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In Russian Schools, It’s Recite Your ABC’s and ‘Love Your Army’

来源:纽约时报    2023-06-06 02:19

        A new version of the ABC’s in Russia’s Far East starts with “A is for Army, B is for Brotherhood” — and injects a snappy phrase with every letter, like, “Love your Army.”        在俄罗斯远东地区,新版ABC字母歌是这样开头的:“A是军队(army),B是兄弟情(brotherhood)。”并在每个字母之间插入一个响亮的口号,例如“爱你的军队”。
        A swim meet in the southern city of Magnitogorsk featured adolescents diving into the pool wearing camouflage uniforms, while other competitors slung model Kalashnikov rifles across their backs.        在南部城市马格尼托哥尔斯克举行的游泳比赛中,青少年身着迷彩服潜入泳池,而其他参赛者则背着卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪。
        “Snipers” was the theme adopted for math classes at an elementary school in central Russia, with paper stars enumerating would-be bullet holes on a target drawn on the chalkboard.        在俄罗斯中部一所小学,数学课的主题是“狙击手”,黑板上绘制了靶子,用纸星星代表弹孔的数量。
        As the war in Ukraine rolls into its 16th month, educational programs across Russia are awash in lessons and extracurricular activities built around military themes and patriotism.        随着乌克兰战争进入第16个月,俄罗斯各地的教育项目充斥着围绕军事主题和爱国主义的课程和课外活动。
        These efforts are part of an expansive Kremlin campaign to militarize Russian society, to train future generations to revere the army and to further entrench President Vladimir V. Putin’s narrative that “a real war has once again been unleashed on our motherland,” as he declared in a sober address at a ceremony last month.        这些做法是克里姆林宫扩大俄罗斯社会军事化运动的一部分,目的是培养后代敬畏军队,并进一步巩固总统普京的说法——他上个月在一个仪式上郑重地宣称“一场真正的战争再次在我们的祖国发动”。
        The drumbeat of indoctrination essentially started with Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea, but the full-scale invasion of Ukraine has accelerated it. The Ministry of Education and Science releases a constant stream of material, including step-by-step lesson plans and real-life examples — like a video of a student concert that used poetry, dance and theater to explain the history of Russian foreign intelligence.        教育灌输的号角基本上始于俄罗斯2014年吞并克里米亚,但对乌克兰的全面入侵加速了进程。教育和科学部源源不断地发布材料,包括按部就班的课程计划和真实示例——比如一段学生音乐会的视频,用诗歌、舞蹈和戏剧来解释俄罗斯对外情报工作的历史。
        “It includes all levels, from kindergarten to university,” said Daniil Ken, the head of the Alliance of Teachers, an independent Russian union, who works from voluntary exile. “They are trying to involve all these children, all students, directly in supporting the war.”        “它包括从幼儿园到大学的所有年级,”正在自愿流亡中的独立俄罗斯工会“教师联盟”的负责人丹尼尔·肯说。“他们试图让所有这些孩子、所有学生直接参与对这场战争的支持。”
        For years, Russia’s leaders sought to condition its citizens to accept Moscow’s leadership, partly by barring politics from schools. Now the Kremlin hopes to persuade the public to actively back the war effort, and when it comes to younger males, to fight.        多年来,俄罗斯领导人一直试图让其公民接受莫斯科的领导,其方法包括禁止学校涉及政治。现在,克里姆林宫希望说服公众积极支持战争努力,对于年轻男性来说则应该去参战。
        Yet it also wants to avoid fanning too high a patriotic flame, lest it push Russians to start questioning the purpose of the war. Much the way Mr. Putin has refrained from enacting multiple conscriptions of soldiers to avert prompting antiwar sentiment, the Kremlin has left parents some leeway to avoid propaganda lessons.        然而,它也希望避免煽动过于猛烈的爱国火焰,以免促使俄罗斯人开始质疑战争的目的。就像普京克制征兵次数以避免激起反战情绪一样,克里姆林宫也给父母留下了一些回旋余地,让他们可以不用上宣传课。
        In that, they may be hoping to avoid the disconnect that emerged in the Soviet era, when the education system portrayed the country as the land of Communist plenty, even as ordinary Russians could see that the shelves were bare.        在这方面,他们可能希望避免苏联时代出现的脱节,当时教育系统将这个国家描绘成共产主义的富足之地,但即便普通俄罗斯人也可以看到货架上空空如也。
        “They want enthusiasm, but they realize if they push too hard it could galvanize an organized opposition,” said Alexandra Arkhipova, a social anthropologist who studies public reactions to the war. “They do not want people to protest.”        “他们想要热情,但他们意识到,如果他们太过用力,可能会激起有组织的反对,”研究公众对战争反应的社会人类学家亚历山德拉·阿尔希波娃说。“他们不希望人们抗议。”
        Interviews over the past month with sociologists, educators, parents and students, and a review of extensive material online posted by the schools themselves and by local news outlets, show a comprehensive government effort to bolster military-patriotic content through all 40,000 public schools in Russia.        过去一个月对社会学家、教育工作者、家长和学生的采访,以及对学校和当地新闻媒体在网上发布的大量材料的审查,显示了政府在全面努力对俄罗斯所有4万所公立学校加强军事爱国内容。
