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Robert Hanssen, F.B.I. Agent Exposed as Spy for Moscow, Dies at 79

来源:纽约时报    2023-06-06 05:24

        Robert P. Hanssen, a former F.B.I. agent who spied for Moscow off and on for more than two decades during and after the Cold War in one of the most damaging espionage cases in American history, was discovered dead in his prison cell in Colorado on Monday, federal authorities announced. He was 79.        联邦当局宣布,FBI前特工罗伯特·汉森(Robert P. Hansen)周一被发现死在科罗拉多州的牢房里,终年79岁。汉森曾在冷战期间和冷战后的20多年里断断续续地为莫斯科充当间谍,这是美国历史上最严重的间谍案之一。
        The Federal Bureau of Prisons said in a statement that Mr. Hanssen was found unresponsive just before 7 a.m. at the United States Penitentiary Florence, where he was serving a life sentence. He was pronounced dead after lifesaving efforts by emergency medical workers. The statement did not identify a cause.        联邦监狱管理局在一份声明中表示,在汉森服终身监禁的弗洛伦斯联邦重罪监狱,工作人员在临近早上7时发现他失去了知觉。汉森经抢救无效死亡。声明没有给出死亡原因。
        Mr. Hanssen’s case was considered one of the most notorious spy scandals of his generation, shocking F.B.I. leaders and other government officials when they learned that one of their own had been feeding information to the other side with impunity for so many years. To this day, the F.B.I. describes him as “the most damaging spy in bureau history.”        汉森案被认为是他那一代人中最臭名昭著的间谍丑闻之一。在得知自己人多年来一直向敌方提供情报而逍遥法外时,联邦调查局负责人和其他政府官员无不感到震惊。直到今天,联邦调查局仍称他为“调查局历史上最具破坏性的间谍”。
        In exchange for $1.4 million in cash, bank funds and diamonds, Mr. Hanssen passed along a torrent of secrets to Moscow, including one disclosing that the United States government had dug a tunnel underneath the Soviet embassy in Washington to eavesdrop on diplomatic and other communications. He also informed Moscow about three K.G.B. officers who were secretly spying for the United States, two of whom were later executed.        为了换取总计140万美元的现金、银行资金和钻石,汉森向莫斯科传递了大量机密情报,包括美国政府在苏联驻华盛顿大使馆地下挖了一条隧道,以便窃听外交和其他的通讯。他还向莫斯科通报了三名克格勃特工秘密为美国从事间谍活动的情况,导致其中两人后来被处决。
        “The magnitude of Hanssen’s crimes cannot be overstated,” Paul J. McNulty, who was the U.S. attorney who prosecuted him, said on Monday in response to reports of his death. “They will long be remembered as being among the most egregious betrayals of trust in U.S. history. It was both a low point and an investigative success for the FBI.”        “汉森罪行的严重程度怎么强调都不为过,”当年起诉他的联邦检察官保罗·麦克纳尔蒂周一在回应死亡报道时说。“人们不会轻易忘记,他的所作所为是美国历史上最让人震惊的背信弃义之一。对联邦调查局来说,此案是它的一个低谷,也是一次成功的调查。”
        Mr. Hanssen’s arrest, in 2001, briefly ruptured relations between the United States and Russia at a time when the two former enemies were seeking to build friendlier ties after the collapse of the Soviet Union. President George W. Bush expelled about 50 Russian diplomats, and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia retaliated with a tit-for-tat expulsion of 50 American diplomats. But both sides were determined to end the matter there and not allow it to result in a more lasting rift.        汉森于2001年被捕,一度导致美俄关系的破裂,当时,这两个昔日的敌人正寻求在苏联解体后建立更友好的关系。乔治·W·布什总统为此驱逐了大约50名俄罗斯外交官,俄罗斯总统普京则以牙还牙,驱逐了50名美国外交官。但双方都决心就此打住,不让它导致更持久的破坏。
