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TikTok Users Sue Montana, Calling State Ban Unconstitutional

来源:纽约时报    2023-05-19 02:57

        A court battle over First Amendment rights kicked off in Montana on Thursday after a group of TikTok users challenged the state’s new TikTok ban, which is set to take effect Jan. 1 and is the first of its kind in the nation.        几名TikTok用户对蒙大拿州刚刚颁布的TikTok禁令提出异议,一场关于第一修正案权利的法庭斗争周四在该州拉开序幕。该禁令将于1月1日生效,是全国首个此类禁令。
        The TikTok users said in a lawsuit that the law violated their First Amendment rights and claimed that the ban, which Gov. Greg Gianforte signed on Wednesday, far outstripped Montana’s legal authority as a state. The lawsuit was filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court but was added to a public court records system on Thursday.        这些TikTok用户在诉讼中表示,该法律侵犯了他们的第一修正案权利,并声称州长格雷格·詹福尔特周三签署的禁令远远超出了蒙大拿州的法律权限。本案于周三被提交至联邦地区法院,但在周四才被录入公共法庭记录系统。
        The ban has also set off an outcry from TikTok and civil liberty and digital rights groups. Montana lawmakers and Mr. Gianforte, a Republican, say the ban is necessary to prevent Americans’ personal information from falling into the hands of the Chinese government. TikTok is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance.        这项禁令也引发了TikTok和公民自由及数字权利团体的强烈抗议。蒙大拿州的立法者和共和党人詹福尔特表示,为了防止美国人的个人信息落入中国政府手中,这项禁令是必要的。TikTok由中国公司字节跳动拥有。
        Under the law, TikTok will be fined for operating the app within the state, and app store providers like Google and Apple will be fined if TikTok is available for download in Montana.        根据这项法律,如果TikTok在该州境内运营该应用程序,将被处以罚款,此外谷歌和苹果等应用程序商店在该州提供TikTok下载也将被罚款。
        No plans for a lawsuit were announced on Thursday by TikTok itself or leading civil liberty groups. Brooke Oberwetter, a spokeswoman for TikTok, declined to comment on the likelihood of the company’s filing a suit.        周四,TikTok和主要的公民自由团体都没有宣布诉讼计划。TikTok发言人布鲁克·奥伯维特拒绝就该公司提起诉讼的可能性发表评论。
        But Ms. Oberwetter said on Wednesday, after the law was signed, that the ban infringed on the First Amendment rights of people in Montana and that the company would keep “working to defend the rights of our users.” She said on Thursday that a federal ban in 2020 did not hold up to legal scrutiny and that Montana did not have a workable plan for enacting the ban.        但在法律签署后,奥伯韦特周三表示,该禁令侵犯了蒙大拿州人民的第一修正案权利,该公司将继续“努力捍卫我们的用户的权利”。她在周四说,2020年的一项针对Tiktok的联邦禁令经不起法律的推敲,蒙大拿州没有制定实施该禁令的可行性计划。
        Ms. Oberwetter also pointed to statements from civil and digital rights groups raising similar concerns. TikTok did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the lawsuit.        奥伯维特还指出,公民和数字权利团体的声明也提出了类似的担忧。TikTok没有立即回应关于该诉讼的置评请求。
        Ramya Krishnan, a lawyer at the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, said the U.S. Constitution protected Americans’ access rights to the social media platforms of their choosing. To justify a ban, Ms. Krishnan said, Montana would have to show that its privacy and security concerns were real and that they could not be addressed in narrower ways.        哥伦比亚大学奈特第一修正案研究所的律师拉米亚·克里希南称,美国宪法保护美国人使用自己选择的社交媒体平台的权利。克里希南说,要说明禁令的合理性,蒙大拿州必须证明其隐私和安全担忧是真实的,而且无法以更细化的方式解决。
        “I don’t think TikTok has yet committed to suing, but I think it’s likely that it will,” she said. “Because this is such a dramatic and unconstitutional incursion into the First Amendment rights of Americans, we are certainly thinking through the possibility of getting involved in some way.”        “我认为TikTok还没有下定决心发起诉讼,但我认为它很可能会起诉,”她说。“因为这是对美国人第一修正案权利的严重的、违宪的侵犯,当然,我们正在考虑以某种方式介入的可能性。”
        NetChoice, a trade group that counts TikTok as a member and has sued in the past to block state laws targeting tech companies, also said in a statement that the ban violated the Constitution. Krista Chavez, a spokeswoman for the group, said NetChoice did not “currently have plans to sue” to challenge the law.        将TikTok列为成员的行业组织网络选择(NetChoice)过去曾试图通过诉讼阻止针对科技公司的州立法,它也在一份声明中表示,该禁令违反了宪法。发言人克里斯塔·查韦斯称,网络选择组织“目前没有发起诉讼”以挑战这项法律的打算。
        The Montana plaintiffs are five residents who “create, publish, view, interact with and share videos on TikTok,” their lawsuit said. Their lawyers did not immediately respond to a request for comment.        在蒙大拿州提告的五位居民在诉讼中称,他们“在TikTok上创建、发布、查看、互动和分享视频”。他们的律师没有立即回应置评请求。
        The lawsuit said Montana “can no more ban its residents from viewing or posting to TikTok than it could ban The Wall Street Journal because of who owns it or the ideas it publishes.” The users also argued that the law violated provisions of the Constitution that give the federal government exclusive power over foreign affairs and prohibit states from regulating interstate commerce.        诉讼书称,蒙大拿州“不能禁止其居民在TikTok上观看或发表视频,正如它不能因为谁拥有《华尔街日报》或其发表的观点而将其禁止。”这些用户还认为,该法违反了宪法中赋予联邦政府对外交事务的专属权力和禁止各州管制跨州商业的规定。