        The cornerstone of the initiative is a program called “Important Conversations,” started last September. Every Monday at 8 a.m., schools are supposed to hold an assembly to raise the Russian flag while the national anthem is played, and then convene an hourlong classroom session on topics like important milestones in Russian history.        这一行动的基石是去年9月启动的名为“重要谈话”的计划。每周一早上8点,学校应举行集会,在奏响国歌的同时升起俄罗斯国旗,然后就俄罗斯历史上的重要里程碑等话题召开一小时的课堂讨论。
        The minister of education, Sergei Kravtsov, did not respond to written questions. When the program was introduced last fall, he told the official Tass news outlet, “We want the current generation of schoolchildren to grow up in completely different traditions, proud of their homeland.” Both an official Telegram channel and a website disseminate materials for the classroom.        教育部长谢尔盖·克拉夫佐夫没有回答书面问题。去年秋天该计划推出时,他告诉官方媒体塔斯社,“我们希望当代学童在完全不同的传统中成长,为自己的祖国感到自豪。”官方Telegram频道和网站都为课堂传播材料。
        “Important Conversations” has been supplemented by programs with names like “Lessons in Courage” or “Heroes Among Us.” Students have been encouraged to write poetry extolling the Motherland and the feats of Russian soldiers. Myriad videos show elementary school children reciting lines like, “All the crooks are fleeing Russia; they have a place to live in the West; gangsters, sodomites.”        “勇气教育”或“我们中间的英雄”等课程为“重要谈话”提供补充。这些课程鼓励学生们写诗赞美祖国和俄罗斯士兵的战绩。无数视频显示小学生背诵诸如“所有骗子都逃离俄罗斯;他们都应该住到西方去;他们是歹徒,鸡奸犯。”
        Lessons draw heavily on earlier conflicts, particularly the Soviet Union’s success defeating Nazi Germany. Suggestions based on that earlier time sometimes seem antiquated, like encouraging students to knit socks for the troops.        课程非常依赖从过去的一些战争中取材,特别是苏联成功击败纳粹德国。基于那个时代的建议有时看起来非常过时,比如鼓励学生为部队织袜子。
        Veterans are trotted into classrooms frequently to detail their experiences. In late April in Dmitrov, a small city near Moscow, three soldiers addressed a roomful of students aged 10 to 15, some waving small Russian flags. A video of the session shows one fighter talking about wanting to protect his homeland against “fascist filth.”        课堂上频频出现退伍军人,他们在课上详细介绍自己的经历。4月下旬,在莫斯科附近的一个小城市德米特罗夫,三名士兵向一屋子10至15岁的学生讲话,其中一些学生挥舞着小小的俄罗斯国旗。该会议的一段视频显示一名士兵谈论想要保护他的祖国免受“法西斯污秽”的侵害。
        Overall, however, there is no monolithic propaganda machine because the decision on how to implement “Important Conversations” has largely been left to local school administrators.        然而,总的来说没有使用单一的宣传机器,因为“重要谈话”的具体操作在很大程度上交给了当地学校领导来决定。
        Some teachers take a hard ideological approach. A video posted by the Doxa news outlet showed a teacher demanding that students pump their fists in the air while singing a popular song called, “I Am Russian.” The teacher barks: “The thrust should be to the sky, to NATO.”        一些教师采取强硬的意识形态方法。Doxa新闻媒体发布的一段视频显示,一位老师要求学生在唱一首名为《我是俄罗斯人》的流行歌曲时挥舞拳头。老师咆哮道:“力量应该指向天空,指向北约。”
        Other teachers do not even mention the war, particularly in places like Moscow, where many parents disapprove of attempts to indoctrinate their children.        而有的老师甚至不提战争,尤其是在莫斯科这样的地方,那里的许多父母不赞成对孩子灌输思想的做法。
        Yuri Lapshin, formerly the student psychologist at an elite Moscow high school, said in an interview that while researching a paper, he found examples of unique interpretations of the program. One math teacher, for example, told students that the most important conversation in the world was about algebra, so he dedicated the class to that. On a day supposedly focused on the concept of “fatherland,” a biology teacher lectured about salmon spawning in the rivers where they hatched.        莫斯科一所精英高中的前学生心理学家尤里·拉普辛在接受采访时说,在研究一篇论文时,他发现了一些对该项目的独特诠释。例如,一位数学老师告诉学生,世界上最重要的对话是关于代数的,所以他的那堂课专门讲代数。在一个以“祖国”(fatherland)概念为中心的主题日,一位生物老师讲授了鲑鱼在当初它们孵化的河流中产卵的现象。
        Even when the war lessons occur, they sometimes fall flat. At an assembly with two fighters, students from a St. Petersburg technical college basically mocked them. They questioned why fighting in another country meant they were defending Russia, and how God might view murdering others, according to a recording of the assembly. Administrators rebuked at least five students for their questions, local reports said.        即使有战争课堂,有时也会难以展开。在圣彼得堡的一所理工学院,有一次校会请来两名士兵,学生基本上是在嘲笑他们。根据校会的录音,学生们质疑为什么在另一个国家打仗意味着他们在保卫俄罗斯,以及上帝会如何看待谋杀他人。当地报道称,校领导因这些问题斥责了至少五名学生。
