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China to Build Station That Could Spy on U.S. from Cuba, Officials Say

来源:纽约时报    2023-06-09 02:22

        China is planning to build a facility in Cuba that U.S. officials are concerned could be capable of spying on the United States by intercepting electronic signals from nearby U.S. military and commercial facilities, according to three U.S. officials familiar with the agreement.        据三名知情美国官员透露,中国正计划在古巴建立一处设施,美国官员担心,该设施能够通过拦截附近美国军事和商业设施的电子信号对美国进行间谍活动。
        Beijing has built listening outposts elsewhere and has a military presence in Cuba, but an eavesdropping station could give China a foothold about 100 miles from the Florida coastline, from which it could potentially conduct surveillance operations against the United States.        北京已在其他地方建立了监听哨站,并在古巴有军事存在,但一个窃听站可以让中国在距离佛罗里达州海岸线约160公里的地方获得立足点,它有可能从那里对美国进行监视行动。
        The proximity of the planned facility to the United States is particularly concerning, officials said, because it could amplify Beijing’s technological capacity to monitor sensitive operations across the Southeastern states, including several military bases.        官员们表示,计划中的设施靠近美国,这尤其令人担忧,因为它可能会增强北京监控东南部各州敏感行动,包括几个军事基地的技术能力。
        “We are deeply disturbed by reports that Havana and Beijing are working together to target the United States and our people,” Senators Mark Warner, Democrat of Virginia, and Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, who lead the Senate’s Intelligence Committee, said in a joint statement on Thursday. “The United States must respond to China’s ongoing and brazen attacks on our nation’s security.”        “有报道称,哈瓦那和北京正在联手针对美国和我们的人民,对此我们深感不安,”领导参议院情报委员会的弗吉尼亚州民主党参议员马克·沃纳和佛罗里达州共和党参议员马尔科·卢比奥周四在联合声明中表示。“美国必须对中国对我们国家安全持续而无耻的攻击做出回应。”
        The details of China’s and Cuba’s negotiations — which U.S. officials described on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive intelligence — come as the Biden administration has attempted to stabilize relations with Beijing, its main strategic rival, after a period of rising tensions. The Wall Street Journal first reported on plans to build a facility in Cuba.        中国和古巴谈判的细节(美国官员坚持匿名讨论这一敏感情报)浮现之际,拜登政府正于紧张局势加剧后试图稳定与北京这个主要战略对手的关系。《华尔街日报》首先报道了中国在古巴建立设施的计划。
        President Biden’s National Security Council pushed back against reports of the planned facility. “This report is not accurate,” John Kirby, the council spokesman, said in a statement, declining to go into further detail. “We have had real concerns about China’s relationship with Cuba, and we have been concerned since Day 1 of the administration about China’s activities in our hemisphere and around the world.”        拜登总统的国家安全委员会反驳了有关该设施计划的报道。“该报道并不准确,”委员会发言人约翰·柯比在声明中说,但他拒绝透露更多细节。“我们确实对中国与古巴的关系感到担忧,从政府上任第一天起,我们就一直担心中国在我们这个半球和世界各地的活动。”
        Mr. Kirby said that the administration was closely monitoring those activities and taking steps to counter them. He added that “we remain confident that we are able to meet all our security commitments at home and in the region.”        柯比表示,政府正在密切关注这些活动,并采取措施加以应对。他补充说,“我们仍然相信,我们有能力履行我们在国内和该地区的所有安全承诺。”
        Several diplomatic, military and climate engagements between the two countries were frozen last year after former Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan. Bilateral relations had a further setback earlier this year when a Chinese spy balloon was caught traversing the United States, hovering near sensitive military sites.        去年,在美国前议长佩洛西访问台湾后,两国之间的几项外交、军事和气候合作被冻结。今年早些时候,一个中国间谍气球被人发现盘旋于美国敏感军事地点附近,双边关系为此进一步受挫。
