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In Rare Victory for Media, Hong Kong Court Overturns Conviction of Journalist

来源:纽约时报    2023-06-06 11:17

        In a rare victory for journalism amid a crackdown on the news media in Hong Kong, the city’s top court on Monday overturned the conviction of a prominent reporter who had produced a documentary that was critical of the police.        周一,香港最高法院推翻了对一名著名记者的定罪,该记者制作了一部批评警方的纪录片。在香港新闻媒体遭受打压之际,这是新闻业的一次罕见胜利。
        Choy Yuk-ling, who also goes by the name Bao Choy, is best known in Hong Kong for producing investigative documentaries examining police conduct in 2019, when the city was roiled by months of antigovernment protests.        蔡玉玲(又名阿包)因制作检视2019年警察行为的调查性纪录片闻名香港,当时该市因数月的反政府抗议活动陷入动荡。
        Among the documentaries she produced was a prizewinning episode of “Hong Kong Connection,” a news program by the city’s public broadcaster RTHK. The episode examined who was behind a mob attack on a group of protesters and commuters in a train station on July 21, 2019, that left 45 people injured, and why the police were slow to respond.        在她制作的纪录片中,有一集获奖的节目来自香港公共广播公司——香港电台的新闻节目《铿锵集》。这集节目调查了谁是2019年7月21日在地铁站对一群抗议者和通勤者发动暴徒袭击的幕后黑手以及为何警方反应迟缓,这起事件造成45人受伤。
        Ms. Choy had used a public database to look up the license plates of vehicles caught on video transporting the suspected attackers, and traced them to community leaders in Hong Kong’s outlying villages. She was arrested in 2020 and found guilty the next year of making false statements to obtain car registry records. A court ordered her to pay a fine of 6,000 Hong Kong dollars, about $775. She later appealed the conviction.        摄像头捕捉到运送袭击嫌疑人的车辆,蔡玉玲使用公共数据库查找了车牌,并追踪到香港边远村庄的村代表。她于2020年被捕,并于次年因查车牌登记记录时作出虚假陈述而被判有罪。法院命令她支付6000港元的罚款,约合775美元。她后来对定罪提出上诉。
        On Monday, five judges from the Court of Final Appeal voted unanimously to overturn the conviction. They argued that Ms. Choy may not have knowingly made a false statement, given that many news media companies had filed similar applications for information. By convicting Ms. Choy on the basis of inferring that she had broken the law knowingly, “substantial and grave injustice was done to her,” the court said in the ruling.        周一,终审法院五名法官一致投票推翻原判。他们认为,鉴于许多新闻媒体公司已经提交了类似的信息申请,蔡玉玲可能并非故意做出虚假陈述。法院在裁决中表示,在推定蔡玉玲对违法行为明知故犯的基础上对她定罪,“对上诉人造成实质及严重的不公”。
        In remarks to reporters outside court, Ms. Choy said that she was happy with the conclusion of a legal fight that had lasted 30 months.        蔡玉玲在法庭外对记者说,她对持续了30个月的法律斗争的结果感到高兴。
        “It seems I haven’t felt happy about something in a long time,” she said. “Maybe a lot of people feel the same way. So let us all enjoy this moment of happiness.”        “好像很久没有遇到开心的事了,”她说。“也许很多人都有同感。让我们一起享受这个开心的时刻吧。”
        Francis Lee, a professor at the School of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, said the ruling was a hard-fought victory for Ms. Choy and was a validation of the rights of journalists.        香港中文大学新闻与传播学院教授李立峯说,这项裁决对蔡玉玲来说是一场艰苦的胜利,也是对记者权利的确认。
        “One might also say that journalists should not be charged for using the car plate registry for reporting purposes in the first place, and the victory came only because of the courage and persistence of Choy,” he said.        他说:“有人可能会说,记者为进行报道而查车牌,本不应被起诉,而胜诉完全是因为蔡玉玲的勇气和坚持。”
        The Hong Kong Journalists Association said Ms. Choy’s efforts had helped “defend the space the industry ought to have in searching public records. We deeply respect Ms. Choy’s bravery in protecting press freedom through her actions.”        香港记者协会表示,蔡玉玲的努力帮助“捍卫了该行业在搜索公共记录方面应有的空间。我们对蔡玉玲以行动捍卫新闻自由的勇气深表敬意”。
        Ms. Choy’s conviction in 2021 had created a chilling effect on news outlets, Ronson Chan, the chairman of the journalists’ group, said in an interview. But even with that conviction overturned, Mr. Chan noted, the city’s journalists face severe constraints under a national security law Beijing imposed in 2020. That law makes it illegal to incite hatred toward the government, a vaguely defined offense that journalists risk running afoul of if their reports are critical of the authorities.        记者协会主席陈朗昇在接受采访时表示,蔡玉玲在2021年被定罪对新闻媒体产生了寒蝉效应。但陈朗昇指出,即使这一定罪被推翻,根据北京于2020年实施的国家安全法,该市的记者也面临着严格的限制。该法规定煽动对政府的仇恨是非法的,这是一种定义模糊的罪行,如果记者在报道中批评当局,有可能触犯这一罪行。
        The broader conditions for independent journalism remain challenging in Hong Kong, with laws criminalizing “seditious publications.” Some of the city’s most outspoken independent outlets haveshutteredfollowing raids. Editors and writers are facing long trials over their work.        在香港,独立新闻业的大环境仍然充满挑战,法律将“煽动性出版物”定为刑事犯罪。该市一些最直言不讳的独立媒体在遭到突击搜查后关闭。编辑和作者因他们的工作面临漫长的审判。
        Ms. Choy co-founded an independent media outlet called The Collective HK in February, pledging to “monitor the rich and powerful.” She was a recipient of the Nieman fellowship at Harvard University in 2022.        蔡玉玲于2月与他人共同创立了一家名为集志社(The Collective HK)的独立媒体机构,承诺“监督富人和权贵”。她是2022年哈佛大学尼曼奖学金的获得者。
        “In recent years, we will find that a lot of things have disappeared without a word, but I believe that inner conviction is very hard to take away,” she said on Monday.        “近几年,很多东西无声无息地消失了,但我相信内心的信念是很难被人拿走的,”她周一表示。

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