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Hong Kong Remembered the Tiananmen Massacre, Until It Couldn’t

来源:纽约时报    2023-06-05 10:42

        For decades, Hong Kong was the only place in China where the victims of the 1989 military crackdown on pro-democracy activists at Tiananmen Square in Beijing could be publicly mourned in a candlelight vigil. This year, Hong Kong is notable for all the ways it is being made to forget the 1989 massacre.        数十年来,香港曾是中国唯一能公开纪念“六四”的地方,人们用烛光守夜悼念1989年北京天安门广场民主运动中被军队镇压的罹难者。今年,香港以各种方式让人民忘记1989年大屠杀的做法引人注目。
        In the days before the June 4 anniversary on Sunday, even small shops that displayed items alluding to the crackdown were closely monitored, receiving multiple visits from the police. Over the weekend, thousands of officers patrolled the streets in the Causeway Bay district, where the vigil was normally held, and set up tents where they searched people suspected of trying to mourn. They arrested four people accused of “acts with seditious intention” and detained four others.        今年的“六四”是周日,几天前,就连展示暗指镇压的物品的小商店也会受到严密监视,警方多次上门走访。周末,数千名警察在以前举行守夜活动的铜锣湾街头巡逻,还搭了临时帐篷,对涉嫌试图哀悼的人进行搜查。警察以涉嫌“作出具煽动意图的作为”逮捕了四人,并拘留了另外四人。
        Zhou Fengsuo, a student leader in the Tiananmen Square protest movement, said that Hong Kong is now under the same “despotic rule” as the mainland.        天安门广场抗议运动的学生领袖周锋锁说,香港现在与内地一样处于“暴政”之下。
        “Back in 1989, we did not realize the mission of a democratic China,” said Mr. Zhou, now the executive director of Human Rights in China, a New York advocacy group. “Afterward, Hong Kong protests faced the same suppression, the same vilification and erasure of memories.”        “我们在89年没有完成中国民主化的使命,”周锋锁说,他现任纽约倡导组织“中国人权”的执行主任。“到后来香港的抗遭遇到了同样的镇压,同样的污名化和抹去记忆的这个过程都是非常类似的。”
        In 1989, the democracy movement in China drew huge support from Hong Kong, then a British colony. After the Chinese military cleared student protesters occupying Tiananmen Square, killing hundreds and possibly thousands, some student leaders in Beijing were smuggled to safety via Hong Kong.        1989年的那场民主运动在当时仍是英国殖民地的香港赢得大力支持。中国军队开枪打死了数百甚至数千人、清除了占领天安门广场的学生抗议者后,北京的一些学生领袖偷渡香港逃到了安全地方。
        Every June 4 for three decades, Victoria Park in Hong Kong was where Tiananmen Mothers, a group representing victims of the massacre, could openly grieve and express hopes for a freer China. The gatherings drew crowds of tens of thousands of people, even as in the past decade some of the city’s younger generation of activists questioned the relevance of the mainland-focused movement as they embraced a distinct Hong Kong identity.        在那之后的三十多年里,代表大屠杀受害者的团体——“天安门母亲”曾于每年“六四”在香港的维多利亚公园举行公开的悼念活动,表达对一个更自由中国的希望。每年的烛光集会曾吸引成千上万的民众,尽管过去十年来,一些接受独特香港身份认同的年轻一代活动人士开始怀疑这场以内地为中心的运动是否具有相关性。
        But since China imposed a national security law on Hong Kong in 2020, virtually all forms of dissent have been criminalized in the city. Pro-democracy and antigovernment protests like those that roiled the city in 2019 have been snuffed out.        但自从中央政府2020年对香港实施国家安全法以来,几乎所有形式的异见在这座城市都成了犯罪。类似于2019年那场席卷香港的亲民主和反政府抗议活动已被扼杀。
        The authorities have paid particular attention to commemorations of the Tiananmen massacre. They raided a museum dedicated to it, removed books about the crackdown from libraries and imprisoned organizers of vigils.        当局对天安门大屠杀的纪念活动尤为关注。他们突击搜查了一个专门纪念“六四”的博物馆,从图书馆拿走了有关镇压的书籍,监禁了守夜活动的组织者。
        In the past two years, the authorities cited pandemic restrictions to bar all public memorials of the crackdown. Those Covid restrictions were lifted this year, but instead of a Tiananmen vigil, Victoria Park was occupied by a trade fair. The fair was organized by pro-Beijing groups to celebrate the 1997 return of Hong Kong to Chinese rule, one month before that anniversary.        过去两年里,当局曾以遏制疫情为由,禁止了所有公开纪念“六四”的活动。虽然今年取消了疫情限制,但维多利亚公园没有“六四”守夜活动,而是被一个市集占据。这个名为“家乡市集嘉年华”的活动是由亲北京的团体组织的,为的是庆祝1997年的香港回归,那个纪念日是在大约一个月后。
        The imprisonment of vigil organizers has raised the question of whether Hong Kong would ever allow residents to peacefully mourn the victims of the Tiananmen massacre.        “六四”守夜活动组织者被监禁已引发了一个问题,即香港是否还允许民众和平地悼念天安门大屠杀的遇难者。
        Hong Kong’s chief executive, John Lee, has avoided providing a clear answer, saying only that “everybody should act in accordance with the law and think of what they do, so as to be ready to face the consequences.”        香港行政长官李家超没有明确回答这个问题,只是说“每个人都应该依法行事,想想自己行动时是否有面对后果的准备”。