        The discovery of Hanssen’s espionage embarrassed the FBI and resulted in changes to security procedures. He told investigators after his arrest that security at the bureau was so lax that it amounted to “criminal negligence,” saying that it was a simple matter to gain access to classified material on official computers with only routine security clearances.        汉森间谍活动的曝光令联邦调查局尴尬不已,并导致安全程序的改变。他在被捕后告诉调查人员,调查局的安保工作之松懈可以说得上是“玩忽职守”。他说,只要经过例行公事的安全审查,就能访问官方电脑上的机密材料,这是一件很简单的事情。
        “Any clerk in the bureau could come up with stuff on that system,” Hanssen said, according to a Justice Department report on his case in 2002. “It’s criminal what’s laid out.”        “只要是局里的人都可以在该系统里有所发现,”司法部2002年关于该案的一份报告引用汉森的话说,“这是一种犯罪。”
        Mr. Hanssen pleaded guilty to 15 counts of espionage and conspiracy to avoid the death penalty and expressed remorse for his betrayal. “I am shamed by it,” he said during the 2002 hearing where he was sentenced to life in prison without parole.        为了避免被判处死刑,汉森承认了15项间谍罪和共谋罪,并对自己的叛变表示后悔。“我为此感到羞耻,”他在2002年的听证会上说,当时他被判处终身监禁,不得假释。
        Since July 17, 2002, Mr. Hanssen had been in custody at Florence, the supermax facility that is considered the most secure prison in the federal system and used in recent years to house convicted terrorists. Inmates there are typically held in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day.        自2002年7月17日以来,汉森一直被关押在弗洛伦斯重罪监狱,这个最高级别设施被视为联邦系统中最安全的监狱,近年来被用来关押被定罪的恐怖分子。那里的典型囚犯每天有23小时处于单独监禁状态。
        Mr. Hanssen joined the F.B.I. in 1976 as a special agent and went on to hold several counterintelligence positions that gave him access to classified information. He began spying for the Soviet Union three years after joining the bureau, when he was assigned to a counterintelligence unit in New York, by walking into the New York offices of Amtorg, a Soviet trade organization that was known to be a front for the Soviet military intelligence agency.        汉森于1976年以特工的身份加入联邦调查局,之后担任过几个反间谍职位,这些职位让他能够接触到机密信息。加入联邦调查局三年后,他开始为苏联从事间谍活动,当时他被分配到纽约的一个反间谍部门,得以接触阿姆托格贸易公司的纽约办公室,这个苏联贸易组织是已知的苏联军事情报机构的幌子。
        He stopped spying for several years starting in 1980, after his wife, Bonnie, walked in on him in the basement of their home in Westchester County, N.Y., and he quickly tried to cover up his papers. He confessed to her and to a priest affiliated with Opus Dei, the conservative Catholic organization to which the couple belonged.        从1980年开始,他停止了几年的间谍活动,因为他的妻子邦妮偶然在他们位于纽约州威彻斯特县的家中的地下室撞破了他,而他匆忙试图掩盖手边的文件。他向她和一名主业会神父忏悔——主业会是这对夫妇所属的保守天主教组织。
        In 1985, he began spying again, providing information to the K.G.B. This time he did a better job of covering his tracks, using encrypted communications and other secret methods; even the Russians never knew who he was. Identifying himself only by code names like B and Ramon Garcia, Mr. Hanssen turned over sensitive information said to include specific satellite intelligence collection capabilities.        1985年,他再次开始从事间谍活动,向克格勃提供信息。这一次,他用加密通信和其他秘密方法,更好地掩盖了自己的踪迹;甚至连俄罗斯人也不知道他是谁。汉森只用“B”和“拉蒙·加西亚”这样的代号来表明自己的身份,他交出的敏感信息据说包括详尽的卫星情报收集能力。
