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China Crosses a Flying Milestone but Remains in the Boeing-Airbus Grip

来源:纽约时报    2023-06-02 10:51

        Millions of flights take off and land in China every year, almost all of them using planes made by Boeing and Airbus, the world’s two leading aircraft manufacturers. For years, China has been working to change that and, this week, it celebrated a milestone in that quest: the first commercial flight of a large passenger jet made in China.        中国每年有数以百万计的航班起降,所用的飞机几乎都是由波音和空客这两家全球领先的飞机制造商制造的。多年来,中国一直在努力改变这种状况。现在,中国庆祝了这项追求的新里程碑:中国制造的大型客机首次商业飞行。
        The C919 jet, made by Comac, a Chinese state-run aerospace manufacturer, flew about 130 passengers from Shanghai to Beijing for China Eastern Airlines on Sunday, according to Chinese state media. It is currently the only C919 plane being used for commercial flights.        据中国官方媒体报道,中国东方航空的这架C919客机上周日将大约130名乘客从上海运送至北京。这架飞机由中国国有航空制造商——中国商用飞机公司制造,是目前唯一一架用于商业飞行的C919飞机。
        Comac, or the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, was established in 2008. Based in Shanghai, it is closely linked to Avic, the Aviation Industry Corporation of China, which makes the country’s turboprops, fighter jets and bombers. The C919 is a narrow-body plane comparable to the Boeing 737 and Airbus A320.        中国商飞成立于2008年。公司总部位于上海,与为中国制造涡轮螺旋桨飞机、战斗机和轰炸机的中国航空工业集团关系密切。C919是一款窄体飞机,对标波音737和空客A320。
        Aviation experts said China faces stiff competition from the entrenched rivalry of U.S.-based Boeing and Airbus, a European company with national ownership stakes held by France, Germany and others. The two have dominated the sale of planes worldwide for years.        航空专家表示,中国面临着来自美国波音和空客的激烈竞争。空客是一家由法国、德国等国控股的欧洲公司。这两家公司多年来一直主导着全球飞机的销售。
        Boeing’s chief executive, Dave Calhoun, speaking to reporters this week at a Boeing factory in North Charleston, S.C., called the C919 a “good airplane” that will eventually satisfy domestic demand in China, but said it will be “a long while” before the country builds up enough production capacity to fill those needs.        波音首席执行官戴夫·卡尔霍恩本周在南卡罗来纳州北查尔斯顿的波音工厂对记者说,C919是一架“好飞机”,最终将满足中国国内的需求,但他表示,中国要建立足够的生产能力来满足这些需求,还需要“很长一段时间”。
        Mr. Calhoun spoke from a room overlooking a handful of Boeing 787 twin-aisle jets that were being prepared for customers around the world, including Air China, the country’s flagship carrier. He said he believed the Comac C919 would eventually be able to meet the demand for domestic flights in China. He was confident the global market could accommodate a third big manufacturer.        卡尔霍恩的讲话地点位于一个可以俯瞰到几架波音787双通道飞机的房间,这些飞机的客户来自世界各地,其中包括中国的载旗航司中国国际航空公司。他说,他相信中国商飞的C919最终能够满足中国国内航班的需求。他相信,全球市场可以容纳第三家大型制造商。
        “Three providers in a growing global market of this size and scale should not be the most intimidating thought in the world,” he said.        “在这样一个体量和规模不断扩大的全球市场上,有三个供应商不应该是世界上最可怕的想法。”
        China remains an important market for Boeing and Airbus.        中国仍然是波音和空客的重要市场。
        Last year, about 42 percent of China’s more than 4.1 million scheduled domestic flights used Boeing airplanes, and 54 percent used jets made by Airbus, according to Cirium, an aviation data provider.        航空数据提供商Cirium的数据显示,去年,中国410多万个定期国内航班中,约42%使用波音飞机,54%使用空客飞机。
        Airbus, which entered the China aviation market in 1985, said in April that it would build a second assembly line at its factory in China and got the green light to move ahead with orders for 160 planes. It has about 2,100 aircraft in use in China.        空客于1985年进入中国航空市场。该公司今年4月表示将在中国的工厂建造第二条装配线,并得到了推进160架飞机订单的绿灯。该公司目前在中国投入使用的飞机大约有2100架。
        For Boeing, of the approximately 10,000 planes it has delivered worldwide over the past two decades, nearly 14 percent were sent to customers in China.        至于波音,在过去20年里,该公司在全球交付了约1万架飞机,其中有近14%交付给中国客户。
        Boeing’s sales in China have suffered in recent years. Commercial flights aboard Boeing’s 737 Max resumed in China in January, about two years after the plane started to return to service around the world, including in the United States, and about four years after the Max was banned globally following two fatal crashes that killed 346 people.        近年来,波音在中国的销售受到影响。今年1月,波音737 Max的商业航班在中国恢复飞行。此前,该机型在世界各地(包括美国在内)已恢复使用约两年——大约四年前,波音737 Max发生两起坠机事故,导致346人死亡,因此在全球禁飞。
        Mr. Calhoun said Boeing would support the country while more of China’s residents started flying again as the economy recovered from strict Covid restrictions. But recurring tensions between China and the United States mean that Boeing’s relationship with China will progress in “fits and starts,” he said, adding that there would be plenty of business for Boeing either way.        卡尔霍恩表示,随着中国经济从严格的疫情限制中复苏,越来越多的中国民众开始重新飞行,波音公司将支持中国。但他说,中美之间反复出现的紧张关系意味着波音与中国的关系进展将会“起起落落”,他还表示,无论如何,波音都会有大量业务。
        “What’s life without China? It turns out life will be OK. It’s not the way we want it, but it’ll be OK,” he said.        “没有中国的生活会怎样?事实证明,生活没有问题。这不是我们想要的,但没有问题,”他说。
        He added: “We should stay focused on the competition we have and try to win that technology race. And as we do so, keep ourselves in the league with respect to whatever China ultimately does.”         “我们应该专注于现有的竞争,并努力赢得这场技术竞赛。在我们这样做的同时,无论中国最终做什么,我们都要保持自己在行业中的地位,”他还说。
        Comac relies heavily on U.S. and European suppliers to make the C919, including its engine and many components necessary to power and control the plane. The company has said it plans to eventually start making 150 C919 planes a year, though analysts are skeptical about Comac’s production capacity, particularly after years of delays in producing the plane in the first place.        中国商飞制造的C919严重依赖美国和欧洲的供应商,包括发动机和许多为飞机提供驱动和控制的部件。该公司曾表示最终计划年产150架C919,不过分析人士对中国商飞的生产能力持怀疑态度,尤其是在该飞机的生产推迟了多年之后。
        The C919 has yet to be certified for use on international flights, but could over time fill a growing demand in China for single-aisle planes in domestic flight. By 2030, China is expected to need some 4,800 single-aisle jets like the C919 for regional travel, according to Herman Tse, an analyst at Cirium.        C919尚未获得国际适航认证,但随着时间推移,它可以满足中国国内对单通道飞机日益增长的需求。睿思誉(Cirium)的分析师谢浩文表示,到2030年,中国预计将需要大约4800架像C919这样的单通道飞机用于区域旅行。
        If the company is able to increase its production of the C919, he said, Comac could become a popular choice for Chinese airlines and carve out a piece of the market, but it would still lag Boeing and Airbus.        他说,如果该公司能够增加C919的产量,中国商飞可能会成为中国航空公司的热门选择,并在市场上分得一杯羹,但它仍将落后于波音和空客。

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