        TikTok users have been successful in blocking a ban of the app before. In 2020, a judge sided with a group of creators who challenged an attempt to ban the app by President Donald J. Trump. TikTok and ByteDance also separately sued to stop the president’s actions.        TikTok用户曾经成功地阻止了对该应用程序的禁令。2020年,一群创作者对特朗普总统试图禁止该应用程序的行为提出了异议,得到一位法官的支持。TikTok和字节跳动也分别提起诉讼以阻止总统的行动。
        Montana passed its law after the federal government and more than two dozen states banned TikTok from government devices in recent months. Lawmakers and intelligence officials have said TikTok, because of its ownership, could put sensitive user data into the hands of the Chinese government. They have also argued that the app could be used to spread propaganda.        在蒙大拿州通过该法之前,联邦政府和20多个州在最近几个月开始禁止在政府设备上使用TikTok。立法者和情报官员表示,TikTok由中国公司拥有,因此可能会将敏感的用户数据交到中国政府手中。他们还认为,该应用程序可能被用于传播政治宣传。
        TikTok says it has never been asked to provide, nor has it provided, any U.S. user data to the Chinese government.        TikTok表示,它从来没有被要求提供,也没有向中国政府提供国任何美国用户数据。
        “Many have hypothesized that China might demand that ByteDance, TikTok’s parent company, turn over Americans’ data or use TikTok to push disinformation in some way, but neither Montana nor the U.S. government has pointed to any evidence that China is actually doing this,” Ms. Krishnan said. “That’s a problem because speculative harms can’t justify a total ban on a communications platform, particularly one that’s used by hundreds of thousands of Montanans daily.”        “许多人假设,中国可能会要求TikTok的母公司字节跳动交出美国人的数据,或以某种方式利用TikTok推送虚假信息,但蒙大拿州和美国政府都没有拿出任何证据表明中国真的在这样做,”克里希南说。“这是一个问题,因为不能以推测出来的伤害为由全面禁止一个交流平台,特别是一个每天有数十万蒙大拿人使用的平台。”
        In addition to the legal fight, many experts raised questions about whether the law could be enforced. Internet users can use virtual private network software to disguise their location. Individuals who live in Montana border towns could have access to TikTok and other mobile apps through cellular towers in neighboring states.        除了法律战,许多专家还提出了该法是否可执行的问题。互联网用户可以使用虚拟私人网络软件来伪装他们的位置。住在蒙大拿州边境城镇的个人可以通过邻州的手机信号塔使用TikTok和其他移动应用程序。
        In an email, Emilee Cantrell, a spokeswoman for the state’s attorney general, Austin Knudsen, said there was existing technology for restricting app use within a specific location. The technique, known as geofencing, is “already in use across the gaming industry,” which the state’s Justice Department also regulates, Ms. Cantrell said.        蒙大拿州司法部长奥斯汀·克努森的发言人艾米莉·坎特雷尔在一封电子邮件中说,现有的技术可以在特定地点限制使用应用程序。坎特雷尔说,这种被称为“地理围栏”的技术“已经在游戏行业使用”,该行业也属于州司法部监管对象。
        “A basic internet search will show you companies that provide geolocation compliance,” she said. If companies do not comply with the ban, she continued, the agency “will investigate and hold offending entities accountable in accordance with the law.”        “只需上网搜索就能看到提供地理定位合规服务的公司,”她说。如果公司不遵守禁令,司法部“将依法调查并追究违规实体的责任”。
        Asked about the lawsuit filed by TikTok users, a second spokeswoman for Mr. Knudsen, who is named the defendant in the lawsuit, said later on Thursday that his office “expected a legal challenge” and was “fully prepared to defend the law.”        克努森在TikTok用户的诉讼中被列为被告,克努森的另一位发言人在周四晚些时候被问及该诉讼时说,他的办公室“对法律挑战已有预期”,并“完全准备好捍卫该法”。
        The legislation puts the onus for enforcing the ban on TikTok, Apple and Google. Under the law, TikTok could be fined $10,000 for each individual violation of the ban and an additional $10,000 every day a violation continues. Apple and Google would face the same fines if they allowed the app to be downloaded in the state.        该法要求TikTok、苹果和谷歌承担执行禁令的责任。根据这项法律,每次有人违反禁令,TikTok可能会被罚款1万美元,并且持续违反禁令的行为会被追加每天1万美元的罚款。如果苹果和谷歌允许该应用程序在该州下载,也将面临同样的罚款。
        While the State Legislature was considering the ban, a trade group representing Apple and Google said it would be impossible for the companies to restrict access to an app inside a single state.        在州议会考虑该禁令期间,一个代表苹果和谷歌的行业组织曾表示,这些公司无法做到在一个州内限制对一个应用程序的访问。
        “The responsibility should be on an app to determine where it can operate, not an app store,” David Edmonson, a vice president for TechNet, the trade group, said in a statement on Thursday.        “一个应用程序可以在哪里运行,应该由该应用本身而不是应用商店来决定,”行业组织技术网(TechNet)的副总裁戴维·埃德蒙森在周四的一份声明中说。
        Google and Apple declined to comment.        谷歌和苹果拒绝置评。

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