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Tesla Shanghai Gigafactory records soaring delivery volume in May

来源:中国日报    2023-06-06 15:03

        Tesla's Shanghai plant delivered 77,695 vehicles in May, soaring 142 percent year on year, said the company.        特斯拉发布的数据显示,特斯拉上海超级工厂5月共交付77695辆,同比增长142%。
        Tesla CEO Elon Musk paid a visit to the Tesla Shanghai Gigafactory earlier this month during his trip to China, and lauded the plant for its production efficiency and quality.        特斯拉首席执行官马斯克近日到访中国,并在本月初参观特斯拉上海超级工厂。他表示,上海超级工厂不仅是世界上生产效率最高的工厂之一,造出的车也是全世界品质最好的车之一。
        Established in 2019, the Tesla Shanghai Gigafactory in east China is the carmaker's first Gigafactory outside the United States.        特斯拉上海超级工厂于2019年建成,是特斯拉在美国以外的第一家超级工厂。
        In April 2023, the U.S. carmaker announced another big investment in Shanghai -- the construction of a new mega factory dedicated to manufacturing the company's energy-storage product Megapack.        特斯拉在今年4月宣布了在上海的另一项重大投资——新建储能超级工厂。据悉,工厂将规划生产特斯拉超大型商用储能电池Megapack。
        The new factory will initially produce 10,000 Megapack units every year, equal to approximately 40 GWh of energy storage. Its products are expected to be sold worldwide, said the company.        工厂初期规划年产商用储能电池1万台,储能规模近40吉瓦时(GWh)。产品将销往全球。
                 可持续发展  sustainable development
                 能源绿色低碳转型  green-oriented transition of energy
                 新时代的中国绿色发展  China's green development in the new era
                 “双碳”目标  carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals

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