        He stopped spying again after the Soviet Union collapsed, then resumed again in 1999. His betrayal went undetected for years as he collected at least $600,000 in cash and diamonds from the K.G.B. and its post-Soviet successor, S.V.R., which told him that they had set aside another $800,000 for him in a Moscow bank, according to prosecutors.        他在苏联解体后再次停止间谍活动,直到1999年重操旧业。检察官称,他的背叛行为多年来一直没有被发现,他从克格勃和其后苏联时代的继承者俄罗斯对外请报局手中得到了至少价值60万美元的现金和钻石,对外请报局还告诉他,他们在莫斯科的一家银行还为他预留了80万美元。
        In the 1990s, after the arrest of Aldrich Ames, a C.I.A. agent who had also spied for the Russians, the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. realized that someone else was still providing Russia with classified information, and they began “Graysuit,” a hunt for the unknown double agent. But it was not until 2000 that investigators were able to narrow the search, when the F.B.I. paid $7 million to a former Russian intelligence officer for a file on the anonymous mole who called himself B — a file that included an audio recording with a voice that two F.B.I. analysts who knew Mr. Hanssen eventually recognized.        上世纪90年代,同样为俄罗斯人从事间谍活动的中情局特工奥尔德里奇·艾姆斯被捕后,联邦调查局和中情局意识到还有其他人在向俄罗斯提供机密信息,于是他们启动了“灰色套装”行动,追捕这个不知名的双面间谍。但直到2000年,调查人员才得以缩小搜索范围,当时调查局向一名前俄罗斯情报官员支付了700万美元,购买了一份关于这位自称B的内鬼的文件——这份文件包括一段录音,两名认识汉森的调查局分析师最终认出了录音中的声音。
        Using fingerprints, the F.B.I. confirmed that the mole was Mr. Hanssen and surveilled him for months, even promoting him to keep better track of him. In February 2001, agents arrested him in Foxstone Park in the Washington suburb of Vienna, Va., a few blocks from his home, after he had left classified documents in a garbage bag at a “dead drop” for his Russian handlers under a wooden footbridge.        联邦调查局利用指纹确认了内鬼就是汉森,并对他进行了数月的监视,为了更好地跟踪他,甚至还给他升职。2001年2月,特工在弗吉尼亚州华盛顿维也纳郊区的福克斯斯通公园逮捕了他,他家就在几个街区外。当时他把机密文件放在一个垃圾袋里,放在一座木桥下的“情报放置点”,供他的俄罗斯联络人收取。
        Mr. Hanssen seemed unsurprised at finally being caught. “What took you so long?” he reportedly asked when arrested.        汉森对最终被捕似乎并不感到意外。“你们怎么花了这么长的时间?”据报道,他被捕时问道。
        Robert Philip Hanssen was born on April 18, 1944, in Chicago to Vivian and Howard Hanssen, a career Chicago police officer who did intelligence work for the department. An only child who was seen as nerdy and never fit in, Robert had a difficult relationship with his father, who emotionally abused him. He grew up obsessed with James Bond, collecting spy gadgets and even opening a Swiss bank account.        罗伯特·菲利普·汉森于1944年4月18日出生在芝加哥,母亲是维维安·汉森,父亲是霍华德·汉森。他的父亲是芝加哥一名职业警察,负责警察局的情报工作。罗伯特是独生子,被认为是个不合群的书呆子,和父亲的关系很不好,受到了他的情感虐待。他从小就痴迷于詹姆斯·邦德,收集间谍工具,甚至开设了一个瑞士银行账户。
        Mr. Hanssen received a bachelor’s degree in chemistry in 1966 from Knox College in Illinois, where he also studied Russian, but after graduation he was rejected by the National Security Agency when he applied for a position in cryptography. He enrolled in dentistry school at Northwestern University, but later transferred to the business school, where he received a master’s degree in business administration.        汉森于1966年在伊利诺伊州诺克斯学院获得化学学士学位,他在那里还学了俄语,但毕业后他申请一个密码学职位时被国家安全局拒绝。他进入西北大学牙科学院,后来转到商学院,获得工商管理硕士学位。