        The incident inspired a backlash from Congress and prompted Antony J. Blinken, the secretary of state, to cancel a scheduled trip to Beijing in February. Mr. Blinken plans to make the trip soon, according to U.S. officials, after weeks of intense diplomacy that included a meeting between Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, and a senior Chinese official, Wang Yi. It is unclear if the latest revelations about the planned facility in Cuba could affect the visit once again.        气球事件引发了国会的强烈反弹,并促使国务卿布林肯取消了原定于2月访问北京的行程。据美国官员称,经过数周紧张的外交活动,包括国家安全顾问沙利文与中国高级官员王毅之间的会晤,布林肯计划很快访华。目前还不清楚有关中国计划在古巴建立设施的最新爆料是否会再次影响他的访问。
        Representatives for the Central Intelligence Agency and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence declined to comment.        中央情报局和国家情报总监办公室的代表拒绝置评。
        Carlos Fernández de Cossio, a foreign ministry official in Cuba, said that reports of plans to build a Chinese spy base in the country were “totally false and unfounded.” A representative for the Chinese embassy said Beijing was “not aware of the case.”        古巴外交部官员卡洛斯·费尔南德斯·德科西奥表示,有关中国计划在古巴建立间谍基地的报道是“完全错误和毫无根据的”。中国大使馆的一名代表表示,北京方面“不知道这个情况”。
        China and the United States routinely conduct surveillance operations on one another. The United States sends surveillance flights over the South China Sea, deploys military assets in allied host nations around the Pacific and sells and supplies arms to Taiwan, a democratic island that the Chinese government considers part of its territory.        中美经常对彼此展开监视行动。美国在南海上空派出侦察机,在太平洋沿岸的盟国部署军事资源,并向台湾出售和供应武器。台湾是一个民主的岛屿,中国政府认为它是其领土的一部分。
        American officials have accused China in recent years of ambitious hacking attacks against the U.S. government and corporations, trying to recruit agents and assets inside and outside the United States and monitoring and threatening Chinese dissenters overseas.        近年来,美国官员指责中国对美国政府和企业发起了野心勃勃的黑客攻击,试图在美国境内外招募特工和情报资产,监视和威胁海外的中国异见人士。
        That Beijing appears to be pursuing a closer arrangement with Cuba is not itself surprising, analysts say. The two countries have forged increasingly close ties since the end of the Cold War. China is Cuba’s largest trading partner, and plays a role in the island’s agricultural, pharmaceutical, telecommunications and infrastructural industries. Beijing also owns a significant measure of Havana’s foreign debt.        分析人士表示,北京似乎在寻求与古巴达成更密切的安排,这本身并不令人意外。自冷战结束以来,两国建立了日益密切的关系。中国是古巴最大的贸易伙伴,在这个岛国的农业、医药、电信和基础设施等领域发挥着重要作用。北京还拥有哈瓦那相当大的一部分外债。
        Cuba’s proximity to the United States has long made it a desirable strategic foothold for U.S. adversaries, perhaps most famously during the Cuban Missile Crisis, when the Soviet Union made and then backed down from plans to place nuclear missiles on the island nation. Today, the United States has a largely inimical relationship with Cuba, which, like China, is controlled by a Communist government.        古巴靠近美国,长期以来一直是美国对手理想的战略立足点,也许最著名的是在古巴导弹危机期间,当时苏联制定了在这个岛国部署核导弹的计划,但后来又放弃了。今天,美国与古巴的关系在很大程度上是敌对的,古巴和中国一样,由共产党政府控制。
        Diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba were put on ice shortly after Fidel Castro’s Communist regime came to power in 1959; the relations were only fully restored during President Barack Obama’s tenure. President Donald J. Trump reversed part of that move by reinstating certain travel bans to Cuba and re-designating the country as a state sponsor of terrorism.        1959年卡斯特罗领导的共产主义政权上台后不久,美国和古巴的外交关系陷入僵局;两国关系在奥巴马总统任期内才完全恢复。特朗普总统恢复了对古巴的某些旅行禁令,并将该国重新认定为支持恐怖主义的国家,从而部分逆转了奥巴马政府的举措。
        Cuban officials have asked the Biden administration to lift this designation but it has remained in place. Still, Mr. Biden has relaxed some of Mr. Trump’s other restrictions. Cuba also continues to treat the U.S. base at Guantánamo Bay, which was established in the early 20th century, as an illegal occupation.        古巴官员已经要求拜登政府取消这一认定,但它目前仍然存在。不过,拜登放宽了特朗普的其他一些限制。古巴还继续把美国20世纪初在关塔那摩湾建立的基地视为非法占领。

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