋友,目前流亡海外的周锋锁曾是抗议组织者,他的名字和照片出现在中国政府1989年公布的21名学生骨干通缉名单上。自1989年以来,他一直与政治犯密切合作。
        “It is a privilege to be the protector of such sacred memory, the sacred fire for freedom,” Zhou said, adding that it was “certainly very energizing.”        周锋锁说:“能成为这种宝贵记忆、自由圣火的保护者,我感到很荣幸。”他还说,这“自然非常令人振奋”。
        The exhibition follows the shutdown of the Tianamen museum in Hong Kong in June 2021. It also comes after Hong Kong officials removed a statue that memorialized those killed. Two other pieces commemorating the massacre disappeared from Hong Kong university campuses that year, too.        在此之前,香港的天安门博物馆于2021年6月关闭,香港官员拆除了一座纪念遇难者的雕像。同一年,香港大学校园里另外两件纪念大屠杀的作品也消失了。
        The removal of the memorials in Hong Kong came after Beijing imposed a sweeping national security law on Hong Kong, leading the local government to essentially ban public commemorations of the 1989 killings. In 2022, smaller crowds gathered in Taipei and other cities for candlelight vigils, mourning not only the people slain in 1989, but also the fate of Hong Kong.        香港的纪念馆被拆除前,北京对香港实施了全面的国家安全法,导致当地政府基本上禁止公开纪念1989年屠杀事件。2022年,少数人群聚集在台北和其他城市举行烛光守夜活动,不仅哀悼1989年遇害的人,也哀悼香港的命运。
        Wang Dan, another leader of the student protests in 1989 who spent time in jail for his activism, said in an interview that he wasn’t surprised when the museum in Hong Kong was closed. A founder of the project, he began working to establish a new memorial in New York last year.        1989年学生抗议活动的另一位领导人王丹因他的社会活动入狱,他在接受采访时说,香港的博物馆关闭时他并不感到惊讶。作为该项目的创始人,他去年开始致力于在纽约建立一座新的纪念馆。
        I think it’s very important not only for memory,” Wang said. “It has huge significance, especially today,” he said.        “我认为它的重要性不只在于记忆,”王丹说。“它有着重要的意义,尤其是在今天,”他说。
        “This museum is not only for history, it’s also for present day and for the future,” he said.        “这座博物馆不只是为了历史,也是为了当下与未来,”他说。
        Chinese troops killed hundreds, if not thousands, of people in a massacre that crushed a student-led movement for democracy. There is no complete list of those killed during the massacre, but about 200 names have been collected, according to a banner in the Manhattan exhibition. One banner includes the photos of protesters who were on the wanted list, including Zhou.        中国军队用一场屠杀镇压了学生领导的民主运动,数百甚至数千人遇害。曼哈顿展中的一个横幅显示,目前已经收集到了200名遇害者的姓名,但没有完整的遇害者名单。有一条横幅上贴出了被通缉抗议者的照片,其中包括周锋锁。
        The exhibition also includes a bloodstained shirt worn by Jiang Lin, a reporter for the Chinese army newspaper who was attacked by police officers when she ventured out to see what was going on at Tiananmen Square. A watch, badge and shirt worn by one of the soldiers is also on display. Near those items is a government book from July 1989 that justified the crackdown.        展览还收入了中国军方报纸记者江林穿过的一件血迹斑斑的衬衫,他当时冒险前往广场,试图观察现场的情况,结果遭到警察的袭击。此外展出的还有一名士兵的手表、徽章和衬衫。在这些展品的旁边是一本政府在1989年7月出版的书,为镇压的正当性做出辩解。
        Many student protesters camped out during the massacre, and one of their sky-blue tents is included in the exhibition. A bloodstained banner, which a teacher used to cover the bullet wounds of a student protester, is on display, as is artwork by a Hong Kong artist depicting the death of the youngest known victim of the massacre: Lu Peng, who was 9 years old.        许多学生抗议者在屠杀发生时正在广场露宿,当时他们使用过的一顶天蓝色帐篷被收入展中。还有一条沾有血迹的横幅,曾被一名教师用来给中枪的学生抗议者包扎伤口,此外还展出了一位香港艺术家的画作,描绘了吕鹏之死,他是目前已知年龄最小的遇害者,时年九岁。
        Wang donated a letter he received while he was in jail from Liu Xiaobo, a writer and dissident who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Wang had been arrested in 1989 after organizing a democratic salon at Peking University in 1988 and promoting the hunger strike in 1989, he said. He was released from jail in 1994, only to be arrested again the following year. Wang spent several more years in jail before he was exiled to the United States in 1998.        王丹捐出了一封他在狱中收到的刘晓波写来的信,也就是那位获得诺贝尔和平奖的作家和异见人士。王丹说,他1988年在北京大学主办了一个民主沙龙,1989年呼吁进行绝食抗议,后于同年被捕。他在1994年获释,但次年再次被捕,此后又被关押数年,最终在1998年流亡到美国。
        “I think for the future of our country, a young generation has kind of an obligation, a responsibility, to do something,” Wang said.        “我认为,为了我们国家的未来,年轻一代肩负着某种义务,某种责任,应该去做点什么,”王丹说。
        He said that the exhibition was not only for the Chinese diaspora. He said he hoped that Americans, especially high school and college students, would visit to gain an understanding “about the situation in China, because that situation is very important not only for China, but also for the United States.”        他说展览并非只是面向在这里生活的中国人。他说他希望美国人,尤其是高中生和大学生,能来看展,了解“中国的情况,因为这不只是对中国很重要,对美国也很重要”。
        The organizers hope to expand the exhibition into a full museum. The group has already raised half a million dollars but would like to raise at least $2 million.        组织者希望将展览扩展到整个博物馆。他们已经筹集到50万美元,不过目标是至少200万美元。
        The exhibition is on Sixth Avenue in Midtown. Starting in late June, the public will be able to book reservations online.        展览场地位于中城第六大道,将于6月底开幕,届时公众可在线预订。

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