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Why Are So Many People Moving to the U.K.?

来源:纽约时报    2023-05-29 01:50

        For years, Britain’s governing Conservative Party has pledged to restrict immigration, and a vow to “take back control” of borders and migration was a centerpiece of the Brexit campaign to leave the European Union.        多年来,英国的执政党保守党一直承诺限制移民,而“重新掌控”边境和移民这一誓言则是脱欧运动的核心内容。
        Instead, immigration soared in 2022, according to national statistics released on Thursday — news that was somewhat embarrassing to party leaders, whose largely pro-Brexit voters had expected it to fall.        然而根据周四公布的国家统计数据,移民人数在2022年飙升——这一消息让保守党领导层有些尴尬,他们的选民——大部分支持英国脱欧——希望看到的是移民人数下降。
        The new figures show that last year, net migration to Britain — people moving in minus those moving out — reached a record 606,000. That is a 24 percent jump from 2021, and roughly double the rate of net migration in the years just before and after the 2016 Brexit referendum.        新数据显示,去年英国的净移民人数——迁入人口减去迁出人口——达到创纪录的60.6万人。这比2021年增加了24%,大约是2016年英国脱欧公投前后几年净移民的两倍。
        Migration is driven by a complex mix of domestic and global factors like war, job opportunities and politics. So what do the numbers say about what is happening in Britain?        移民是由战争、就业机会和政治等复杂的国内和全球因素驱动的。那么,这些数字说明了英国正在发生什么呢?
        Violence and oppression are helping to fuel migration.        暴力和压迫助长了移民。
        From 2004 to 2017, about 600,000 people moved to Britain each year. In 2022, that figure jumped to 1.163 million, an all-time high and a figure that is unlikely to be matched soon.        从2004年到2017年,每年约有60万人移居英国。到2022年,这一数字跃升至116.3万,创历史新高,而且短时间内不太可能被超越。
        There were big increases last year in the number of people fleeing the Russian invasion of Ukraine (more than 120,000 Ukrainians have moved to Britain since the war began in February 2022), the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan and the growing crackdown on civil rights in Hong Kong. Britain has humanitarian visa programs specifically for those groups.        去年,逃离遭俄罗斯入侵的乌克兰(自2022年2月战争开始以来,已有超过12万乌克兰人移居英国)、塔利班上台后的阿富汗以及公民权利日益受压迫的香港的人急剧增多。英国有专门针对这些群体的人道主义签证项目。
        But those flows already show signs of subsiding. And some of last year’s surge might have been movement that would have occurred earlier but was delayed by the coronavirus pandemic, when migration dropped.        但这些流动已经显示出减弱的迹象。去年移民激增的部分原因可能是这部分人本来早就会移民,但由于新冠疫情而推迟。疫情期间,移民人数有所减少。
        Until a few years ago, migration from the European Union accounted for most of the influx of people to Britain. But after Brexit took away the automatic right of E.U. citizens to settle in Britain, the numbers fell sharply, last year accounting for less than 8 percent of the total.        就在几年前,英国移民的大部分还是来自欧盟国家。但在英国脱欧剥夺了欧盟公民在英国定居的当然权利后,这一数字急剧下降,去年来自欧盟的移民占总数的比例不到8%。
        Emigration from Britain has grown in recent years, much of it by E.U. citizens returning home.        近年来,英国移居外国者有所增加,其中大部分是欧盟公民回国。
        Education and economics play major roles, as well.        教育和经济也发挥了重要作用。
        While the current Conservative government has long voiced its opposition to the high levels of migration, Britain has major labor shortages, particularly in health care, social services and agriculture, partly because of Brexit.        虽然现任保守党政府长期以来一直表示反对大量移民,但英国存在严重的劳动力短缺,特别是在医疗保健、社会服务和农业领域,部分原因是英国脱欧。
        The unemployment rate is below 4 percent, far lower than it was before the pandemic, and many jobs go unfilled, so whatever the government’s position, Britain remains attractive to migrants looking for work. Many employers want the government to grant more work visas.        失业率低于4%,远低于疫情前的水平,许多职位空缺,所以无论政府立场如何,英国对寻找工作的移民仍然有吸引力。许多雇主希望政府发放更多的工作签证。
        The government also points to education as a driver of immigration. Foreign graduate students living in Britain have increasingly taken advantage of a provision that lets them obtain visas for dependent family members.        政府还指出,教育是推动移民的一个因素。越来越多居住在英国的外国研究生开始利用一项政策,为他们的受抚养家庭成员获得签证。
        Suella Braverman, the home secretary, recently said that such visas had jumped 750 percent since 2019, to 136,000 last year. Most were for people from Nigeria and India.        内政大臣苏拉·布雷弗曼最近表示,自2019年以来,这类签证的数量增长了750%,去年达到13.6万份。大多数是来自尼日利亚和印度。
        The government said it would make the dependent visas harder to get, but migration experts have said the change would have a limited effect, and universities argue against discouraging foreign students, who they say benefit the economy.        政府表示会增加获取家属签证的难度,但移民专家表示,这一变化的影响有限,大学反对减少接收外国学生,他们称外国学生对经济有利。
        Arrivals in the English Channel make up a small fraction of migration.        通过英吉利海峡抵达的入境者只占移民总数的一小部分。
        The political rhetoric on migration in Britain in recent years has focused largely on the highly visible arrival of people — mostly refugees seeking asylum — in small boats across the English Channel.        近年来,英国关于移民的政治言论主要集中在那些乘坐小船穿越英吉利海峡的人身上,这些人大多是寻求庇护的难民,受到高度关注。
        But the new migration data offered a timely reminder that undocumented people making the dangerous crossing of the Channel make up just a small portion of new arrivals, while most enter legally.        但新的移民数据及时提醒人们,涉险跨越英吉利海峡的非法移民只占新移民的一小部分,大多数人是合法入境的。
        Just 45,755 people were detected arriving by small boats across the Channel in 2022, according to government statistics published this year. That amounts to 3.8 percent of the total number of people moving to Britain.        根据今年公布的政府统计数据,2022年,只有45755人被发现乘坐小船越过英吉利海峡。这相当于移居英国总人数的3.8%。
        But even in its response to the new migration statistics released on Thursday, the Home Office focused on how to keep boat arrivals down, in addition to slowing overall immigration.        但即使是在回应周四公布的新移民统计数据时,除了表示要减缓总体移民速度,内政部还是把重点放在了如何降低乘船入境人数上。
        “We remain committed to reducing overall net migration, while stopping the boats and delivering control of our borders, prioritizing tackling abuse and preventing dangerous and illegal crossings,” the office said in a statement.        内政部在声明中表示:“我们仍然致力于减少总体净移民,同时阻止船只并控制我们的边界,优先处理不当行为,防止危险和非法越境。”

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