        Sasha Boychenko, 17, a high school senior, attended four “Important Conversations” sessions in Vladivostok last fall before her family left Russia. Bored students laughed at the historic displays, she recalled. “After the class, we wondered why we had come,” she said in an interview.        去年秋天,17岁的高三学生萨莎·博伊琴科在符拉迪沃斯托克参加了四次“重要谈话”课程,后来她和家人离开了俄罗斯。她回忆说,百无聊赖的学生们嘲笑这些历史展览。她在接受采访时说:“下课后,我们都在想,我们到底为什么要来。”
        Alexander Kondrashev, a history teacher in Russia for 10 years, said he was awaiting a revised version of the textbooks this fall. An early copy obtained by the Mediazona news organization found one fundamental change; all references to Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, as the springboard for Russia as a Christian nation have been expunged.        在俄罗斯当了10年历史教师的亚历山大·康德拉舍夫说,他正在等待今年秋天的教科书修订版。Mediazona新闻组织获得的一份早期副本发现了一个根本性的变化;所有提到乌克兰首都基辅是俄罗斯成为基督教国家的起点的内容都被删除了。
        “Nobody perceives ‘Important Conversations’ as learning something that will come in handy in life, like physics, math, geography or the knowledge from history lessons,” Mr. Kondrashev said in an interview.        “没有人认为‘重要谈话’是在学习生活中会派上用场的东西,就像那些物理、数学、地理或历史课上的知识,”康德拉舍夫在接受采访时说。
        Noncompliance takes various forms. The Alliance of Teachers advised parents that they can formally opt out of the classes, while some have their children show up late or call in sick on Mondays. Defiance makes certain parents nervous, experts said, especially given about a dozen cases where school officials reported on unenthusiastic parents or students.        不服从的形式是多种多样的。教师联盟建议家长们,他们可以正式选择不参加这些课程,而有些家长让自己的孩子在周一迟到或请病假。专家说,反抗让某些家长感到紧张,尤其是考虑到学校官员报告了十几起家长或学生不热情的案例。
        A woman named Zarema, 47, said she worried about her three sons in school in Dagestan. While she sends her youngest son, a sixth grader, to the “Important Conversations” class, she told him never to engage politically. “We are all scared of everything here now,” she said, asking that her full name not be used while criticizing the war.        47岁的扎雷马说,她担心自己在达吉斯坦上学的三个儿子。她送六年级的小儿子去上“重要谈话”课程时,告诉他永远不要参与政治。“我们现在对这里的一切都感到害怕,”她说。因为涉及批评这场战争,她要求不要使用自己的全名。
        Russia has largely presented the war as an economic opportunity in poorer areas, while being far less aggressive in major cities.        俄罗斯在很大程度上把这场战争说成贫困地区的经济机会,而在大城市的手段则相对含蓄。
        “They are trying to target the people who have fewer resources,” Greg Yudin, a Russian sociologist doing research at Princeton University, said in an interview. “They give you an option that promises money, status, benefits and in addition to that you will be a hero.” Even if they persuade only 20 percent of the youth to join the army, that is still a lot of brigades, he noted.        “他们试图针对的是那些资源较少的人,”在普林斯顿大学做研究的俄罗斯社会学家格雷格·尤丁在接受采访时说。“他们给你一个选择,承诺金钱、地位、福利,除此之外,你还会成为英雄。”他指出,即使他们只说服了20%的年轻人参军,那仍然是一支很庞大的部队。
        Toward that end, the Ministries of Education and Defense have announced that military training will be mandatory next year for 10th-grade students. Girls will learn battlefield first aid, while the boys will be instructed in drill formation and handling a Kalashnikov, among other skills.        为此,教育部和国防部宣布,明年将让十年级学生接受强制性军事训练。女孩将学习战场急救,而男孩将学习操练队形和使用卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪等技能。
        At universities, the curriculum in the fall will include a mandatory course called “The Fundamentals of Russian Statehood.”        在大学,秋季的课程将包括一门名为“俄罗斯国家基础”的必修课。
        The course is still in development, Mr. Yudin noted, but he said that what details have emerged tended to echo Mr. Putin’s worldview of Russian exceptionalism and the idea that the battle waged against Western dominance for the past 1,000 years would continue for another 1,000.        尤丁指出,课程仍在制定中,但他说,已经出现的细节往往与普京的俄罗斯例外主义世界观相呼应,并称过去千年来针对西方统治的战斗还将持续千年。
        “The single best possible way for them to get this society mobilized is to brainwash the young,” Mr. Yudin said.        “对他们来说,动员整个社会的最佳方式就是给年轻人洗脑,”尤丁说。

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