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China Investing in Open-Source Intelligence Collection on the U.S.

来源:纽约时报    2023-06-02 11:35

        China’s intelligence agencies are investing deeply in open-source intelligence to learn more about the capabilities of the American military in the Pacific and beyond, according to a new report.
        The analysis, by the threat intelligence company Recorded Future, details efforts by China’s government and companies to collect publicly available data from the Pentagon, think tanks and private firms — information Beijing’s military can use to help plan for a potential conflict with the United States.
        该分析报告来自一家名为Recorded Future的威胁情报公司,它详细说明了中国政府和企业从五角大楼、智库和私营公司收集公开数据的努力——北京军方可以利用这些信息来帮助为与美国的潜在冲突做规划。
        Why It Matters: Beijing’s open-source intelligence collection could give it an advantage.
        As the relationship between the United States and China has become more adversarial, both countries are investing more in their intelligence collection capabilities.
        With Beijing’s investments in big data management, mining publicly available sources of information could give China an advantage in collecting intelligence on the United States and its allies.
        While autocratic countries like China hide information about their military, the United States — as a democracy that tries to be responsive to its public — puts out a plethora of information about its military capabilities, doctrine and planning.
        China can mine that information, looking for material it can use to its own military advantages. For example, the report details some of the work one prominent Chinese open-source intelligence company has done to analyze publicly available insights from the Office of Net Assessment, the Pentagon’s in-house think tank. Recorded Future also outlined how China has tried to gather information put out by the Naval War College in Newport, R.I.
        中国可以挖掘这些信息,寻找可用于自身军事优势的材料。例如,该报告详细介绍了一家主要的中国开源情报公司所做的一些工作,以分析来自五角大楼内部智囊团“网络评估办公室”可公开获得的观点分析。Recorded Future还概述了中国如何试图收集位于罗得岛纽波特的海军战争学院发布的信息。
        “The U.S. Naval War College has a China Maritime Studies Institute, and it produces a lot of open-source research on China,” said Zoe Haver, a threat intelligence analyst with Recorded Future. “This is done in an academic setting, but ultimately foreign governments consider this valuable intelligence.”
        “美国海军战争学院有一个中国海事研究所,它开展了大量关于中国的开源研究,”Recorded Future的威胁情报分析师佐伊·哈弗说。“这是在学术环境中完成的,但终究会被外国政府认定为有价值的情报。”
        Military officials did not immediately comment on the report’s findings.
        Background: China is mining information on the U.S. military.
        China’s secret intelligence-gathering abilities have grown in leaps and bounds in recent decades, and Beijing’s investment in open-source information has intensified over the last decade.
        The definition of open-source intelligence is broad, but Recorded Future looked at information that the intelligence agencies of China’s People’s Liberation Army were using to help them make plans and develop the military.
        开源情报的定义很广泛,但Recorded Future研究了中国人民解放军的情报机构用来帮助他们制定计划和发展军事的信息。
        Recorded Future has examined contracts that the army has issued to private Chinese companies to gather a range of open-source information, including material about the U.S. military and its work on the defense of Taiwan.
        Recorded Future对军方签发给中国民营公司的合同展开了调查,让它们收集一系列开源信息,包括有关美军及其在台湾防卫工作的材料。
        “The P.L.A. very much assumes the United States will in some form intervene in a Taiwan conflict, and they work very hard to prepare for that type of scenario,” Ms. Haver said.
        Much of what Beijing is mining from open-source data may well be available in one Chinese spy agency or another. But China’s intelligence agencies are walled off from one another and do not share information, according to Recorded Future’s analysts. And it may be easier for parts of the P.L.A.’s intelligence arms to develop open-source information about American capabilities than to request classified information from a sister spy agency.
        北京从开源数据中挖掘的大部分内容很可能都掌握在个别中国间谍机构手中。但据Recorded Future的分析师称,中国的情报机构各自为政,不会共享信息。与向姊妹间谍机构索取机密信息相比,对于解放军部分情报机构来说,开发有关美国能力的公开来源信息可能更容易。
        What’s Next: Open-source collection presents a challenge for democracies.
        Recorded Future acknowledges there are security concerns given the information the United States and its allies make public, but cutting off broad access to the data may not be the answer.
        考虑到美国及其盟国公开的信息,Recorded Future承认存在安全问题,但切断对数据的广泛访问可能不是解决办法。
        Instead, Ms. Haver said Recorded Future hoped awareness of Chinese open-source intelligence gathering would help private-sector companies, the military and other government agencies better manage that risk and make it harder for automatic web crawlers to scrape information from public databases or websites. She also encouraged private companies to conduct due diligence about Chinese firms trying to purchase access to their information.
        相反,哈弗说,Recorded Future希望人们意识到中国对开源情报的收集,这将有助于私营部门公司、军方和其他政府机构更好地管理这种风险,并使自动网络爬虫更难从公共数据库或网站上抓取信息。她还鼓励私营公司对试图购买其信息的中国公司进行尽职调查。
        “At the end of the day, we don’t expect Western countries to close off their information environments,” Ms. Haver said. “That would not even be a good thing. We value openness.”

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