        But the arrests on Saturday left little doubt. Among those arrested were Lau Ka-yee, of Tiananmen Mothers, and Kwan Chun-pong, a former vigil volunteer; they were carrying pieces of paper saying they were on a hunger strike as individual mourners. Sanmu Chan, a performance artist, yelled, “Hong Kongers, don’t be afraid! Don’t forget June 4,” as a crush of officers took him away. The police also detained a man and a woman who had carried chrysanthemums and worn white clothing, symbols of mourning.        但周六的逮捕已对这个问题做出了明确的回答。被捕者包括“天安门母亲”运动成员刘家仪和曾为守夜活动当义工的关振邦,他两人手里拿着写有以“禁食”方式做“个人悼念”的白纸。警方还逮捕了行为艺术家陈三木,他高呼“香港人,唔好惊”、“不忘六四”,一群警察向他扑来,将其带走。警方还拘留了一对手持菊花、身穿白色衣服的男女,菊花和白色衣服都象征哀悼。
        A few more people were taken away by the police on Sunday, including Chan Po-ying, a labor activist; Mak Yin-ting, the former head of a journalist’s association; and Alexandra Wong, better known as Grandma Wong, a familiar figure at many protests, often waving a British flag.        周日又有几人被警方带走,其中包括劳工维权人士陈宝莹、前香港记者协会主席麦燕庭,以及人称“王婆婆”的王凤瑶,许多抗议活动中经常有她挥舞着英国国旗的身影。
        In the lead-up to the anniversary, the authorities were targeting the smallest gestures of remembrance.        在今年“六四”到来之前,当局就已经开始打击那些哪怕最微小的纪念姿态。
        Debby Chan, a former pro-democracy district official, had posted a few photos on social media of electric candles she displayed in her grocery store last Tuesday. The police and representatives of three different government departments visited her several times because of that, she said. But she was undeterred.        曾任区议会议员的民主派人士陈嘉琳上周二在社交媒体上发了几张她在自家杂货店橱窗展示电蜡烛的照片。她说,警察和来自三个不同政府部门的人已因照片多次来到她店里。但她没有被吓倒。
        “The more we’re not allowed to talk about it, the more they make these moves, the more I feel it is the right thing to do,” she said in a phone interview.        “他们越是不让我们谈论‘六四’,越是更多地采取这些做法,我就越觉得我这样做对,”她在接受电话采访时说。
        To Lit Ming Wai, a playwright, Hong Kong has a responsibility to preserve and pass down the memory of the crackdown, especially as it has been distorted and then erased elsewhere in China.        剧作家列明慧认为,香港有责任保存和传承“六四”镇压的记忆,尤其是这一记忆已在中国其他地方被歪曲、被抹去的情况下。
        In 2009, she co-founded a community theater group, Stage 64, which sought to make the history of June 4 more accessible for young people in Hong Kong. The troupe’s most popular play is “May 35th” — a euphemism for June 4 that some people on the mainland use to refer to the crackdown.        她曾在2009年与他人共同成立了社区剧团“六四舞台”,为的是让香港的年轻人以更通俗易懂的方式了解“六四”历史。该剧团最受欢迎的剧目是舞台剧《5月35日》,中国大陆的一些人用这个委婉的说法来指代镇压行动。
        “When we talk about June 4, we are not just thinking about Tiananmen Mothers. Even more, we are thinking of Hong Kong,” said Ms. Lit, who was an M.C. at June 4 vigils from 2004 to 2014.        “我们谈论‘六四’时,想到的不只是天安门母亲。更重要的是,我们也在想香港,”列明慧说道。在2004年到2014年的“六四”守夜活动上,她曾担任主持人。
        That play can no longer be performed in Hong Kong without risking prosecution. Now based in England, Ms. Lit is seeking to take the play overseas. The play was originally performed in Cantonese and had its Mandarin debut in Taipei, Taiwan, on Friday.        那部舞台剧已不能再在香港上演,否则将面临起诉风险。列明慧现居英国,她正在设法将这部剧带到海外。该剧最初以粤语演出,上周五在台北首次以国语演出。
        “For us Tiananmen survivors, losing Hong Kong — this very important place that shielded history and truth — is very painful,” said Mr. Zhou, the former Tiananmen leader. After the raid and forced closing of a June 4 museum in Hong Kong in 2021, Mr. Zhou donated several Tiananmen artifacts to a newly established permanent exhibit in New York, including a bloodstained banner, a tent and a mimeograph. A section was devoted to Hong Kong.        “对于我们‘六四’幸存者来讲, 失去香港这样一个最重要的失去香港这样一个最重要的保护历史真相的阵地真的是非常令人痛心的,”天安门抗议运动的学生领袖周锋锁说。2021年,香港的“六四”博物馆遭突袭搜查并被迫关闭后,周锋锁将几件天安门文物赠给了纽约新设立的永久性展览,包括一面血迹斑斑的横幅、一顶帐篷和一台油印机。该展览有一个专为香港设立的展室。
        He added that he related to the wave of Hong Kong dissidents who had left the city — to the pain of exile and their struggle to keep the movement alive while far from home. But their presence abroad was helping to keep the memory of the crackdown alive elsewhere, he said.        周锋锁还说,他理解并同情已经离开香港的一波波异见人士,理解他们流亡的痛苦,以及他们在远离家乡的地方保持运动活力的艰难。虽然他们身在国外,但他们对将“六四”镇压的记忆在其他地方保持下去有帮助,他说。
        “On the other hand, many Hong Kongers are now passionately participating in June 4 activities around the world, increasing attendance threefold in some places,” he said. “There are now many cities that are starting to commemorate June 4 because of the arrival of Hong Kongers.”        “从另外一方面(来看)啊,各地去年都非常明显地看到有新到海外的香港人,他们会热切地加入各地纪念‘六四’的活动,很多地方人数都(增加了)三倍以上,”他说。“也有很多城市就是因为香港人的到来(才)开始纪念‘六四’。”

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