        While in dentistry school, he met and married Bonnie Wauck and converted from Lutheran to join her Roman Catholic faith. After a year working at an accounting firm, he took a position with the Chicago Police Department specializing in forensic accounting. Four years later he moved to the F.B.I.        在牙科学院期间,他与邦妮·沃克相识、结婚,并脱离路德教会,皈依了她的罗马天主教信仰。在一家会计师事务所工作一年后,他在芝加哥警察局找到了一份法务会计工作。四年后,他进入联邦调查局。
        Bright but brittle, Mr. Hanssen was said to have burned with resentment that did he not receive the respect and assignments he felt he deserved. With six children in parochial schools or college, he attributed his decision to spy for Moscow to money, although his reasons were never fully understood.        汉森聪明但玻璃心,据说因没有得到他认为自己应得的尊重和任务而充满怨恨。他有六个孩子在教区学校或大学读书,因而自称是为了钱给莫斯科卖命,尽管人们至今也没能完全理解他这样做的理由。
        “Many of the factors that have motivated or influenced traitors in the past — such as greed, ideology, career disappointments and resentment, and drug and alcohol abuse — do not apply to Hanssen or do not fully explain his conduct,” a Justice Department inspector general’s report on the case said in 2003.        “过去激励或影响叛变者的许多因素——例如贪婪、意识形态、职业失望和怨恨,以及吸毒和酗酒——不是汉森的情况,或者不能完全解释他的行为,”司法部监察长在2003年关于此案的报告中说。
        Hanssen led a double life in more ways than one. An active member of the Roman Catholic lay organization Opus Dei, he presented himself as a religious and committed anti-communist conservative. But according to reports, he also visited strip clubs, allowed a friend to clandestinely watch him having sex with his wife and engaged in what was said to be a secret but nonsexual relationship with an exotic dancer whom he plied with gifts and took on an FBI trip to Hong Kong.        汉森在许多方面过着双重生活。作为罗马天主教世俗组织主业会的活跃成员,他以一个虔诚的反共保守派的形象示人。但据报道,他还去过脱衣舞俱乐部,允许一个朋友偷窥他与妻子的性事,并与一名艳舞女郎建立了一种据说没有性的秘密关系,他送礼物给她,在因调查局公事出差香港时还带上了她。
        Hanssen’s ability to avoid detection was seen as a signal failure of the U.S. intelligence apparatus. His own brother-in-law, who also worked for the FBI, reported suspicions about Hanssen to the bureau a decade before his arrest, but the supervisor he told dismissed his concerns.        汉森能够长久潜伏被认为是美国情报机构的沟通失误使然。他自己的姐夫也曾在FBI工作,汉森被捕10年前他就向FBI报告了对汉森的怀疑,但收到报告的主管无视了他的担忧。
        Hanssen was the subject of multiple books and films, including a television movie in 2002 in which he was played by William Hurt and a feature film called “Breach” in 2007, in which he was played by Chris Cooper.        汉森是多部书籍和电影的主题,包括2002年由威廉·赫特饰演的电视电影和2007年由克里斯·库珀饰演的电影《双面特工》(Breach)。
        “Hanssen was a thicket of paradoxes, a suburban dad and outwardly devoted family man who professed to be deeply religious while at the same time betraying family, faith and country, all and everyone who ever mattered to him,” Ann Blackman, a co-author of “The Spy Next Door,” said Monday. “For 21 years, through the terms of four presidents and three FBI directors, he fooled them all.”        “汉森是矛盾的集合体,一个中产家庭的父亲和一个表面上忠诚的爱家男人,他自称是虔诚的教徒,但同时又背叛了家庭、信仰和国家,以及所有对他重要的人,”《隔壁的间谍》(The Spy Next Door)的作者之一安·布莱克曼在周一说。“21年,历经四任总统和三任调查局局长,他愚弄了他们所有人。”

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