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Despite Inflation, Earthquakes and Tough Race, Erdogan Is Re-elected

来源:纽约时报    2023-05-29 09:32

        Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has vexed his Western allies while tightening his grip on power during 20 years as the country’s paramount politician, won reelection on Sunday, according to election officials.        据选举官员称,土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安周日赢得连任。在担任该国最高政治人物的20年里,埃尔多安加强了对权力的控制,同时惹恼了他的西方盟友。
        Erdogan overcame fierce competition from a newly unified political opposition and widespread anger among voters over the country’s skyrocketing cost of living to secure another five-year term.        埃尔多安克服了来自新近团结在一起的政治反对派的激烈竞争,以及选民对该国飞涨的生活成本的普遍愤怒,再次获得五年任期。
        The Supreme Election Council of Turkey announced Erdogan’s victory, citing preliminary results. Erdogan led his challenger, opposition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu, by 2.2 million votes, the council’s chair, Ahmet Yener, said in a televised speech late Sunday. More than 99% of the ballot boxes had been counted, he said, and those remaining would not change the winner.        土耳其最高选举委员会援引初步投票结果宣布埃尔多安获胜。 委员会主席艾哈迈德·耶纳在周日晚些时候的电视讲话中说,埃尔多安以220万票的优势领先他的挑战者、反对党领袖凯末尔·基利达罗格鲁。他说,超过99%的投票箱已被点算,余下的选票不会改变选举结果。
        Erdogan will most likely interpret his victory as a validation of his legacy, which has included pursuing a more assertive role for the NATO member in global affairs and a vast consolidation of power in his own hands at home.        埃尔多安很可能将他的胜利解读为对其政治遗产的认可,包括寻求作为北约成员国在全球事务中发挥更积极的作用,以及在国内将大权巩固在自己手中。
        Addressing his supporters from atop a white bus near his home in Istanbul, Erdogan saluted the crowd, sang a song and thanked his supporters.        埃尔多安在他位于伊斯坦布尔的家附近的一辆白色巴士上向他的支持者发表讲话,他向人群致意,唱了一首歌并感谢了他的支持者。
        “We will be together until the grave,” he said.        “我们将在一起,直到(进入)坟墓,”他说。
        After he first became prime minister in 2003, Erdogan presided over tremendous economic growth that saw Turkish cities transformed and millions of Turks lifted out of poverty. Internationally, he was hailed as a new model of Islamist democrat who was pro-business and wanted strong ties with the West.        在埃尔多安于2003年首次担任土耳其总理后,他带领土耳其实现了巨大的经济增长,使该国城市发生了翻天覆地的变化,数百万土耳其人摆脱了贫困。在国际上,他被誉为亲商并希望与西方建立牢固联系的伊斯兰民主人士的新典范。
        But over the past decade, criticism mounted at home and abroad. He faced mass protests against his governing style in 2013, became president in 2014 and survived a failed coup attempt in 2016. Along the way, he seized opportunities to sideline rivals and gather more power, drawing accusations from the political opposition that he was tipping the country into autocracy.        但在过去的十年里,国内外对他的批评声不断。他在2013年面临针对其执政风格的大规模抗议,随后在2014年成为总统,并挺过了2016年的未遂政变。在这个过程中,他抓住机会排挤对手并获得更多权力,遭到政治反对派的指责,称他正在让国家陷入专制。
        For Western powers, Erdogan’s win means five more years of navigating a prickly relationship with a complicated partner.        对于西方大国来说,埃尔多安的获胜意味着在未来五年内仍然需要与一个复杂的合作伙伴展开一段棘手的关系。
        While the United States and other NATO allies applauded Erdogan’s condemnation of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, he has frustrated them by pursing a closer relationship with President Vladimir Putin of Russia, whom he called “my friend."        虽然美国和其他北约盟国对埃尔多安谴责俄罗斯入侵乌克兰表示赞赏,但他寻求与俄罗斯总统普京建立更密切的关系,并称普京为“我的朋友”,这让美国和北约感到失望。
        It is unlikely that he will change course after winning reelection, especially because of Turkey’s deep reliance on Russian tourism and energy imports, and because Russia is building Turkey’s first nuclear power plant near the Mediterranean coast.        他不太可能在赢得连任后改变路线,特别是因为土耳其严重依赖俄罗斯的旅游业和能源进口,而且俄罗斯正在地中海沿岸建造土耳其的第一座核电站。

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