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Here is the latest on the deadly train crash in India.

来源:纽约时报    2023-06-05 10:19

        Officials investigating the cause of one of the deadliest train wrecks in India’s history were focusing on the possibility that a signal failure caused the disaster, after rescue efforts ended and all derailed cars were removed from the tracks on Sunday.        印度官员正在调查这起该国历史上最致命火车事故之一的原因,聚焦于信号故障导致这场灾难的可能性。救援工作周日已经结束,所有脱轨的车厢都被移出了铁轨。
        Two days after the crash on Friday in the eastern state of Odisha left at least 275 people dead, families of the victims were still struggling to reach the site of the wreck, near the town of Balasore, to claim the bodies of their loved ones, a journey that had been complicated by a lack of train service. The tracks were not restored until late Sunday.        周五在印度东部奥里萨邦发生的这起事故造成至少275人死亡,两天后,遇难者家属仍苦于无法前往巴拉索尔镇附近的失事现场认领亲人的遗体,由于缺少火车服务,这一旅程变得更加复杂。直到周日晚些时候,铁轨才得以修复。
        Officials said the majority of the bodies remained unidentified on Sunday. The death toll was revised down from at least 288 after officials said that some victims had been counted twice.        官员们表示,大多数逝者的遗体在周日仍未得到确认。在官员们表示一些受害者被统计了两次后,死亡人数从至少288人有所下调。
        More than 1,100 people were injured in what officials in a preliminary government report described as a “three-way accident” involving two passenger trains and an idled freight train.        此外共有超过1100人受伤,官方在一份初步的政府报告中称,这是一起“三方事故”,涉及两辆客运列车和一辆闲置的货运列车。
        The disaster cast a pall over Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s efforts to modernize India’s infrastructure, which he has made central to his campaign for a third term.        这场灾难给印度总理莫迪实现该国基础设施现代化的努力蒙上了阴影,他将基础设施现代化作为自己第三个任期竞选的核心。
        Here are the latest developments:        以下是该事故的最新发展。
        • India’s railway minister, Ashwini Vaishnaw, told reporters at the scene of the crash on Sunday that investigators were looking at why the electronic signal system used to prevent accidents did not work as intended. He said that service on the line was expected to resume by Wednesday at the latest.        • 印度铁道部部长阿什维尼·瓦伊什瑙周日在事故现场告诉记者,调查人员正在调查用于防止事故发生的电子信号系统为何没有按预期发挥作用。他说,这条线路的服务预计最迟将于周三恢复。
        • Jaya Varma Sinha, an Indian Railways official, said at a news conference that a passenger train traveling at around 80 miles per hour had crashed into a freight train carrying iron ore. Within “a fraction of second,” another passenger train traveling at a high speed on a separate track crossed the collision site, Mr. Sinha said.        • 印度铁路官员贾亚·瓦尔玛·辛哈在新闻发布会上表示,一列时速约130公里的客运列车撞上了一列载有铁矿石的货运列车。辛哈表示,在“不到一秒钟的时间里”,另一列在另一条轨道上高速行驶的客运列车穿过了碰撞现场。
        • About 200 of the people killed in the disaster remained unidentified on Sunday, doctors and officials said. Bodies were being stored at the main hospital in the state capital of Bhubaneswar, as well as in Balasore, at a small school and at a makeshift mortuary in a business park.        • 医生和官员表示,大约200名遇难者的身份到周日仍未确定。尸体被存放在该邦首府布巴内斯瓦尔的主要医院,以及巴拉瑟尔的一所小学校和一个商业园区的临时停尸房。
        • The disaster renewed longstanding questions about safety in a rail system that transports more than eight billion passengers a year. While India reports far fewer serious rail accidents than it did in decades past, the amount spent on basic track maintenance and other measures has been falling in recent years.        • 这场灾难再次引发了对铁路系统安全性的长期质疑,该系统每年运送超过80亿乘客。尽管印度报告的严重铁路事故远少于过去几十年,但近年来用于基本轨道维护和其他措施的支出一直在下降。
        • Survivors of the crash said their train was packed with hundreds of migrant laborers, students and daily wage workers who were shoulder to shoulder in at least three general compartments — with most of them standing — when the trains collided. “It was full of people,” said Sayel Ali, who was admitted to a hospital near the site of the crash.        • 事故幸存者表示,火车相撞时,他们的火车上挤满了数百名农民工、学生和日薪工人,他们挤在至少三个普通车厢里,其中大多数人都站着。“那里挤满了人,”萨耶尔·阿里说,他住进了事故现场附近的一家医院。

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